
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

| Yes, there is Lemon | No NTR | No Yuri | ======================= SYNOPSIS: A simple game, 2 players.The Anomaly AND The Omnipotent. what's at stake? Nothing... It's a simple game of intelligence, manipulation, growth, and bonds. But the Players disagree! As per the rules, there is nothing at stake but unfortunately in truth, everything is, why? Because there was a possible third player! But is she a player? No. But she is the reason for the game! Omnipotent wishes to eliminate her while the Anomaly wishes to keep her as his. While the possible third player just wishes for her freedom, to destroy the Balance. But again is it that simple? Nah... The possible third player is feared by the Omnipotent and is the object of obsession for the Anomaly The Anomaly stands tall while the Omnipotent hides true. Both a mystery to each other, one is unpredictable while the other is absurd. A game that was supposed to be simple can decide all, with everything at stake and all at odds. ================= MC not simp(He is the type of guy who you can have a drink with and is chill but also someone who you neer want to mess with no matter what.) This Novel is Harem (It will be slow harem! 5 to 6 girls max. ) ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · Fantaisie
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165 Chs

The Anomaly Meets The Omnipotent, The Game Begins!?

"It's cold today."

Ken muttered to himself as he walked on an empty street. His hands were inside his pockets. 

He looked around, trying to find anyone on the empty street, it was very odd. His curiosity grew and with that he became more cautious, feeling the creepy silence around. 

"So quiet..." 

Ken spoke out loud and paused his step, taking a moment to carefully look around. He turned around intending to return but his gut was telling him that it would be meaningless... 

"Tch," he clicked his tongue and turned, randomly walking around now. "For god sake, this is Tokyo, not a random city..." he muttered and quickened his pace, his eyes darting around, looking for any sign of life, but it was dead silent as if he was alone. 

Ken kept walking around eventually arriving at Main Street, and it too was empty. No people were in sight, and the stores and billboards were closed. Not even animals or birds around. No sign of life except for Ken was present.

This was the most populated city in Japan and the whole world which was silent, dead silent. 

Ken walked around, trying to find anything but it was all in vain. he pulled his phone out, wanting to call someone but. 

Honk! Honk! 

The sharp blare of a truck's horn came from behind, making Ken snap his head back, eyes widening in shock.

Just a few dozen meters away, a truck hurtled toward him at breakneck speed.

Instinctively, Ken's body reacted, muscles tensing as he leaped to the side with all his strength—but he was too late.

The truck swerved, zeroing in on Ken who was mid-air. Time seemed to slow as the truck zeroed in, and Ken caught a glimpse of the driver's seat... empty.



"Where am I...?" Ken's voice was dry as he took in the incredible scenery around him. The scenery was something impossible to see from Earth, it was beyond Earth in the literal sense. 

He was in space, just floating around like cosmic dust. Countless stars in every direction, massive cosmic clusters, and giants, small space rocks floating and flying about. 

"What is going on..." he muttered, puzzled.

"Simple. You're dead." A masculine, slightly confused voice rang out, pulling Ken from his thoughts. He spun around, trying to pinpoint the source, but the voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. "And you aren't supposed to be here... Anomaly," the voice added, a hint of amusement hidden in the words.

"Oh? And why am I not supposed to be here?" Ken asked, slipping his hands into his pockets, his posture casual yet his mind alert. "Let me guess—getting hit by a driverless truck in the middle of a creepily empty Tokyo and then floating in some cosmic nowhere is just part of a big, elaborate prank?" His tone was nonchalant, but his eyes were sharp, searching for anything or sighs.

Silence answered him, stretching long enough to irritate him.

"This isn't a prank... As for where I am, that would be in the 4th layer of space," the voice finally replied.

Ken blinked, processing the absurdity of the statement. "Yeah... I don't recall skipping any classes on astrology or anything remotely related..." he deadpanned, 'I know about the 4th dimension, but a 4th layer of space?' He mulled over the words, trying to make any rational connection.

Suddenly, the space in front of him began to crackle and distort, before ripping apart soundlessly to reveal an endless darkness. 

'Damn... when did tech get this good?' he thought, amazed by how smooth and realistic it was. But unfortunately for him, this was reality. 

Out of the darkness stepped a figure—a man with gray hair and dark gray eyes with the physique of a Greek god and god-tier looks, casually dressed in a red t-shirt and gray shorts.

He stopped before the floating Ken, a small, amused smile playing on his lips.

Ken's curiosity sharpened as he studied the man. 'A guy with god-level looks, gray hair, and dark gray eyes. About 6'4" and built like a Greek God sculpture... How does someone like him stay off the radar?'

(Image of the Man in the Comment and in Discord server.)

...says the guy with even better looks who can hide from the public without a trace...

Ken smirked at his own irony as he searched his memory, but no one matched the features of the man in front. 

"My name is Thraxis. I dwell in the 4th layer, and as for why you couldn't see me earlier, it's because your human-level senses and power aren't equipped for it," Thraxis explained, his gaze scrutinizing Ken, curious. 

"Well, thanks for clearing that up. I understood nothing!" Ken exclaimed, his voice plain. "I'm Ken, by the way. Not exactly thrilled to meet you." He introduced himself, making Thraxis chuckle. "So, can we drop the act? I've got things to do," Ken asked, his tone casual, though his eyes were serious.

They locked gazes, Ken's brilliant golden eyes meeting with Thraxis's dark gray with seriousness and a bit of irritation. 

"Unfortunately, this isn't an act..."

"How so?"

"Because I said so."


Ken's expression turned indifferent and cold. 'So we're doing this irritating bastard routine now?' he mentally grumbled, growing more annoyed.

"Hey hey! Who are you calling an irritating bastard?" Thraxis raised an eyebrow, clearly amused.

Ken's confusion heightened—he was certain he'd kept that thought to himself. 'Mind tricks? Alright then... 9257193,' he tested, serious but interested in the game.

"Oh come on, it's not a mind trick, just mind reading. And 9257193" Thraxis played along, still amused. "Want to continue?"

"Nah, your point's made," Ken waved it off, relaxing slightly. Whether this was a grand-scale prank or reality, he decided to roll with it.

"Hey Anomaly, want to play a game?" Thraxis asked, referring to Ken as 'Anomaly.' 

"I am stuck floating around, so why not?"

"Great!" Thraxis's grin, his grin was somewhat childish, filled with excitement. "Let's risk it all! How about it?"

Ken raised his brows, he had nothing to offer here. "As long as the game's fun, I'll play it to the end."

Thraxis's grin grew, his eyes gleaming. "Fair enough. As long as it's fun!"

Ken nodded, his words ringing true. If this was a prank, he'd at least try to enjoy it. And if it was real... well, he'd still be himself, nothing more, nothing less. Nothing was changing. 

"So, what game are we playing?"

Thraxis pondered the question for a moment before an idea came to him. "An open game! Since we're risking everything, we'll play with everything we've got! Of course, it'll be fair—nothing too extreme," he suggested, and Ken nodded, liking the concept.

Thraxis's excitement was palpable. "In that case, let's use a playground you're familiar with—that anime you watched earlier shall be our stage. You've got the advantage, having read the novel too! So, be prepared!" he announced.

Ken's lips twitched at the choice. "That fake paradise that turned into hell for the weak... Sure," he shrugged. It was hell for the weak... Ken was confident, so he didn't care, just running with the flow. 

"Alright then! I'll pass you something. If you can tame her, you'll have an easier time and enjoy the game more!" Thraxis declared, clawing at the space beside him. The space ripped open, revealing the endless darkness. He reached in and pulled out a glowing silver cube that fits easily in his hand. "I present to you 'The Anomaly System'! Perfect for you, an Anomaly. She's a headache to deal with and very troublesome if not suppressed, but you should be able to handle her!!"

Thraxis tossed the silver cube at Ken, and it instantly launched into his chest, disappearing. Ken glanced down, feeling nothing out of the ordinary. 

"Let's begin, shall we?" Thraxis asked, excitement brimming in his voice. Ken simply nodded.

In the next moment, Ken vanished, leaving Thraxis alone. His grin slowly faded into a solemn expression. "Ken... what an anomaly you are... It gives me hope that you can suppress that abominable balance... She's trouble, but I wish you the best of luck," Thraxis murmured, aware that the 'abominable balance' would bring challenges for both Ken and himself...

The very next moment, Ken vanished, leaving Thraxis with a solemn expression.

"Anomaly Ken... you give me hope. You can suppress that abominable balance... and even tame her. She is trouble, but I wish you the best," Thraxis murmured, aware that the 'abominable balance' would bring suffering for both Ken and himself... Mostly himself if Ken managed to tame her.


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