
Gallant of a stranger

Seth woke up in the alternate world, where the era right now was focusing on the awakened and their special abilities. Awakening one of the weakest abilities "invisible hands", the future seems pretty bleak to Seth. But, just when Seth was going to give up, the world hasn't forsaken him and give him a cheat ability of divine eyes. With the cheat of divine eyes, Seth could see the things normal humans couldn't see. Follow the journey of Seth, who was deemed as a "Stranger" in the world to the top.

Drunkenbard · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Ch 12 : The siblings

" Lieze, if it was not four our kindness. You and your brother would not even be able to live in this house for the past 8 years. Now your brother has reached 18 years old, we need him to be independent and return the house back to us."

" LIAR!!! You two are liars. This house was left by our parents to us. If it was not for the accident 8 years ago, you two wouldn't even have anything!!!!"

" Huh, what an ungrateful child!!! Husband, we don't need to keep this farce in front of her. We just came here to tell both of them to get out of this place. "

After hearing the words of the middle-aged couple, Seth who just arrived at the door has his complexion turned pale.

Seth couldn't help but quickly enter the house and went to help his sister.

The middle-aged couple seeing Seth has arrived didn't have any ripple on their face.

"Huh, it's good for you to be here. It's hard to communicate with an unreasonable underage child."

With an aloof voice, the middle-aged woman said.

" Listen! With the judgment of the court, the ownership of this house has been transferred to us. We were kind enough to wait for you to reach adulthood before kicking you out of this house. Now, pack up your belonging and leave this house as soon as possible. We don't want to see both of your ugly faces here."

The middle-aged couples who were arguing with Lieze before were the uncle and aunty of Seth and Lieze, and also the one who stole the inheritance from Seth's parents.

" Seth, Lieze we know the life of you two has been hard. But it was accordingly to the court that the ownership of this house has been transferred to us. And you know that our company currently faces some financial problem right. We need to sell this house to maintain the stability of the company. "

If one were to say that the words of their aunt were harsh, then the words of their uncle may seem a bit kinder. But it didn't change the fact that both of them has the intention to kick the siblings out of their parent's house and leave them without anything.

Lieze sobbing grew even harder hearing the words of the two. She knew that her brother has let go of his college education so she can gain better opportunities. Without a college degree, there was no chance that her brother would get a decent job and it would be hard for the two of them to continue living.

Lieze was about to get down on her knees and beg their uncle for some leniencies. However, just before she was about to kneel, her brother's words interrupted them.

" In this world, the two of us siblings never owed anyone. The two of you keep bullying us without leaving us anything. But remember my words."

Seth takes a deep breath and stabilizes his mind. In this kind of situation, he remembers the words from one of his favorite novels. The one who was bullied when he was young but finally could overcome all his adversities.

" Thirty years east, thirty years west, don't you dare bully me because I'm poor now! Remember that justice will always prevail in the end. "

Seth didn't bother anymore with the middle-aged couple, he takes the hand of his sister and quickly pack up their belonging before leaving the house they have lived their entire life.



" Brother, you were so cool back then."

Lieze looked at her brother with glimmering eyes. She really likes the confident and cool big brother before. Her brother was used to be like this prior to their parent's death. However, after his parents level the world, his brother changed. He became a lot more passive and tend to avoid troubles.

" But what are we supposed to do now? It's not too late for us to beg mercy from them and ask them to let us stay in the house for a couple more months. If needed I will even kneel and kowtow in front of them. "

She knew that her brother just regained his past self. It would be a huge blow for him if he were asked to beg mercy to their aunt, so she was ready to take this role and be the scapegoat.

Seth's eyes locked at his sister. The two of them has depended on each other for so long, and it was obvious what her sister was thinking about.

Seth smiled while patting Lieze's head.

" It's okay. Brother has made enough money recently. you don't need to worry about them. Silly girl, do you think your brother would act without thinking of the consequences? "

Hearing her brother's words, Lieze's face reddened. She realized that her brother must have known what she was thinking.

Seth laughs at his sister, and Lieze could only hit Seth back for retaliation.

The atmosphere was pretty heartwarming for the siblings, but Seth's eyes now were full of determination. He took out the small mirror from his pocket and observed it carefully

[ Name: Seth Ranger ]

[ lv: 5 ]

[ Species: Human ]

[ Hp : 150 / 150 ]

[ Strength: 16 ]

[ Agility: 15 ]

[ Intelligence: 15 ]

[ Dexterity: 16 ]

[ Charm: 15 ]

[ Sp: 15 ]

[ Awakened abilities :

Invisible hand Lv. 2 ( 2 Sp / Minutes )

Divine eyes of perception Lv. max - passive

Divine eyes of perception Lv. 2 - active ( 4 Sp/uses) ]

[ Skills : - ]