
Galaxy Online: Harem Across the Universe

Kenny Stone, an average but intelligent man, was going about his monotonous, day-to-day life when he died due to an unfortunate accident. However, to his surprise, he was soon transported into an alternate dimension! Posessing the first-ever artifically created body, he soon discovered that this universe had many differences from his own. Countless aliens lived in tandem with humans? The universe was interconnected by a single online game and system? Nudity and sex in general were viewed with complete indifference? Kenny found out that it was up to him to spread the greatness of intercourse on an intergalactic scale, all while becomming the greatest Galaxy Online player to exist! ---------------------------------------------- * after a chapter title means sexual content other than sex. ** after a chapter title means sex and can include all other forms of sexual content. Cover is not mine, let me know if the original artist wants it removed.

RelicFarmer · Urbain
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16 Chs

The Bathroom (1)

"Sir, the meeting has already started. At this rate you'll be even later than Sloth usually is."

Speaking was an attractive woman who appeared to be around 20 years old. She had sky-blue hair and eyes and wore a formal outfit similar to Layla's. Walking with a great deal of confidence, she looked to the man walking in front of her.

With every step causing the tiled ground beneath him to quiver, the rotund man was a massive figure wider than he was tall. Even so, he towered over his secretary. Holding a let of meat as large as her head, he took a bite of it as he said.

"It doesn't matter. Envy will wait for everyone to arrive anyway. This time she seemed to be rather serious about their talent."

The blue-haired woman could only sigh at this. They continued down the rest of the hallway in silence, making multiple turns and entered numerous rooms that showed the large size of the building they were in. Eventually, they stood in front of a massive, wooden double door.

Without bothering to knock, the large man pushed both doors open with ease. Greeting him was a large, round table with seven seats, five of which were already taken.

The man grinned, causing the flesh on his cheeks to bounce. "See, Iris, I still got here earlier than Sloth."

His attendant, Iris, could only sigh once again and close the door behind him. Despite her power in the top five percent of rankers on Earth, she wasn't even allowed to enter the room.

Once the door closed, the large man immediately found himself the target of multiple jokes.

"Oh, look whose finally here. The fatty named Gluttony finally waddled into the revenue," laughed a tall man. Unlike Gluttony however, he was an extremely built figure with broad shoulders and and seemingly everlasting grin.

"Yeah, yeah. Real creative, Wrath," Gluttony spat, taking another bite the leg. "I would be shocked if you said something other than a weight joke."

Wrath just laughed, uncaring about Gluttony's remark. At this time, the door opened once again and a woman wearing a white hoodie that completely hid her features walked in and sat down. She said nothing, only laying her head down and appearing to fall asleep.

"Alright, now that we are all here, I'll officially start the meeting." Speaking was another woman with pale skin, black hair and black eyes. While she couldn't be called super attractive, her features possessed an almost otherworldly alien-like beauty.

At this time, Wrath spoke up. "So why'd you call us here? I hope this isn't another false alarm, Envy."

"No, this time I'm sure of it. Someone on Earth obtained an A-rank ability upon connecting to the system."

"Well, who are they. We gotta get to them before anyone else does," Wrath grinned.

Envy's look suddenly darkened, creating an ominous atmosphere that hung over the seven people in the room like an approaching storm.

Envy then opened her mouth and said, "Well, that I don't know."

Silence descended upon the meeting, only broken by the soft snoring of the woman wearing a white hoodie.

* * *

"A sex-related ability?" Kate muttered, a hint of disappointment in her frown. Layla, on the other hand, had a much more thoughtful reaction at the discovery of Kenny's gift. Rubbing her chin, a sly grin slowly found its way onto her face.

Suddenly, Layla stood up. "No, it's a great ability, maybe even the best in fact. For anyone other than him, it would probably be worthless. But Kenny is a beautiful man with a large penis."

Saying so, she took a glance at his erection and licked her lips. "You see, Kate, I've finally completed the production of 'that'."

Kate's eyes widened. "Is that so? Then, in the future, his ability's usefulness will probably grow exponentially."

Listening to the two talk, his face grew quite strange. What was 'that' and how could it make his ability more valuable. From their initial reactions and based on his limited understanding of the world, Kenny could only assume that sex was something rarely done, if at all.

Well, he supposed it didn't really matter. Although he had just met Kate and Layla, Kenny considered himself to be a pretty good judge of character. He doubted they would go through all this just to trick him, especially considering they probably could have used the chip to control him directly.

Allowing him to make choices about what he wanted to do despite knowing his potential was all he needed to know about them.

"So, what should I do, going forward?" Kenny asked.

Kate rubbed her chin, crossing her legs as she answered, "I suppose your main priority would be to level up now. While your ability is good, people don't just have sex all the time like it's a common activity to do. In the future, with what Layla's company is working on, women will definitely be more sexually active but currently it's close to useless."

He nodded in understanding and asked another question. "But how do I level up?"

"You just have to participate in the Galaxy Games. Tomorrow we can go over them but now it's already late in the day," Kate said, looking at the gradually darkening sky outside. "Why don't we call it a day. We need to eat and take a shower anyway."

Layla suddenly stood up at this and grinned. "That's right, I wanted to take a shower as well. I'm all sweaty after this hot day. Why don't we all take one together and eat after? It'll help us bond with Kenny anyway."

Nodded her head, Kate didn't seem to have any issues with Layla's proposal. Kenny didn't appear to mind in the slightest either, but internally he could barely keep his rampaging thoughts under control.

'I must make the most out of this situation. Layla and Kate both believe that I don't have any memories, so all my actions should be similar to theirs as they are the only examples that I would have to go off of,' he thought to himself.

Based on their earlier behavior, he could easily offer to help them wash themselves, using that to his advantage. The two women didn't seem to have any issues playing with each other's breasts, so he imagined that if he played it well, he could do the same if not more.

Smiling to himself, Kenny got up and followed the two as they made their way to the master bathroom. He entered the hallway and entered the second door on the left, finding himself in a large bedroom.

Similar to the living room, it contained modern white furniture, a king-size bed, and a few other items like dressers, all while lacking extra furnishings.

"You can go ahead and enter the bathroom through that door there," Kate said, pointing at the only other door in the room. "Just wait for us there. I have to get some extra towels out; it'll just take a minute."

"Sure," he replied and quickly entered it. Once inside the bathroom, Kenny wasn't surprised to find it as fancy as he expected. White marble made up most surfaces and he even found a large jacuzzi in the corner. A mirror made up one wall with a counter containing various items like brushes below it.

However, this didn't take up more than a thought, as most of his attention was focused on suppressing his rising boner. Although the two women didn't mind it in the least, Kenny felt like he should be able to control himself better, especially going forward in the future.

If he ended up getting a half-mast every time he saw a beautiful woman lacking clothing, it would certainly cause issues for his mental state.

Turning to the mirror, Kenny finally got a good look at his new body for the first time.

'Holy shit, I'm beautiful,' he couldn't help but gasp at the sight of himself. With his white hair and golden eyes, Kenny couldn't find a single blemish anywhere on his baby-like skin.

It was at this time that the door opened and the two woman walked in.

Slowly, Kenny turned his head. In his view were Kate and Layla, completely nude and standing there shamelessly, staring at him and his massive boner.

Kenny was also looking at them, making sure to save the sight as a core memory that he would never forget. With both their exposing themselves fully, the sight would send any man and even some women into a state of lust.

While he had already seen their breasts, seeing their thick asses and vaginas displayed was a whole different level. Kate's was fully closed like a pink flower bud, hidden by the short bush of trimmed hair above it.

Layla's vagina, on the other hand, bore a small camel toe and fully shaved crotch that Kenny found just as attractive.

The pair walked to him and Kate, who was carrying a towel, tossed it to Kenny. He barely managed to catch it but the action brought him out of his dumbfounded state of mind. It looked like this shower wouldn't be bad in the least.

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