

After graduating from Su Shi University, Su Jing was in a bad mood and went back to his hometown to adjust his mood. However, he discovered that his own backyard had become the Galactic Garbage Station. Every day a large amount of trash is deposited into his backyard. Some came from the Tomb of God, Battle Through the Heavens, Coiling Dragon, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, X-Men, Captain America, Iron Man, and other novels, animes, and Marvel universes. As the owner of the garbage station, Su Jing has the obligation to deal with this Garbage. At first, he thought it was a hard and unprofitable task, but he discovered that he has found the most beautiful and cushy job in the world. Before anyone says anything, I am the original translator of this novel/fanfic.. I am uploading it here to get a larger fanbase and to get some support on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/GGS6395)

DarkShadow95 · Célébrités
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Chapter 1125 Unique Treatment Method Part 2

The teenager remained hesitant and clearly lacked trust in this unfamiliar establishment. However, he also understood that their family most likely couldn't afford the exorbitant medical fees charged by Kangfeng Hospital's VIP area, so he reluctantly complied.

As they stepped inside the hospital, an eerie silence enveloped the surroundings. The duo proceeded to register and were directed to the ophthalmology treatment room. 

The doctor, a middle-aged individual, began by conducting a thorough examination of the teenager's vision. Afterward, the doctor prepared for a while before presenting a pair of contact lenses to them which were noticeably thinner than regular ones.

"This... I thought this was supposed to be myopia treatment. Why are you giving us contact lenses?" The middle-aged woman questioned with a hint of surprise in her voice. 

Meanwhile, the teenager furrowed his brow, growing increasingly skeptical of this hospital. Was this hospital merely trying to swindle money from unsuspecting patients?

"Hehe, these are not your ordinary contact lenses. They are a revolutionary type of bionic lenses. Regular contact lenses can cause discomfort, and irritation, and can even have adverse effects on vision if worn for extended periods. Forgetting to remove them while sleeping can also be harmful to the eyes. However, these bionic lenses eliminate all discomfort. Once you put them on, there's no need to remove them unless they sustain damage. You would have to come to the hospital to have them safely removed," The middle-aged doctor explained with a confident smile.

"This... it sounds too good to be true," The middle-aged woman's eyes lit up with a mixture of curiosity and hope.

"Is it true or just a hoax?" The teenager however maintained his skepticism. How come he had never heard of such advanced technology? Even if it was a recent development, it shouldn't appear in a small, newly opened hospital like this one.

The middle-aged doctor offered further explanations, and the middle-aged woman became increasingly intrigued. Eventually, the teenager reluctantly agreed to give it a try.

The installation of the contact lenses proved to be a surprisingly simple procedure. It took less than half a minute, and they were already in place. The teenager had worn contact lenses before, and they had caused discomfort as the doctor had said. 

However, these lenses felt as if he wasn't wearing anything at all. There was no irritation or uneasiness whatsoever. Even when he examined himself in the mirror, he couldn't detect any trace of contact lenses. 

The lenses were as thin as the delicate wings of a cicada, seeming to merge seamlessly with his pupils. As for his vision, it was remarkably corrected, and everything appeared clear and sharply defined.

"Xiao Jing, how do you feel?" The middle-aged woman eagerly inquired, her anticipation palpable on her face.

"It feels amazing," The teenager responded with a bright smile on his face. For the time being, these contact lenses proved to be a delightful surprise, exceeding his expectations. 

Overwhelmed by curiosity, he couldn't resist asking, "So, I really don't have to take these lenses off?"

"No, they function as your natural eyes now, offering an additional layer of protection. As long as you take normal care of your eyes, keep them clean, avoid developing conjunctivitis from lack of hygiene, and prevent injuries, you won't need to remove the lenses for ten years. The warranty period is one year, and if any issues arise within that timeframe that isn't caused by human damage, we'll happily replace them free of cost," The middle-aged doctor explained confidently.

"That's incredible! Xiao Jing, you see? I told you this hospital is amazing," The middle-aged woman exclaimed, her face radiating with joy.

With smiles on their faces, the teenager and the middle-aged woman left the hospital, brimming with satisfaction. Due to the teenager's high degree of myopia and severe astigmatism, the cost of the contact lenses exceeded 40,000 Yuan.

Soon after, more individuals sought treatment at the hospital. Among them were those seeking remedies for blindness, a condition that naturally commanded a higher price. 

However, each patient left with great satisfaction after receiving treatment. Subsequently, patients with cataracts also sought assistance and departed the hospital content, and were relieved of their condition.

Although the number of patients seeking treatment was not significant, word of the hospital's exceptional treatment effectiveness gradually spread. Eventually, reporters arrived at the hospital, eager to conduct interviews.

On this particular day, two journalists, a man and a woman, arrived at the entrance of the hospital.

Coincidentally, they witnessed a stretcher being carried inside, with a team of medical professionals carefully guiding the injured individual. Covered in blood, it was clear that the patient had just been involved in an accident.

With their curiosity piqued, the two journalists decided to follow inside and entered a treatment room. They half-expected to be halted, but to their astonishment, the doctors and nurses paid them no mind.

"Based on the situation, they must be preparing for surgery, right?"

"Seems like it, but this doesn't look like an operating room, and they didn't even try to stop us. Can we really trust this hospital?"

Given the severity of the injuries, could they genuinely avoid surgery?

Suddenly, a nurse swiftly removed the patient's trousers, exposing the injured leg, and proceeded to open the patient's shirt, revealing the wounded abdomen. The doctor retrieved a palm-sized device and placed it on the patient's wound. 

Emitting a soft glow, the device swiftly stopped the bleeding and initiated rapid healing. It was an awe-inspiring sight. While the wound was still visible, it appeared significantly improved compared to before— it was almost as if it had undergone at least two weeks' worth of treatment.

"Oh my god, what is this?" The journalists were left dumbfounded and couldn't help but ask.

"This is the Bioplasmic Repairer," The doctor explained.

"Bioplasmic Repairer? What in the world is that?" The two journalists were utterly bewildered. They had never encountered such a device before. 

No longer concerned with their initial intentions to expose false advertisements, they eagerly wished to capture this remarkable scene on camera. Of course, they sought the consent of both the doctor and the patient before doing that. 

The doctor seemed to receive some instructions and didn't object, only requesting the patient's opinion. After a moment of contemplation, the patient agreed as well. The miraculous nature of the treatment had convinced him.

Initially, he had anticipated surgery, but it turned out to be unnecessary. He felt no pain, and the recovery was astonishingly rapid, uplifting his spirits.

Following this encounter, the journalists proceeded to interview other departments within the hospital. Perhaps due to positive recommendations from previously treated individuals, more people arrived compared to the first day. 

Patients with nearsightedness, blindness, and cataracts, among others, sought help from this hospital. Each interview left the journalists astounded.

Arriving with the intention of exposing false advertising, they soon discovered that this hospital was far from deceptive. It possessed extraordinary medical capabilities.