

After graduating from Su Shi University, Su Jing was in a bad mood and went back to his hometown to adjust his mood. However, he discovered that his own backyard had become the Galactic Garbage Station. Every day a large amount of trash is deposited into his backyard. Some came from the Tomb of God, Battle Through the Heavens, Coiling Dragon, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, X-Men, Captain America, Iron Man, and other novels, animes, and Marvel universes. As the owner of the garbage station, Su Jing has the obligation to deal with this Garbage. At first, he thought it was a hard and unprofitable task, but he discovered that he has found the most beautiful and cushy job in the world. Before anyone says anything, I am the original translator of this novel/fanfic.. I am uploading it here to get a larger fanbase and to get some support on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/GGS6395)

DarkShadow95 · Célébrités
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1409 Chs

Chapter 1105 Expose

The examination revealed that the three were unharmed and not poisoned. However, during the process, they became even strangers. They suddenly prostrated themselves on the ground, clasped their hands together, and started wriggling and crawling like snakes.

The initial reaction of the Central Intelligence Agency personnel was that these three were probably pretending to be insane. Looking at them like this, it was hard not to laugh at them.

But what they didn't expect was that the three individuals continued this act for a long time, and nothing could stop them. After a while, they noticed that the skin of the three had become loose and it was as if they were about to shed their skin, and that's when they realized something was seriously wrong.

They conducted a comprehensive examination of the three individuals but couldn't find any issues. Then, all three individuals simultaneously experienced an extremely bizarre scene.

Their scalps slowly split open, and a red object emerged from within— this red object was a massive red snake.


"Oh, My God!"

The medical personnel and members of the Central Intelligence Agency were terrified and quickly retreated. Three red snakes slowly slithered out from the tops of their heads, leaving behind only a layer of skin while their flesh and organs disappeared.

The members of the Central Intelligence Agency naturally had strong psychological resilience, but witnessing this scene, they couldn't help but feel horrified and almost went insane.

They pulled out their guns and shot frantically at the three snakes, quickly killing them. However, the shadow in their hearts lingered and couldn't be easily dispelled.

"Find out what the hell is going on here, investigate everything! I want to know what, how, and why this happened." The Bureau Chief was shocked and furious and he found it difficult to accept everything that had happened.

While the Central Intelligence Agency was in a state of panic over the three snakes, a lightning-fast phantom had already traversed the entire agency, gathering and organizing information and sending it to Su Jing. 

In China, after Su Jing received the information, a cold smile appeared on his face.

"Qilin," Su Jing called Luo Qilin back on the phone after he reviewed the information.

"Master, what are your orders?" Luo Qilin respectfully asked.

"Take down a member who has access to this confidential information. Use the Morphing Medicine I gave you to assume his appearance and then unveil the information," Su Jing said. 

Luo Qilin's mission in the United States required him to avoid exposing his true identity, so Su Jing provided him with Morphing Medicine from the "Law of The Devil Universe" to disguise himself.

"What should be done with the captured individual?" Luo Qilin asked.

"Kill him and dispose of the body," Su Jing said.

"Understood." Without hesitation, Luo Qilin set out to carry out the task.

Luo Qilin was known for his efficiency, always getting things done quickly.

While the public was still discussing the video of the American spies turning their coats, the British newspaper "The Guardian" suddenly dropped a bombshell. 

They revealed the existence of a secret program code-named "Prism" by the National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States, which required telecommunications giant Verizon to provide millions of users' call records every day. 

Soon after, the Washington Post in the United States disclosed that over the past years, the NSA and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had been accessing the servers of nine major internet companies, including Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Yahoo, to monitor citizens' secret information such as emails, chat records, videos, and photos, as well as the activities of specific targets and their contacts.

Once the news broke, the American and global public opinion erupted.

"Oh my god, is this real?"

"The Guardian and The Washington Post jointly reported it. The evidence of the confidential information is solid. It can't be fake. The whistleblower, Snowden, is a technical analyst from the CIA. He couldn't bear to live in a society under surveillance, so he took the risk to expose the truth."

"Does this mean that everyone using servers from Microsoft, Google, Apple, Yahoo, and other internet giants is under surveillance?"

"Fuck, that's terrifying. So, we've been constantly monitored in our daily lives."

"How can this be? Is there no privacy left at all?"

American citizens and people around the world reacted strongly to this news. The U.S. President quickly responded and publicly acknowledged the existence of the program. He had no choice but to admit it. 

He emphasized that this program was not targeting American citizens or individuals in the United States. Its purpose was counterterrorism and ensuring the safety of Americans. 

Moreover, it was authorized by Congress and subject to oversight by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. 

He defended, saying, "You can't have 100% privacy and 100% security while having 100% convenience. The work of intelligence agencies is to better understand the world."

The Secretary of State argued, "Monitoring allied countries in the field of international relations is not unusual. Various kinds of intelligence have benefits for maintaining national security."

The Bureau Chief of the National Security Agency stated, "Only non-U.S. persons outside the United States are the subjects of surveillance. Surveillance activities have undergone rigorous legal scrutiny to minimize the acquisition, retention, and dissemination of unintentionally obtained information of U.S. persons."

However, regardless of the explanations given by the United States, most internet users found it difficult to accept any of their explanations.

The European Union expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the United States and intensified its criticism of the reports on U.S. surveillance of the EU, considering it a "Breach of Trust" and warning of a possible "Severe Political Crisis." 

EU officials revealed that the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy had requested immediate clarification from the U.S. regarding the surveillance incident. 

Two important EU countries, France and Germany, escalated their accusations against the United States on the same day. 

The German government spokesperson described the U.S. actions as reminiscent of the "Cold War" era, while the French president demanded an immediate halt to U.S. surveillance of the EU and threatened to suspend trade negotiations with the United States.

Even the most influential civil rights organization in the United States, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), officially filed a lawsuit against the federal government. 

Additionally, American citizens collectively filed a lawsuit against the federal government, seeking $3 Billion Dollars in compensation, and internet users from other countries could also sue the U.S. government.

For a moment, the United States became the target of public criticism. The image of the U.S. government was severely tarnished, and it faced immense pressure both domestically and internationally.