
Gaia: The Tormented Loser's Second Chance

John ; A self-proclaimed loser, John's new life into the unknown world of Gaia, a fantasy world where he himself has a second chance to redeem himself.

GoatedWriterOfTime · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

A Daily Loser's Life

John is a lonely and unhappy young boy who is constantly bullied by his family and classmates. He is an anime enthusiast and finds solace in his love for the medium, but his passion is not enough to make up for the emotional abuse he suffers at home.

John's parents were furious when they caught him kissing a body pillow of Esdeath, an anime girl from Akame ga Kill. They berated him and called him a pervert and a disgrace to the family.

"What is wrong with you, John?" his father yelled, his face red with anger. "Why are you wasting your time with this stupid anime stuff? You're never going to amount to anything if you keep obsessing over cartoons like this."

"You're such a loser, John," his mother chimed in, shaking her head in disgust. "We should have never had a son like you. We wish you were never born."

John hung his head, feeling ashamed and embarrassed. He knew that his parents didn't understand his love for anime, but he never expected them to be so cruel and harsh. He tried to explain himself, but they wouldn't listen.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," John said, tears welling up in his eyes. "I just really love anime, it's my escape from the real world. It makes me happy."

"Happy? You call this happy?" his father said, gesturing to the body pillow. "This is sick and twisted, and I won't have it in my house. You need to grow up and get your act together, or you're going to end up alone and miserable."

John didn't have time to respond before his younger siblings, Adam and Eve, entered the room. They saw the body pillow and started laughing and pointing at John.

"What's this, John? Is this your girlfriend?" Adam teased, pinching John's chubby cheeks.

"Leave me alone!" John yelled, trying to push Adam away. But Adam was stronger and he held onto John, forcing him to the ground.

"Come on, Eve, let's show John how to be a man," Adam said, grinning wickedly. Eve joined in and started kicking John, laughing as he cried out in pain.

John tried to defend himself, but he was no match for his younger siblings. He curled up into a ball, trying to protect himself from their blows. He wished that he could escape from this horrible situation, but he was trapped and powerless.

After this incident, he did not speak for weeks to anyone. He isolated himself.

Closing his heart to the world.

John has been admiring Phoebe from afar for months. He is captivated by her beauty and charm, and he longs to ask her out. He spends hours daydreaming about what it would be like to be her boyfriend, and he can't shake the feeling that they would be perfect together.

Every time he sees Phoebe, his heart races and his palms start to sweat. He wants to talk to her, but he is too nervous and shy. He fears that she will reject him, just like all the other girls at school have.

But despite his fears, John is determined to ask Phoebe out. He knows that he may not get another chance, and he doesn't want to miss out on the opportunity to be with the girl of his dreams. He just hopes that she will see him as more than just a nerdy anime fan and give him a chance.

John knows that he will have to be brave and put himself out there. He will have to overcome his anxiety and embarrassment, and take a risk. But he is willing to do whatever it takes to win Phoebe's heart and make her his girlfriend.

He finally mustered up the courage to ask her out.

John nervously approached Phoebe, his heart pounding in his chest. He had been dreaming of this moment for weeks, and finally gathered the courage to confess his feelings to her.

"Phoebe, I have something to tell you," John said, his voice shaking with nervousness. "I really like you and I was wondering if you would go out with me."

Phoebe looked at John with a mix of confusion and disgust. She knew that he was a bit of a social outcast and didn't really fit in with the popular crowd, but she never expected him to have the audacity to ask her out.

"John, I'm sorry, but I don't like you that way," Phoebe said, her voice cold and distant. "In fact, I don't even want to be seen with you."

John's heart sank as he heard Phoebe's words. He had been so sure that she would accept his confession and they would start dating, but he was wrong. He stood there, frozen in place, as Phoebe turned away from him and walked off, leaving him alone and rejected.

As if to add insult to injury, Phoebe stopped at a nearby water fountain and filled up her water bottle. She looked back at John and smiled, a cruel and mocking smile. She walked back to him, stopped a few feet away, and threw the water from her bottle at him, drenching him from head to toe.

"Thanks for the drink, John," Phoebe said, laughing as she walked away, leaving John standing there, humiliated and embarrassed. He looked down at himself, feeling the cold water soaking through his clothes, and wished he could disappear.

John's life is a constant cycle of misery and embarrassment. He is too afraid to stand up for himself and is constantly humiliated by those around him.

Donquavious, the star athlete at John's school, noticed the crying John after he was rejected by Phoebe. He had been hoping to ask Phoebe out himself, and he was angry that John had dared to make a move on her first.

Donquavious approached John, his towering height and rippling muscles intimidating. He had dyed dreads and a fierce expression, and he looked like he was ready for a fight.

"What's your problem, loser?" Donquavious said, sneering at John. "You think you can just walk up to Phoebe and ask her out like that? She's way out of your league, and you don't deserve her."

John tried to explain himself, but Donquavious wasn't interested in hearing his excuses. He was consumed by his own anger and jealousy, and he wanted to teach John a lesson.

Donquavious grabbed John by the collar and started to beat him up, relentlessly punching and kicking him. John tried to defend himself, but he was no match for Donquavious's strength and size. He cried out in pain, but no one came to his aid.

Phoebe and her friends watched from a distance, laughing and cheering as Donquavious brutalized John. The other students and teachers watched, but no one intervened. John was left to suffer at the hands of his bully, humiliated and embarrassed.

His only solace is his anime, which allows him to escape from the harsh realities of his life. But even that cannot protect him from the constant bullying and abuse he faces on a daily basis. John longs for a better life, where he is not constantly belittled and mistreated. But for now, he must continue to suffer in silence, hoping for a miracle that will change his fate.