
Jack the hunter

(POV: Jack)

"My name is Bolwen, Bolwen Fayes"

The saint extended his hand and I complied.

"I've got. . ." I stopped for a moment, munching on the walls of my inner mouth ". . .Jack, My name's Jack"

"Jack? That is an odd name for an elf"

I started to taste the metallic flavour of blood "And how would you know that?"

"Oh, I know." He brushed the hair covering his ears, which revealed a triangular form on them. With the same hand he combed his hair, he pointed at the skin in my arm "Especially for you Selyuks, aren't you supposed to have names like Yusef or Saladin?"

I shrugged, I didn't want to discuss my name. Even if it was given out as a joke. . . it is all I have.

A flash of disappointment crossed his face as his eyelids dropped halfway and his lips stopped curling up. "Well, it's not my business." He walked to his original spot and sat down creating a small cloud of dust.

"So tell me. What are you here for?"

I could feel my eyelids closing and my nose skin folding upon itself, my distaste must've been clear as day but he still kept looking at me with an innocent smile. I gave up

"I accidentally killed a noble's son."

He cocked an eyebrow and made a wry smile "How can you accidentally kill a noble's son?"

"Cause he accidentally tried to rape my sister" Bolwen's eyes showed all its white and his mouth opened a little. I added "His words."


"Come on leaf ears stay still!"

The monster was tearing away at my sister's pants while her agony flooded the building in despair.

She screamed and screamed and screamed for mercy and help.

........I can't say she got mercy........

"Come on girl, you don't want my Father you kick you all off of the Villa right? Then cooperate!"

He placed his hand on her mouth, muffling an anathema that happened on my own blood and flesh.

........But she definitely got help......

People lie, you don't see red when you get angry. You just REALLY get bloody angry. And nothing more matters than that.

I grabbed a brick, from Dead Gods where. Pulled his shoulder. . .

"What the fuck do you-"

. . . and made sure he could never taste something again with those teeth.

First hit, 3 frontal teeth broken.


Second hit, Fractured jaw


Third hit, dislocated shoulder

"I'm sowwy!"

Fourth hit, Fifth hit, sixth, seventh, Tenth, Twentieth.

"I'bas ban bancciden!"


"What happened after that?"

"I cleaned whatever part of him I left behind, grabbed some 'Retirement funds' the 'secret stash' and stole the first horse I could've gotten my hands on, and left for the mountains."

"How come you are here then?"

"Sometime later, daddy noble sent his gooneys on me. They managed to capture me and were going to kill me there"

"They were? What happened?"

"What happened? Well, I think thugs are going to make their own syndicate this time."


Cold steel touched my temple, as a carbine brought near the muzzle. Half a dozen thugs surrounded me.

One them, the leader, burned a little bit of his cigarette and started speaking "I'm really sorry boy, we wouldn't have done it if the boss hadn't ordered us" He cocked up the hammer on the carbine and continued "Do you have something you wish to say before you go to Necropolis?"

I breathed out, prepared to die ."I have a couple. What happened to my mother and sister"

The thug looked at the others around him, and in a serious and apologetic tone said "Don't worry boy, your mother treated us well even though we were bandits, we also have a code. We will protect her"

Good, then I have nothing else to worry about. "How much are you guys getting paid, for this anyways?"

He looked at the others again, but his eyes swam across the place

"Well. . . we're not really getting paid. We get paid every fortnight, besides the boss pays a bonus to whoever is employer of the month" he awkwardly shrugged

"You gotta be kidding me! Mother was always paid extra every time she went to next town to buy groceries"


"I offered them the gold I had if they let me go that day"

"I'm guessing they accepted"

I smiled and continued "They all have families of ther own, there was no way they would turn down the coin"

Bolwen's face then furrowed and his mouth shrank "Wait if you walked scot-free. How come you are here?"

"Well, a man can't work on an empty stomach, so I started stealing cows. Who'd thought that those ranchers would be worse than Daddy-noble"

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