
Fruit Of Discovery

Another day of raiding had come to an end. We managed to get a level-up since we only had an incident by the end when we were going to go back home either way, but also, we also managed to make $24$ more than yesterday, at a total of $692, making for quite a good day overall in these aspects.

Since we are somewhat close to the level cap, I decided that we'll start going all out tomorrow to see if we can deal with the hardest challenges deeper on the floor. For that, I'll do another round of skill-sharing with the points I've been storing so that it's even a little bit safer.

Before that though, I still had to meet the Merchant for his daily experiments.

I found him covered in dirt and mud, a very strange sight considering that even a kid would have to get out of their way to make such a mess of themselves inside this place.

Miwen: "Aren't you a bit old to be playing with dirt?"