
Gacha In Marvel and the Multiverse

Mc gets transmigrated into the world of Marvel with a Gacha system,Watch as our MC battles against all odds to fight through the events of Marvel Tags: No Harem,Multiversal story,Weak to strong.Gacha with template World: Main or first world: Marvel Second World:MHA or can be discussed in comments Third world:Recommend

Smalltimewriter · Anime et bandes dessinées
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102 Chs

Chapter 8

After a whole hour of teaching Mary about what he will be teaching this lecture,Tom finally arrived in the and easily spotted Mary sitting by herself not really talking with anyone in particular

"Alright guys! I believe we have already gotten familiar with each other,Another thing I would like to add is that I am available in my room if any of you want to come and learn,or just hangout as long as I am free"

Tom spoke as he took a chalk and began writing on the board about what he will be teaching them

Due to the previous owners genius and his own new skill,the class listened attentively and with concentration as Tom began teaching them to the best of his abilities

"I will also be taking a test at the end of this week,with this we will be able to find out our aptitude and see if AP is worth it for you or not"

Tom gave the bad news as the class was about to end,he really felt like he was good at teaching as he took everyone's attendance

As this was happening ,he heard the door open abruptly as Peter Parker barged in

"I am sorry sir,I got held up in traffic" he gave an excuse as he sat down

"Mr.Parker I expect you not to be late again or you will find me very hard to deal with,is that understood?" Tom said as he looked directly in Peters eyes

Although Tom spoke rather lightly,everyone could feel the veiled threat in his words and silently hoped that the midtown's best and brightest doesn't get any more dimmer.

They all knew Peter as a good student who was one of the best in midtown but ever since this year started,he had changed and was much more clumsy,often getting late and not even bothering to show up

Though perhaps only Tom knew the real reason,that didn't mean he was going to be lenient

"I am glad to hear you understand,Come to my office tomorrow before class or else you won't be able to understand the next lecture"

Tom states as he quietly left the class and made way for his cabin,taking the bag he quickly left school,not caring about some stupid meeting that wasn't going to amount to anything


After a few twists and turns,Tom returned to his home and took out the gun which came with a holster and a magazine holder as well l,along with a license of registration for the said firearm so using it for vigilante work was out of question

"Is this thing real,feels heavy as hell,definitely a real gun" Unfortunately or fortunately Tom didn't have any reason to use the gun for now as he didn't even understand how to use the thing,Taking a worn out shirt that he wouldn't be wearing any soon,Tom quickly wrapped the gun in it along with the extra rounds and stashed it in the sink cabinet of his kitchen

"I should probably buy some pot and place the gun beneath the dirt and plant a small flower or soemthing to better hide it " Tom spoke as he finally sat down on the couch and picked up his phone to check up on the schools teachers massaging group

The various teachers were all excited for todays meeting,Tom felt sorry for these guys as he felt like they didn't have anything more to do,he was much more interested in actually giving his students the knowledge needed to survive in the outside world rather then letting them get all comfy and then face the cold hard reality of the situation

"I wonder if I will get 500 Gacha points next time,though I won't dare to use a Gacha roll until I can store these things I get,it's best I get a skill" Tom wondered as he finally decided to go and get some much needed clothes for himself

He still hasn't explored this universe despite being here for three whole days or maybe four if he counts the one he spent sleeping like a log trying to assimilate all the memories of the previous host

Grabbing his key from the shelves,Tom didn't waste any more time as he left his apartment to get some clothes for himself

"I think I I can buy a few pairs of shirts and pants with this,I need a hoodie as well" Tom thought as he headed for the market area while being showered by the every familiar cold as his coat wasn't on him for protection


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