
Using the environment

As Tumi was travelling in the forest he stopped and brought out his phone to see what else he could do with it.

The moment he took it out he saw the notification that was sent to him.

When he finished reading, he was overwhelmed with joy and immediately opened dbz dokkan battle.

He first went to train his card to its current max level of 40.

It took him only to 2 super rare items to make it go to max.

His hp increased by 1805, his attack increased by 2408 and finally, his Def increased by 1379.

After doing that he went to the shop section where he could bye dragon stones with gacha points.

With 10 gacha points, he could buy a special offer of 15 stones which he didn't resist and bought immediately.

He went back to summon screen and went on one that had a character that could awaken into a LR.

He picked the LR Goku black banner, he did his three summons like there was no tomorrow.

After doing the summons he was about to curse his luck for being so bad but he didn't.

He pulled

Sr: Android 18

Sr: supreme kai

R: Guldo

He did not waste his time on them and immediately went to check them out.

He trained guldo and supreme kai to there max, after doing that he took away both their attack which added up to 8905.

For Android 18 he picked her passive skill.

Full Power- ATK+ 25% when hp is 50% or above.

He looked at his new attributes That have been added

Hp: 9,499

ATK: 14,151

DEF: 1741

Passive skill: Full power- 25% to all stats when hp is 50% or above.

Currently in strength vice tumi was in the 7 stage of the elementary stage.

Elementary stage: Rank 1-10: 2000-20000

He felt quite happy with the progress he had made and decided now it was time to hunt and since he had maxed out in his level he needed to awaken his card to level up more.

So he changed his farming from training material to medals.

He went into the forest and tried to sneak up on low-level monsters that were in the surrounding.

Tumi knew that in order for him to increase his power by a huge amount he needed to use a weapon.

He cut a branch of a tree when he cut it, he pulled it down so that it gives it a sharp end for throwing.

The top of the branch was pretty sharp, so Tumi cut the small branches that that was on this branch and fixed his 'spear'.

He started to walk around the edges to find a weak level monster.

The reason he was looking for a weak monster was cause he didn't have a good attack that could support him when fighting animals at this forest so he had to master the art of stealth.

Tumi walked for a while before he came upon something.

In between 2 trees, there was a huge web that locked people from passing and in the middle of the web was a spider, diggfight in the corpse of a dead person.

Tumi started thinking for a while on how to defeat this animal so he could get the items that the corpperson.

He started thinking for a while before remembering something, he remembered that most spiders don't have good eyesight and relied on vibration, taste, and touch for seeing.

He went close to the web and used the 'spear' that he had created to shake the webs.

As the threads that were being pulled hard by all sides was released, it created a vibration in the web.

The moment a spider felt the vibration it quickly dashed towards where its origin was.

Tumi immediately jumped back two meters as that was his safe zone from the spider's vision.

He waited for the spider to enter the two-meter mark where he wouldn't miss hitting it and when it entered that mark,

Tumi immediately struck with his spear right on top of the spiders head.

The 'spear' went throw it head and came out from the other side.

Tumi stabbed a few more times to make sure it was dead and after making sure he started to climb up the web and went to where the guy was.

Tumi pulled him off the web and he went straight down to the ground.

Tumi also jumped off, he started checking the guy's body and found nothing except a knife.

He was about to go away when he remembered the spider.

He looked at it for a while and he came up with ways he could use it.

10 minutes

Currently, Tumi was trying to cut off one leg of the spider.

He had finished his first one which was almost as big as his arm and now he was about to finish with the second one.

After he finished second time went to cut a bit of silk from the spider's web.

Which did take a long time as the webs were very durable.

After doing that he came back and tied the two bones together from where he had cut them from the spider.

Next, he brought the spider's body next to him and cut the spider from its lower abdomen, right where it created silk.

Tumi used the knife to take at least two spoons full of sticky silk out.

He started to apply it on the thread and right on top of the place the two legs met.

He waited for 40 minutes until they silk had hardened and combined the two legs into one.

Currently, the two legs were in an arc that was as durable as steel. The arc was 1.5 meter

He tested out the durability for bit more before going to get a bit more silk.

The silk that he took was 1 meter

After getting the silk he came back and tied one end of the silk to the one side of the arc and tied the other side to the other side of the arc.

The arc width of 1.5 meters now became width of 1 meter.

From the body parts of the spider, Tumi had created a bow, but he had much more uses for this spider especially its venom, that he could apply on the arrows, he is going to make and on the knife.