
Gabriellé’s Alternatum

Just writing a series of original and reimagined titles for personal use, that will become full-on original anime projects and anime adaptations in real life!!!! Thank you so much and I hope you all enjoy!!!! Bye-Bye!!!!

Poikilia_Plus · Fantaisie
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Chapter 1 - The Date Plan!

~ Bridgerton High School - Afternoon - Two Years Back ~

(It was a beautiful afternoon in Bridgerton High School of Vale City, New York. The students from first, second, third, to fourth years were either heading home, or would go to hang out at malls, arcades, karaoke houses, and fast or five-star food restaurants, and faculties would also return home to their families, or roommates as well.)

(All the them were saying their goodbyes to each other, until more days and weeks of more school will continue years before graduation.)

(There were students who would also stay in the school for club meetings, afternoon activities, night classes, or stay somewhat longer before they head home for the day.)

~ Bridgerton High School - Afternoon - Class 302 - Continuous ~

(Inside the school were empty classrooms that every student and staff were in, except for one and that's Class 302.)

(We then see three boys, Hiroto Kanada, Dwayne Richards, and Ferris Anderson hanging out in the empty room, before they leave for home.)

(However, HIROTO already has plans with his girlfriend. He wanted to have a perfect date with her at all times. Especially for Valentine's Day, which was coming up in a few days. That's why HIROTO created a planner for him and his sweetheart.)

Hiroto: *voice; places places planner on desk*

Okay guys, I REALLY want this date to be perfect as heck at all costs!! And I'd like for the two of you to help me out with this! So…

(Hiroto swiftly turned around; faces Dwayne and Ferris.)

Hiroto: *cont'd* Are you fellas in?

(Apparently, the classroom was awkwardly silent at the moment.)

(Dwayne and Ferris weren't listening to their friend. As they were playing video games on their Shintendo Switches, not paying attention to Hiroto.)

Dwayne: *playing on his switch* Hey Ferry, did you clear the level you were in?

Ferris: *also playing on switch* E-yep, I did! But right now, I'm on a side quest and boy oh boy it's not as easy as I thought.

(Hiroto curiously leaned the right side of his head on FERRIS' left shoulder. He saw his friend's male avatar flirting with a player's female avatar.)

Hiroto: *thinking; disgusted* Ugh! Now THAT'S just vulgar!!!!

(Irritated, Hiroto snatched the two Shintendo Switches from his friends' hands.)

Ferris: *shocked* HUUUH?!?!

Dwayne: *surprised* HM?

Hiroto: *holding both switches in hands* I'm confiscating these.

Ferris & Dwayne: *furious* HEY! Give 'em back, ya thief!

Hiroto: *placed back palms on hips; angrily* NOT until you lazy bums hear about my plans for my date with Karlie!!

(Hiroto gruffly sighed in frustration. He then quickly calmed down, as he was about to explain to FERRIS and DWAYNE his date plans with his girlfriend. He shyly turned away. Then began to get flustered.)

Hiroto: *cont'd* It's just… I really want this date to be perfect and romantic. I really… REALLY do… but I don't want it to be ruined in any weird way…

(Hiroto imagined him and KARLIE on their date, thus imagining a future with her.)

Hiroto: *cont'd* We will have this amazing date and more and more to come. Then, when we become adults I'll work at a few jobs and get a lot of money to buy Karlie an engagement ring. Then I'll romantically propose to her. After that, we'll get married, buy a lovely house in the suburbs of Brooklyn. And live happily ever after!!

(The imaginative scene finally poofs back to reality, with Hiroto being completely lovesick for his date and future with his girlfriend, KARLIE. He then romantically sighed.)

Hiroto: *cont'd; blushing romantically* It'll be SO romantic. Yes siree bob!

Ferris: *happy for Hiroto; blushes* Awww… isn't he adorable when his heart goes all maiden mode.

Dwayne: *also happy for Hiroto; blushes a bit* *calmly nods* Mm-Hm! No flippin' joke!!

Hiroto: *voice; excited* Heck yeah I am! Do you guys wanna know why?

(Hiroto successfully leaped his feet on to his student desk with enthusiasm.)

Hiroto: *cont'd* *still lovesick; blushing* *determined* Ever since we were little kids, we've always dreamed of spending our entire lives together. And I really want this date and future dates to be perfect!! Not only for me, but for the both of us. And once she fully recovers from her illness, we'll be together forever… for eternity!

(Dwayne and Ferris looked completely shocked to overhear HIROTO say "illness" right in front of them. HIROTO was also shocked for spilling the beans while they heard him, as well. DWAYNE and FERRIS felt and seemed very suspicious.)

Ferris: *voice; suspicious* Wait a minute! What do you mean to recover from her illness?

Dwayne: on screen; also suspicious* Yeah, man. What in the world are you hiding from us…?

(Hiroto began to sweat nervously, as his slightly messy hair started sticking out in concern. He knew he couldn't keep it a secret forever. So he finally decided to tell his two childhood friends the truth.)

Hiroto: *roughly sighs* I knew this day would come…

(His eyes sadly averted a bit. Then averted back to Dwayne and Ferris.)

Hiroto: *sadly sits on his student desk* Karlie was born with a heart murmur… and she's resting at a hospital not far from here. And I… *tearfully sniffles* I-I really want to spend my whole life with her no matter what… but the doctor said she's gonna die in a few days…! Besides, I don't think we'll be able… to live happily ever after if Karlie's still sick. So please… promise me you two will be on your best behavior, o-okay?

(Hiroto gently wiped his tears with his left shirt sleeve, knowing that his friends were here for him. He was so glad to have great friends like Ferris and Dwayne.)

Ferris: *comforts Hiroto with a hug* Hey buddy… It's okay. There's no need to cry.

Dwayne: *also comforts him with a hug* Yeah man… it'll be fine, we promise ya. Nothing gonna happen to sweet Karlie, okay? Okay…?

(Hiroto gently wiped his tears with his left shirt sleeve, knowing that his friends were here for him. He was so glad to have great friends like Ferris and Dwayne.)

(He then kindly handed them back their Shintendo Switches to them. How very sweet of Hiroto to do so.)

Hiroto: Here, you fellas need these more than I do. Oh, and sorry for snatching them from your hands. I hope you accept my apology, okay? *softly smiles at his friends; giggles* How about this… I'll let you guys come to the hospital to meet my girlfriend Karlie, if you like to?

(Ferris and Dwayne looked at Hiroto, then at each other, and back at Hiroto again. They both smiled at Hiroto.)

Ferris: *smiles kindly* Sure bud. We'd love to!

Dwayne: *also smiles kindly; nods* Mm-Hm! Absolutely!

(Hiroto smiled brightly at Ferris and Dwayne.)

Hiroto: *sniffles a bit* Gosh, thanks so much… Ferris, Dwayne. That REALLY means a lot to me. Thank you.

(The three boys got their school bags, put them on, and headed out the school doors to the hospital where they're going to meet up with HIROTO's girlfriend.)


To Be Continued…