
Gaara: The Guardian of Sand

Silent_Cuber · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Chapter 11: Counter

When they opened their eyes, they saw a blood colored structure that was hovering above their heads and protecting them from their inevitable deaths. The structure above them didn't even budge in the face of their Kazekage's sand, the same sand that could easily overpowered a tailed-beast.


The sand slowly retracted on one spot above the crowd, revealing a boy. He has spiky hair laying to the right, the same color as his sand and a handsome face. He wears a red jacket with high collar (like adult Naruto's), black anbu pants and black ninja sandals. He also has a small gourd wrapped on his left waist.

Apart from that, he has an aura comparable to the Kazekage.

"What do you think you're doing, 'father'?" - (Gaara)

Hearing Gaara's voice, Rasa woke up and looked in his direction.

"Tsk." - (Rasa) clicked his tongue and retracted his sand back to his gourd. He then controlled the sand platform he was standing towards the Kazekage building, jumped back to the rooftop and left the scene.

After that day, the whole village was gloomier than ever. The Kazekage just placed the village under complete martial law and the council didn't have a choice but to accept it even with the people's disapproval.

But on the other hand, they saw hope again. The boy who shielded the civilians against Rasa during the protest showed that there's still someone willing to protect them from danger. The duty of a kage, which Rasa failed to do. What's more, should the boy choose to go up against Rasa, they know that he could take care of himself without problem.

–2 weeks later–

At the academy, every last year students are preparing themselves because today is the graduation day. They heard that unlike the previous graduation, this time's test will be harder.

"Hey, Gaara. Do you think I can pass?" - (Shinsuki)

"You will be fine." - (Gaara)

"I'm sure you will pass. Although you're not as good as the previous rookie of the year who graduated last year, you're still number one in our entire class." - (Shinsuki)

Gaara just chuckled after hearing her.

"Huh, what's funny?" - (Shinsuki)

"Oh, nothing. Just don't worry too much about the test. It's not like they're going to give us tests that are above what they taught us." - (Gaara)

"You're right. There will be war, after all. They will surely need as much shinobi as possible… And I also heard from my parents that Kazekage-sama declared martial law and there are more and more people missing.." - (Shinsuki) said as she lowered her voice in the last sentence.

"That's true. Just don't do stupid things or talk about it in public and you will be fine." - (Gaara)

"Do you think there's something going on behind the scenes? You're the Kazekage's son, after all." - (Shinsuki) whispered to him.

Gaara just stared blankly at the blackboard, thinking about something.

Many people knew that the missing incidents were somewhat involved in the protest. They know that civilians and shinobis who continue to show discontent and insubordination are being silenced, but they are afraid to say anything about it.

//Flash back//

–3 days ago–

In the middle of the night, Gaara was sleeping when he sensed someone on the other side of his window. He was alerted and immediately stood up.

The window was opened from the outside and the curtain was lifted, revealing a man in a complete black outfit, perfect for infiltrating in the night.

"Don't worry, I'm not an enemy. I came here to relay something important to you." - (Real-life Ninja)

"Go on." - (Gaara)

"Someone wants to meet you. Tomorrow, go to this location at the same time right now." - (Real-life Ninja) said and gave Gaara a small piece of paper.

Gaara checked the paper and after reading the content, he cut it into pieces until it became powder with his wind release.

"I understand." - (Gaara)

The man left after completing what he came for. But before he could leave, Gaara placed a microscopic sand on his skin for the purpose of tracking, watching and listening to his future conversations. This technique is far superior to his third eye and perfect for spying, though a sensory type of Rasa's level can probably notice it.

–The next night–

Gaara confirmed that the man who came to his house yesterday was not an enemy. He also checked the meeting place using the same technique he used on the man and he found nothing suspicious or any traps.

Right now, Gaara is inside the meeting place. It was a normal looking house near the village's boundary.

"Welcome, my name is Hizuchi. Gaara, right?" - (Hizuchi) introduced himself and gestured for a handshake. He looks quite old but you could see the sharpness in his eyes. And with the aura he gave off, he's probably a retired ninja.

"Nice to meet you." - (Gaara) returned the greetings and shook the old man's hand.

"You may sit down." - (Hizuchi) said and sat opposite Gaara.

Gaara sat down and placed his hands on the table to show no hostility. He observed the room and he could feel many shinobis surrounding them, probably protecting this person in front of him. There are also other people behind the old man but he could tell that they're only civilians.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" - (Gaara)

"You probably don't know this but I'm a retired shinobi and currently serving as a member of the council." - (Hizuchi) said and paused.

"I will cut to the chase… It's about the war and your father. As you know, we are currently under martial law so meeting like this secretly is already putting our lives on the line… But first, I want to ask you something. I know that Kazekage-sama has been training you for years now in preparation for war but I don't know to what extent since he didn't really tell us anything about the result of your training. So I think it's only fair to ask about your opinion before going any further in this conversation since you will be directly affected by this… Do you also think war is the only and best way for us to recover our losses and revitalize our village?" - (Hizuchi)

"Yes and no… My answer is yes because if you want the fastest result, I can defeat Konoha easily and their resources would be more than enough to revitalize our village..." - (Gaara) paused to let the information sink in.

"T-That's impressive. I can't believe you could really achieve that height of power at such a young age and with less than a decade of training." - (Hizuchi) said with shock visible on his face. He could feel that the boy in front of him was serious and was telling the truth. Like him, the other people in the room were also shocked.
