
G Examination

One day, You Huo and his family was pulled into an exam called the Global University Entrance Examination. Going through exams together with other unfortunate examinees, their lives are put at stake and they can only live by passing each exam. However, something about these exams and the system ruling it didn’t seem right — It seemed to be trying to trap the examinees with ridiculous rules and strange questions… There, You Huo meets lnvigiIator 001 who seems to hoId a key to the past he no Ionger remembered and, together, they go through the exam, unravelling the mysteries behind their past and the system.

Orangess · Romance
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30 Chs

( 3 )

You Huo kicked the metal can of charcoal over and Old Yu carefully used it to start a fire. The fire in the fire stove emanated an orange-red glow.

Yu Wen squatted next to the fire and dejectedly threw wood in.

The flames flickered as he watched it for a while. He decided that he should go find someone to talk to about his feelings before he died but, when he looked up, he saw his brother standing on the side warming his hands with a cold and disinterested expression.

Yu Wen considered it for a few seconds and decided to die quietly instead.


"Umm that…" Old Yu suddenly spoke.

You Huo glanced over.

"I don't know how I should refer to you." Old Yu patted the pregnant woman's shoulder: "With a stomach like that, how can you freeze here? This isn't right, go over there to warm up. Don't catch a cold. It's not good for both you and your child."

The pregnant woman who heard these words was stunned for a moment. Tears flowed steadily down her face.

Old Yu was surprised: "What's this? What's wrong?"

The woman silently cried: "I don't even know if it has life...…"

Having said that, she still moved her chair closer to the fire.

The woman cried for a while before finally stopping. With a strong nasal tone, she said to Old Yu: "Oh right, please call me Yu Yao."

Old Yu forced out a laugh and said: "I didn't expect you to also be from the same family line. You look about the same age as my neph....."

Old Yu glanced at You Huo from the corner of his eyes. His words then quickly changed: ".....son. When we get out of this damned place, I'll give you a big fat red envelope to wish both mother and child a safe birth."

The tattooed man grumbled in a sullen face: "The situation is already fucking like this and you have the time to chat...Fuck!"

The others who heard his words stiffened. They scattered and started to search around the cabin.

However, while the others were looking for clues to solve the problem, the tattooed man concentrated on finding all kinds of self-defense hunting tools.

You Huo didn't move away. He continued to warm up his hands by the stove. He gently touched the question on the wall and then looked down at the miscellaneous items sitting on top of the stove.

There were a few bottles and jars, a pile of darkening coins, several strangely shaped pebbles, scattered chicken feathers, and even a moldy pacifier from who knows what century.

Yun Wen saw that You Huo wasn't moving so he also didn't dare move.

He recalled what his teacher had said before he did the university entrance examination. When you have no clue, read the question a few times. Thinking this, he stood before the wall and read it through repeatedly.

"A group of travelers came to a snowy mountain....


"Snow mountain...…"


When he returned to his senses after reading it through, he realized that the room was very quiet. Everyone was looking at him.

Yu Wen: "...…I was just reading."

Old Yu had the same issue most parents have. When there were many people around, they wanted to show off their child: "Did you think of something?"

Yu Wen rolled his eyes: "No."

Everyone had a look of disappointment. They continued to rummage around.

Only the tattooed man didn't relent. He assessed Yu Wen suspiciously: "Really? You're not trying to hide something are you?"

Yu Wen: "Why would I hide it?"

The tattooed man stared at him for a while. That look made those on the receiving end feel irked.

"Fine then. You'd better not be."

The thug appeared to be used to threatening others and every word that came out of his mouth was harsh. After he said that, he returned to rummaging through the hunting tools.

Yu Wen silently stuck up his middle finger and said inside: Stupid.

This classmate had just entered adulthood and was still in a state of peak narcissism. He felt that everyone in the world was stupid and even his father couldn't be spared. The only exception was You Huo.

In fact, he had only become familiar with You Huo over the past two years. Old Yu had said that You Huo was staying overseas to receive treatment for his illness and would come back to China from time to time. Every time he returned, he would stay a few days at his place.

With the days all added up, it actually wasn't very long.

But, using the spirit of learning that Yu Wen had never applied to his own studies, he came to understand some things.

For example, there was something wrong with You Huo's memory. He would have no impression of people he had encountered a few years ago and this was also the reason why he went overseas for treatment.

Also, for example, the elders in the family appeared to be a little afraid of him.

This point really puzzled Yu Wen. He had asked Old Yu about this a few times, but Old Yu would always tell him to stop thinking useless things.

Time passed and he soon felt that it was normal.

After all, even the thug who had only just met You Huo was a little afraid.

With his brother next to him, Yu Wen originally intended to call the thug a few names and anger him a little but when he turned back he saw that You Huo was gone.

Yu Wen: "....Where did he go?"

The pregnant woman asked Yu Wen: "Who are you looking for?"

It wasn't convenient for her to move around so she couldn't search the cabin with the others.

Yu Wen: "My brother."

Yu Yao: "He went that way."

She indicated the direction with her chin.

This cabin wasn't small. On the first floor was the living room and three other rooms and in the corner was an old wooden ladder that led to a small attic above.

It was really because there were too many things here and the fact that there were many people inside as well that the cabin felt small and cramped.