
Insecure-Part 1

I'm hideous...I know I am..I want to reshape my face but my good for nothing parents won't allow me to. They enjoy watching me suffer. It's their fault that I'm ugly, a disgrace to society. It's all their fault...

"Grace!" A young feminine called out, followed by repeated knocks on the door "You can't stay coped up in your room all day again! You're making mom worry about you!

Elizabeth...my perfect sister..I hate her the most. She thinks just because she's pretty and popular she can get everything. Everything I want, I desired, she has. I hate her. I wish she was never born. I wish I got her looms instead. Why? Why was I born like this? What crime did I commit in my last life? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY!?

"Fine! Rot in there for all I care!" Heavy stomps could be heard moving further away from the door.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I don't want to show my face anywhere. I hate crying..but the tears won't stop...