
Futuristic Fighting Field

In a world where individuals harness unique powers, they battle for survival in a futuristic dome. This dome, a marvel of advanced technology, serves as an arena for combat against creatures from different epochs. Each victory allows participants to ascend levels, unlocking ancient fables that enhance their abilities. However, failure transports them to an alternate realm of endless conflict. Here, warriors fight relentlessly, their reality a cycle of battles and survival tests. The story centers on Hae-Yun, a participant in these battles. Driven by curiosity and determination, Hae-Yun seeks to uncover the identity of the dome's creator. Alongside him are his three friends, their camaraderie and collective strength are crucial in navigating the challenges of the dome and the alternate realm. The ultimate goal is not just to locate, but to access the true paradise that lies beyond the city. According to legend, those who manage to emerge from the five layers will discover the entrance to heaven. However, when the main characters finally reach this elusive destination, they find that it has already been destroyed by the monsters...THE HUMANS

Xsurae · Action
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26 Chs

Into The Labyrinth

The colossal gates, groaning under their own weight, gradually ascended, revealing what initially appeared to be a vast, pristine white platform. However, upon closer inspection, the stark reality of the scene unfolded. It wasn't just a platform; it was a chilling tableau of fallen warriors. The once vibrant lives were now reduced to a macabre pile of lifeless bodies, each telling a silent tale of bravery and sacrifice. The air hung heavy with the poignant echoes of their final battles, painting a grim picture of the harsh reality of war. The platform was not just white; it was a canvas of untold stories, stained with the indelible ink of struggle and loss. The scene was a stark reminder of the price paid by these valiant fighters in their pursuit of honor and duty. Their silent forms lay in stark contrast to the bustling life beyond the gates, serving as a solemn testament to their ultimate sacrifice.


The combat, while seemingly virtual, bore tangible and perilous consequences. Upon stepping onto the platform, you and your comrades would be transported to a realm akin to an alternate dimension. If you met your demise within this dimension, your lifeless form would be cast back onto the platform in the real world. Failure to conquer the level meant entrapment within this dimension, doomed to battle its monstrous inhabitants in an endless loop of conflict. However, fortune did favor some. Those with diminished magical abilities and devoid of any strategic combat skills were granted a second chance, a glimmer of hope in this relentless cycle of fight and survival. This was not just a game; it was a test of endurance, strategy, and sheer willpower. 

The origins of this game remained shrouded in mystery, its creator unknown. Yet, surprisingly, the civilians displayed an unsettling indifference towards this. Their apathy stemmed from the fact that the underprivileged were never chosen to participate in the game. The harsh reality was that the value of life had been diminished to such an extent that the death of the players elicited no concern or sympathy. It was a chilling testament to the desensitization of society, where entertainment took precedence over empathy and human life.


"Meeting for the first time. Hope we make a good team," Hae declared aloud, his voice echoing in the vast expanse before he took his first step onto the platform. The others, standing alongside him, didn't dare to cast their gaze downwards, choosing instead to look upwards. They sought to escape the grim reality beneath their feet, focusing on the boundless sky above as a distraction from the chilling scene that lay below. It was a silent agreement among them, a shared understanding that some horrors were better left unseen.

Before the commencement of each level, a radiant beam of light would descend from above, meticulously scanning each contestant from head to toe. This was a precautionary measure designed to ensure fair play and prevent any form of cheating. However, despite these stringent checks, some contestants still found cunning ways to manipulate the system.

Yet, cheating was not without its consequences. Most of the time, any attempt at deceit would trigger a deliberate glitch in the system, resulting in the immediate elimination of the cheater. This glitch was not a flaw but a purposeful feature installed by the game creators to maintain the integrity of the game. It served as a stern reminder that while cunning could bypass rules, it could not escape justice.

As the light completed its scan, a tannoy echoed in the air, "3…2…1." In the moments leading up to the teleportation, your eyes would involuntarily close, and an ethereal lightness would envelop your being. However, the moment of tranquility was fleeting. As the teleportation process concluded, an excruciating pain would sear through your head. This pain, unbearable as it was, served as a stark indicator of the commencement of the level. It was a brutal reminder that in this game, speed was of the essence. Any delay in springing into action would result in instant failure. The game demanded not just strength and strategy, but also agility and quick reflexes.

Level Name: "The Labyrinth of Shadows"

Description: At this level, players find themselves in a vast, ever-changing maze shrouded in an eerie darkness. The walls of the labyrinth are not static; they shift and morph at random intervals, making navigation a challenge. The only source of light is the mystical torch each player carries, which not only illuminates their path but also serves as their primary weapon.

Objective: The main objective is to locate the "Crystal of Illumination" hidden deep within the labyrinth. This crystal has the power to dispel the darkness and stabilize the shifting walls. However, reaching it is no easy task. Players must solve intricate puzzles and decipher cryptic clues scattered throughout the labyrinth to progress.


Shadow Stalkers: These creatures blend seamlessly with the darkness. They're quick and silent, attacking when least expected. Their weakness is the light from the players' torches.

Maze Minotaurs: These are hulking beasts that guard various sections of the labyrinth. They're slow but incredibly strong. Players must use their speed and wit to outmaneuver them.

Puzzle Phantoms: These ethereal entities are bound to the puzzles within the labyrinth. They can cast illusions to mislead players or obscure clues.

Remember, teamwork is crucial in this level. Players must effectively communicate and coordinate their actions to overcome obstacles, defeat monsters, and ultimately find the Crystal of Illumination.

As I stepped into the "Labyrinth of Shadows", an eerie silence enveloped me. The darkness was so dense, it felt as if I could reach out and touch it. My heart pounded in my chest as I gripped the mystical torch, its faint glow the only source of light in this abyss.

Navigating through the labyrinth was like wading through a nightmare. The walls around me shifted and morphed without warning, disorienting me. I had to rely on my instincts and the sporadic light from my torch to find my way. The labyrinth was not just a maze; it was a living, breathing entity, challenging me at every turn.

Suddenly, a Shadow Stalker lunged at me from the darkness. Its form was barely distinguishable from the shadows, but the malicious intent in its eyes was unmistakable. I swung my torch at it, and the creature recoiled, disappearing back into the darkness from whence it came.

Further into the labyrinth, I encountered a Maze Minotaur. The beast towered over me, its eyes gleaming with menace. It was slow but powerful. I had to use my agility to dodge its attacks and outmaneuver it. It was a dance of life and death, each step carrying the weight of survival.

Finally, I reached a puzzle guarded by a Puzzle Phantom. It cast illusions to mislead me and obscure the clues. But I persevered, using my wit to see through its deception. Solving the puzzle brought me one step closer to the Crystal of Illumination. Despite the pain in my head and the exhaustion seeping into my bones, I pressed on, determined to conquer this level.

Just as I was about to make sense of the puzzle, a sudden jolt coursed through me. Before I could react, I found myself back at the entrance of the labyrinth. The familiar darkness greeted me once again, and the path I had painstakingly navigated had been erased. It was as if the labyrinth had reset itself, wiping away all traces of my progress. The realization was disheartening, but I knew I couldn't afford to lose hope. Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself for the journey ahead, ready to face the challenges of the "Labyrinth of Shadows" once more.