
Future Tale : Beyond Fate

The future is doomed to fail by the hands of a singular force but the world seeks to defy its own fate. A group of soldiers is decimated, leaving a sole soldier named Sai alive to see the end of existence but a set of occurrences leads this soldier into a new deviant path gives way for a question : '' Can you...will you change the road that leads into the future doomed to annihilation? '' Armed with new tools that'll help him create a new future, how will this new future unfold?

Hakushin · Action
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15 Chs

Chapter 8 : To the Stars

Adelaide's ensuing actions set off the ship to ascend to the stars above, preparing them for their interstellar voyage but for the time being she'd await for further instructions before they made a course for any specific location in mind.

She'd put the controls on autopilot before stretching her arms and yawning slightly.

'' That'll do for now. '' She said to herself.

She was certain they'd get some updates soon since this was their first expedition out into the wilds so she didn't abandon her post.

Meanwhile, in another part of the ship where the kitchen and lounge space was located ; another situation was underway.

Nokori as well Amalia was looking at the kitchen space with certain thoughts in mind.

Amalia looked at Nokori who was inspecting the kitchen space, primarily the refrigerator.

'' What're you doing? '' She asked.

'' I know our roles as a squadron were chosen but they said nothing about who'd be handling meals since we'll be living in this shared space. '' Nokori responded.

He noticed the fridge was stocked with basic ingredients and meals packaged in plastic packages with bottled water, juice and various sodas.

Amalia chuckled before walking closer to the fridge, standing not too far behind Nokori who was bent over checking the fridge.

'' I don't think you need to worry too much about who'll be cooking. '' Amalia commented.

'' What do you mean? '' Nokori replied.

'' There's quite a few of us, aside from me I'm certain there are others who know a thing or two in the kitchen. Besides, we can't be eating takeout all the time aboard this ship. '' Amalia spoke with confidence as she looked through the nearby cabinets.

Nokori moved out of the way so she could look at the contents of the kitchen by herself, unhindered by his presence.

Clearly she knew what she was talking about and he wouldn't get in the way.

Not long after he backed away from the kitchen, another girl had entered.

Lucia, the young blonde who was seen earlier at the presentation had decided to enter the kitchen and spoke up in such a way that surprised Amalia but Nokori only slowly turned his head around to notice her as soon as she spoke.

'' Are we looking at food?! I'm pretty good at cooking. There are a lot of videos on the internet for new recipes that I could try out if we have a government's budget at our disposal. I hope the squad doesn't mind experimental dishes. '' Lucia spoke slightly mischievously.

Nokori and Amalia weren't sure how to take that sorta news, was it a good thing or a bad thing?

Amalia had sighed.

'' We'll be cooking together as well as any other capable hands in the squad, we'll also have to take into account any possible allergies but for now there's food in the fridge that we can eat before we go on about any proper cooked meals made by our hands. '' Amalia replied, trying to make sure the young lady understood the situation.

Lucia shrugged but agreed.

'' Fine, fine, but when the time comes I hope you'll agree to the meals I want to put together. I always liked trying new things. '' Lucia commented.

Amalia nodded, leaving Nokori to sit down at the dinner table and relax for the time being since they didn't have any particular tasks that needed to be done right this moment.

Elsewhere on the ship, Klein was inspecting vacant rooms that held computer terminals meant to be used for various means.

'' This must be the office space for the administrative duties, I was chosen as the Financial Accountant for the Squadron's budget so I guess I should get on top of checking out the funds and allocating it accordingly. Since this is the first day I don't think I need to do too much but considering the video we were shown earlier, I definitely need to set some money aside for weaponry and terrestrial vehicles since we can't assume there'll be something available for us at all times unless we do something about it. '' Klein was talking to himself as he entered the room and accessed the central terminal in the room.

There was a lot of space in this empty room that he could use to decorate it to give it an extra flair but for now he was focused on checking out online sites for necessary accommodations.

Many of the squadron members would take these moments to get their bearings, after all they'd be spending loads of time together.