
Future Tale : Beyond Fate

The future is doomed to fail by the hands of a singular force but the world seeks to defy its own fate. A group of soldiers is decimated, leaving a sole soldier named Sai alive to see the end of existence but a set of occurrences leads this soldier into a new deviant path gives way for a question : '' Can you...will you change the road that leads into the future doomed to annihilation? '' Armed with new tools that'll help him create a new future, how will this new future unfold?

Hakushin · Action
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15 Chs

Chapter 5 : Our Assigned Duty

The hovering television projected a view of a futuristic city, followed by a mature and professional voice that explained what the people in the room needed to know.

'' The Stellar Forces mission has always been to safeguard the lives of those who wish to survive in these perilous times where chaos and the unknown wishes to break the order we wish to keep stable. We want to consistently create new squadrons to spread across the cosmos to traverse the stars, acquire resources, settle disputes and keep order in the universe. There's always going to be a major threat waiting for us on the horizon, as some of you if not all of you have heard about the Four Meteors. '' The voice briefly paused before the transition showed an expansive view of the galaxy itself.

From there the view showed large meteors in the north,south,east and west that were noticeably large.

Sai remembered this, the four groups that opposed the Stellar Forces and held onto their own beliefs but the Stellar Forces had no way of knowing exactly what they desired since they couldn't exactly sit in the same room as the respective faction head.

'' The Eastern Meteor's faction is known as the Sylvan Fleet, a cluster of various ships headed by a planetary sized vessel that houses the Elven Queen. As far as we know, they've been going around claiming as much land as they can for their own kind without regard for anyone else. We don't know their goals but we're constantly trying to keep them from gaining any more ground as it stands. As for the Southern Meteor, they're known as the New Magus Order and unlike the Eastern Meteor they are not trying to gain any ground but we can't help but feel like they're doing something since the Second Galaxian War in which they were forced back to the southernmost reaches of the galaxy. Their leader is known as the Archmage Kreutz, we could only assume he is vastly powerful to have gathered so many powerful users of the arcane under his command. ''

The footage revealed an elven fleet in space before transitioning to show an army of mages casting various spells with Stellar Force soldiers fighting them with various weapons ranging from firearms to powers to vehicles that could be used in heavy warfare.

Sai knew their group had not been in such intense combat nor major confrontation with either of these factions in the past but he couldn't help but think that with time being changed that their roads may cross, not just with these two but the remaining two.

The machine in the front of the room transitioned to showing ten individual silhouettes to the west, before elaborating further on the topic.

'' The Western Meteor was a earthbound organization in the past, originally defeated by a prince in Japan but somehow they salvaged what remained of their ranks and expanded to the stars and grew tremendously, they go by the name The Dark Hand and are a group of Youkai that are self-serving and wish to spread their corruption as far as they can to as many worlds they can taint. We don't know what their end goal is but we just know that they have nothing but ill intentions for the world. As for the Northern Meteor, we only know that they're a highly discreet group with not much known about them aside from the fact that they are known as a group referred to as Root. They seem to be the most meticulous compared to the other four and aren't as messy when it comes to the actions they perform. While they don't seem to be as great a number compared to the other three Meteors, they're still dangerous considering they've assaulted and stolen some highly classified components that belong to us. With all of this in mind we must ask you to take up an oath to combat these forces and help us bring order to the galaxy. We must stand together and ensure that chaos doesn't reign. It is your duty as the Squadron known as Galaxy Angels to help us with our mission going forward. I hope we can rely on you to do what needs to be done. ''

The machine showed a transitioning image of the sun's gaze showering all the planets with its brilliant light before the presentation came to an end.

Sai knew that the group would mingle and interact with one another soon but this reminder about the other conflicting factions would butt heads with them at various points in their journey and he wanted to help push the squadron in a more healthy direction and help them bond.

This wasn't taking into account them growing as a whole unit but that was equally important.

'' It's our duty to tackle all things that are known and unknown, I just know we'll have to do better this time. I don't think I'll get a third chance at this. '' Sai was resolved.

Whatever it took, they'd tackle everything together and live this time.