
Chapter 7

After Jellal returned to the Tower I had to wait for about 3 hours before the sounds started. Shouting and yells rang out non-stop and I could now see that the revolt must have started right now. Seeing this I started to move.

Moving closer to the wall of the Tower I moved to where there was no sound of fighting and clenched my fists.

"Destruction Dragon's Fury!" I said in my head and launched a wave of pure destruction. The area in front of me was completely annihilated and deleted from existence as a concentrated blast of pure destructive energy hit it. After that I entered the Tower and began moving, I aimed to where the sounds were loudest as there was where most people should be at.

As I moved I checked to see if any guard could be seen. Whenever I met one I would quickly put him down and make sure he did not get up. On the way I managed to tie down at least 10 or so of them without an issue, they are so disorganized that it was not even hard to do that.

When I arrived at the site of the confusion I could see many slaves trying to fight using sticks or rocks against the slavers who were using proper weapons. The slavers were better equipped, but the slaves were more numerous and were much more desperate.

Moving quickly I approached a group of slavers while trying to blend in with the slaves, when I was close enough and the slaver tried to swing a sword at me I aimed my hand at him, I aimed each of my fingers at 10 of them and used my magic.

"Moon Devil's Mercy!" As I said that ten beams of light came out of my fingers, one for each of them. The lights flew true and pierced ten of the slavers in surprise, none able to react as they lost ten of their members just like that.

Before they could begin to properly counterattack I moved towards them. I know I have yet to reach the level of magic reserves I will eventually reach but this slavers are just too weak. Moving quickly I put them all down one after the other using magic only when necessary and otherwise depending only on my muscles.

I had took my time doing this before because I needed a disturbance, something to make these slavers less organized and, if possible, more spread out. Now that I got just that it was merely a matter of time before I finished them all off properly.

Moving quickly I avoided all attacks they sent my way while I decimated them all, they can't take any hit that Laxus would tank no problem nor can they attack from unpredictable positions like Minerva can. This barely compares with a spar I can have against the two, these guys are too weak.


After cleaning this area I turned to the former slaves and did a head count. There were quite a few here, but I had to ask if there were more somewhere else. After I make sure all slaves are out I can just go ahead and destroy this whole Tower for all I care.

I turned to the nearest person and was about to speak when someone spoke up before I could.

"You, you are from Fairy Tail, right?" An old man said as he moved forward, his appearance gaunt and almost skeletal, his body having seen better days and quite weak and malnourished.

I nodded to him seriously and was about to ask him when he began to cry.

"Thank God, someone finally came. The guild finally came for us." He said and it made me look at him strangely. Recognizing my doubts be turned his back in my direction and pulled his long unkempt hair to the side, showing a large symbol of Fairy Tail on his back. "My name, it is Rob, I was a member of Fairy Tail for more than fifty years and not long after retiring I was captured and brought here. I don't care if I am saved or not, but please help the kids at least."

As he said that the old man was about to collapse but I caught him before he could. I know I should try and not use too much of my energy but this is something I feel I have to do. Holding him close I activate my magic.

"Sun God's Embrace." As I said that the energy of the sun entered his body. The sun gives light and energy for everything in the world so it is no surprise that it also can heal others. The problem is that my healing is really nothing that great and the amount of magic it costs is quite high. However, he is a guildmate, I have to help him.

When I sense that his condition is now stable I turned to everyone else there.

"I can't do everything alone. Get the weapons these people were using, put on armor if you can, and accompany me. I will try and defeat as many of them as I can along the way. If you know other places where others who are suffering must be located, please inform me so we can go and rescue them." I said and a shout of excitement could be heard as everyone got excited about doing as I had just said.

Jellal approached with a red haired girl by his side, the two raising Rob to carry him with us. The old man certainly needs proper rest and treatment. Hopefully we can get him enough in time.


There were many other places where slaves were located in this tower. We quickly moved towards them all and word of us spread quickly with slaves in all places moving to revolt as well.

When we got to the cells we saved many of those inside them, there were many who were already dead in the cells and some who were clearly malnourished or sickly. To all of those alive but that could not move properly by themselves they would be carried by someone else. When my energy started to approach it's last dregs I moved to a wall that should leave to the outside and broke it down. With a proper opening I sucked out the 'Sun' on the outside, getting some much needed energy back. It was not enough for full reserves, but it would have to do.

"What are you all doing?!" A shrill voice of a very thin slaver rang out as he pointed his staff at the mob approaching. Another one, a very fat one, spoke next.

"Don't you all understand that you are trying to fight against reaching heaven? Reaching paradise?!" He also pointed a staff at the others and he launched a bunch of electric shots at them. Moving quickly I threw a big rock to intercept that attack. Before he could launch another attack I reached the first one, with my fist clenched I concentrated my Sun God's power on it and punched the fat one right on his face, sending him flying.

I turned to the thin one just to see Jellal already on top of him, having slammed his shovel on his face, breaking the mask he was using and sending him down.

Jellal then turned in my direction and spoke.

"If we want our freedom, we must fight. We will fight, and we will be free." As he said that I nodded in his direction. He was certainly a brave one, and if he thought like that then he will do well moving forward.

We then continued forward, after rescuing everyone we could find in this place we moved to get out. When we got out of the tower I turned to the door and began writing.

Thanks to being in the guild I learned that there are all sorts of magics in the world, while I know that Slayer magic is one of the best ones, and my brother became the strongest using only it, I realized how it alone was not enough to cover everything I might need. Deciding I needed variety I studied script magic, to be more specific runes, since it has a lot of potential for all sorts of things. I studied a lot of it when looking over the books my brother left on the guild when he left me as well as those that already belonged to the guild.

It was extremely fun to do that since there was a lot of things to learn, I have no idea how many all-nighters I got because I was studying it. But anyway, what is important is that with this I could start what I intended to do. I put a seal on the door which now could only be opened from the outside, after that, I blocked off all holes I have made by smashing rocks into them before freezing them over with Moon Devil Slayer magic.

With that done I went to check the ship I have stolen, it was not big enough for everyone but we made do even if we had to squeeze close together as the ship began sailing back to the shore. Getting there I will contact the Council and tell them what had happened, they should send someone to take these people back to their homes and to properly capture the slavers. With the door only being able to open from the outside there is a high chance that they will not escape at all so when the council gets there everything will go fine.

This mission was a success, and I hope it was good enough for Master Makarov to let me go in more such missions. They are fun.