

In the tempest of the mind, James surrounds by darkness, only he was his only source of light as the floor he walks was filled with only flowing water. he created a rapture of circular waves, a reflection of himself in the water that his body shines in silver, his hair white, his skin glowed light, his costume white. The reflection in the waters disrupts each time he makes a move, his reflection and a reflection of an unknown white giant behind him in this endless abyss of darkness.

James woke up by the sound of breathing, looking only to see nothing, the bleeding of breath scared him as it made his skin pop with its cold and chilling smell.

He turned around to see a giant white Tiger looking down on him, each Breath of the Tiger causing ripples throughout the water beneath them.

Tiger: "I am Goru The Mighty Tiger of Metal '' the tiger stomped on the floor releasing a wave of Silver aura pressure.

James is stuck in place, he can't move; not feeling his strengths as if he had no physical body, made of air. Staring at the giant kitty that is a Tiger. he doesn't feel fear as he knows those who wanted harm down on him before and the Tiger had a strange familiar sense of his very similar harmless angry fluffball of a cat.

Tiger: "you've broken the seal of the Beast king's spirit, now you are to inheritance its Will"

Suddenly taking out its claw the Tiger points its finger towards James' chest through his body and into his heart. A white light began to evaporate around them while they slowly started to morph into a perfectly round sphere.

Slowly losing consciousness, the sphere glowed revealing a new existence, fur covering all of the boys except for his face, two whisker-like fur covering the side of his cheeks, a tail growing this body fur was all made of silver.




James' eyes shot open grasping his breath, the glass cube he was located in sent slight chills on his skin. His neck had a metal collar; assuming from the shocking awakening he had this is some sort of power damping tech he saw before. Feeling the tight collar around his neck he looked around the current room he was in, in one word to describe it was a mess; the glass walls looked like they had big scratch marks on them and crackling glass.

Further inspecting the glass walls around him, the damage to the walls came from the inside and he was the only one inside. That strange dream and now this must've had a connection.

Looking at the reflection in the mirror the upper half of his suit was ripped leaving his upper half exposed.

Looking at himself in the reflection he could see tan Lines on his chest and two upper abs and two silver whisker-like marks appeared on his cheeks but there is tan shaping two spikes-like shapes, bigger than the whiskers. Suddenly in the reflection, there was a white-sliver moving rope behind him; Aaah? What's going on?

He looked behind himself grabbing the tail, it was fluffy and nothing at all like sliver, it had black stripes around it when touching the stripes they were a little heavier and thicker. Swaying the tail around, back and forth, an idea came to mind, he jumped forward towards the wall using it as leverage he jumped backward twirling in the air thrice, and flipping on his back he landed on his feet.

"Tada!" He held his arms up T-posing.

"Oh-HoHo- This is going to be fun" he made a mischievous smug face.

"Wonder what else I can do?"

He looked at his hand, he flipped them backward, staring at his nails, they were silver too, he made a claw-like gesture from his fingers feeling a slight tightness from them. Beng! 10 sliver claws popped out from his fingers.


Turning his head left and right he sneaked up towards the mirror and using his pointing finger he scratched on the glass H-E-Y. It left a deep claw mark on the glass. smirking at his claws.

"Looks like I can stop funding those retractable claws. Haaa-.. they always did need to be constantly repaired from the slightest of tiniest scratches"

After a few inspections of the glass Scratched James figured out that there was a slight magnetic pull since the Scratches on the grass walls had slight sparks invisible from normal vision.


"AAAaagh" James fell.

Grabbing the collar around his neck feeling suffocated, hysterically breathing.

"Hello? One Out There!?"


"-you've woken up…Bzzzt-you're probably wondering where you are-…Bzzt -since you are a minor you'll be like the rest of the villains-… Bzzt-but since you've just turned 16-…Bzzt-you won't at least have Teazers on your Hands only your Neck-"

He touched his left ankle feeling a metal chip attached to it, he could feel a slight pulsing of electricity. This new strange feeling made James intrigued since he doesn't understand these new senses.

From the moment he woke up his senses are crazy, with each breath taken is a new scent. he can hear and feel the static in the air, and feel the magnetic waves of vibration touching him. It was strange. It felt like he was a huge magnet, Booom! The glass wall behind him lowered down revealing a bright shining white hallway.

Curious James began walking towards the light…

I wanna do stories not centered around this Jame’s story. Though of wanting to make new fan fic and stuff but that’s just annoying. So there’s gonna be stories in different volume. -Probably-

Pourlett_kuncreators' thoughts