
Funny and crazy mafia organization

Muhammad_Fahad_4407 · Fantaisie
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Funny and crazy mafia organization

(It is a story of a special box, which was delivered in between mafia organization name Joker with funny and crazy idea).


(This story start with the member name Jake( code name : nobod) of this organization who called by his boss( name Joker). As he

went to his boss. His boss was making a serious face. He say hello to boss).

Nobod: Hello boss

Joker: He replied to his greetings with nodded head.

Nobod: Boss you called me, it must be a serious matter.

Joker: You are right my boy, I have a serious and special mission for you.

Nobod: And what's that boss?

Joker: You have to go to a location and retrieve a special box for me.

Nobod: Boss this a little matter, you should give this mission to any member of this organization.

Joker: (boss yell!) Shut up you moron, this is secret and special matter, only you can handle it. You will meet a guy there. I give this password to you so you can get it easily and be careful there must be lots of people who must want to kill you for it.

Nobod: ok boss. I'll be very careful. Don't worry. I won't let you down.

Nobod left the room and went to fulfill the mission so he can make himself proud to his boss.

He done as his boss instructed to him.

As he left the room and went straight to the location the boss gave him .

He knocked the door.

A bald guy came outside and asked: who are you?

Nobod: My boss send me here to retrieve the box.

Bald Guy: If you are here to take then you must have know the password. Tell me. what is it?

Nobod said: I know it "fry pan on bald head".

Bald Guy replied: "Egg on fry pan",and said: come inside.He gave nobod the box.

Nobod took the box.

While taking box to the boss, a thief point the gun at him and yell: Quickly give me the box.

Nobod said: Ok, but you have to see opposite side and count till 10.

Thief said: Ok and did as he said.

As he was doing it. Nobod escaped from there and ran straight to boss.

Boss said: why are you humping?

Nobod said: I fooled a thief while taking care of your box and give it to boss.

Boss received the box and told him to go.

Nobod did as his boss said.

Joker opened the box, there was 0.25 litre petrol in bottle, and said, I have to find some safe place to hide it because it is the rare treasure nowadays while laughing.