
The Begining and the end

I slowly open my eyes the little light that was in the room blinded me. My hands were tied behind my back in chains as I sat on cold sment in a torn dress with once colorful flower's on it, but turned dirty with mud. As I hear a pen drop on the floor. I look up feeling fear spread like a bucket of icy water that was dumped on my head. "Gather these one's up next" A cold looking guy says picking up the pen he dropped and walking away. I sat there petrified as the guards started pulling people out of cells until they came to mine. Unlocked it and grabbed my dirty arm. "Aaaaaaah" I scream, kicking and thrusting around scared if I stoped I will never get free. But instead I get dragged out and see the other priseners crying, preying, and some just dead looking. Some were Ishbalens others looked like prisiners. As I was dragged out into the hallway with the rest of them noticing that I was the youngest by many years. The gaurds dragged me for a few minutes until we stopped at a door the gaurds at the door opended it and I fell limp at the sight. There was blood everywhere and now I knew about the screams I heard about an hour ago, knowing soon that would be my fate. Shivering in fear I'm pushed forward and chained to the blood splattered ruins on the floor right near the guy with the clipbourd. He looks down at my face. "Why is she here" The guy asks pointing at me. A tall guy with long black hair answers. "She was helping the Ishbalens escape so I took her with me" he says with a smile. The guy just shackes his head and moves on. "I'll make you pay" I scream pulling at the chains that bound me from moving "For what you have done" I say tears streaming down my face leaving streaks through the blood and dirt caked to my face. He just smiles "Say hello to your friends for me" he says laughing and walking out the doors shutting them behind him. "Okay start" The man with the clipbourd says. "Wait what" I yell pulling at my chains feeling them cut into my wrist and ankles as the ground below me starts to come to life as red streaks of energy entrace the ruins. I scream in pain as my hole body feels like it's coming apart. I crumple to the ground feeling nothing but pain and just wanting it to end as I slowly close my eyes and go limp. I'm sundenly standing in a white gloom I turn around and see a massive door floating like it wieghed nothing. I pull my coat closer as I feel my hairs on the back of my neck stand up I turn around. Tripping on my bear feet I stumble infront of this thing. Wanting to scream I stumble back. "Who are you" I say trembling. "I'm what you call the world, or the universe, or the truth, or all, or one, and i'm you" the truth says pointing at me. "Know welcome you fool" the truth says as the massive doors behind me swing open. As I run forward trying to get away from it. It grabbed me and pulled me in, but the doors threw me out a few seconds later. "So you don't have to pay a price for the sin you were used for, but you still have to pay, So i'll make a deal i'll take some of your memory, but of course i'll give it back sometime, so you will still live" the truth says smiling as everything went dark again. As I come back to focus i'm laying on the ruins the priseners around me lying dead. I gasp for air and the people around me jump. "She's still alive sir" Says a guard to the man with the pen. As I grasp for breath I try to open my eyes but my vision was blurred. And all I can see was blurry outlines of people standing above me. "This is bad" the guy says with the pen "Burn all her files, and take her to lab B, and make sure this never leaks to the higher ups unerstand" The man says "Make sure that she is on the diceased list" he says As he walks away as the guard picks me up. When he layed me down finnally on a flat cold surface I tried getting up but my vision was blurry and I was being tied down. "So what do you want me to do with her" A man says. "Whatever you want" The guard says "Make her a pet for all I care" and with that he walks away. "A pet huh how does that sound kitty" He says stabbing a needle into my arm. The rest was horrible like a nightmare of pain and darkness, but around a week later as I layed in my cage on the floor curled up with my tail tucked around me to keep me warm. My ears quivering trying to pick up any sound of danger. All of a sunden I hear a bang as if a door was smashed to pieces. I look up and see a man with black hair rush into my lab undo the latch and grab me. I started to bite him trying to get away from him, but he seemed to not even notice. When we got outside he handed me to another person and I stopped bitting "That's the last one, now come on guys" he says. As the small group make's there way through the night I didn't say a word, only looking up at the sky feeling my collor rub against my neck "I may not remember my past, but I wasn't going to let go of my future" I think to myself. And that night I promised myself I would find those monsters and make them pay and make sure to keep moving forward no matter what happened I wouldn't stop until the very end.

Thank you for getting this far in my book, If you like it please leave a comment down below and thumbs up And if you like Fullmetal Alchemist AMV come check out my youtube channel (Kat Curtiss) Thank You

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