
Fuchsbau and Mauvais Dentes

crossover with Teen Wolf inspired MC Scott McCall. When Rosalee comes into town she isn't the only new wesen to show its face in Portland. Juliette got a new employee who is a Mauvais Dentes, fresh out of Beacon Hills High School. Pairing: Scott x Rosalee

Grimm_48 · TV
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failed date

About 4 days later Scott and Wu are driving back to the police station after they finish their shift and he gets a text.

"I smell girlfriend." Wu says teasingly, seeing Scott's smile at reading the message.

"I'm not sure." Scott says, pocketing the device after shooting back a quick message.

"Why? You said the girl you're into already is dating a friend of yours. I wouldn't recommend interfering with that." Wu says.

"I met this girl on the case we had a couple days ago. The one with that drowned kid." Scott says.

"You got one of the girls' number? Good for you those two were hotties." Wu tells him.

"No. It's their sister." Scott says.

"So, what's the problem?" Wu asks.

"Isn't it against protocol or something? And do you think that a relationship will last if you met like that?" Scott asks.

"Well, it's kinda a grey area. It's advised to not agree to a relationship so early after meeting on the job, but it's not like someone will check or care." Wu tells him.

"So I can go out with her, but the earlier I do so, the higher the chance it won't last?" Scott says.

"I guess. But you really look like you need a date, so my advice is go and have fun." Wu tells him.

"Alright. Thanks." Scott thanks him, bumping his fist before the two leave their car and head to the locker room.

3 hours later

Scott arrives at the marina, wearing a poloshirt, jeans and sneakers.

"Hi. I'll get her." Anna says once she sees him, sounding mildly annoyed.

She leaves her sun tanning spot on the houseboat and climbs down some stairs, Elly coming out of the houseboat half a minute later, wearing a shirt and jean shorts as well as some flat shoes.

"Hi." Scott greets her, waving as well and is taken off guard when as a reply the girl hugs him tightly once setting foot on the ground.

"So, what did you want to do?" He asks while signing.

She smiles cutely and only holds out her hand expectantly, Scott taking it and letting her lead him away.

He follows the beautiful girl for the next 10 minutes or so, the two only exchanging some glances and squeezing each other's hand appreciatively.

The two come to a stop at a lake in the forest with a small waterfall leading into it, if you can call it that with only a 2 to 3 meter drop.

"It's nice here. Do you come here often?" Scott asks when she turns to look at him.

She signals a 'so-so' with her free hand before taking her other back, walking backwards from Scott slowly, grinning at him.

She doesn't see the root sticking up behind her however and trips backwards, getting caught by Scott quickly, before she falls backwards into the water.

Scott pulls her firmly against himself so she doesn't fall and the two breathe against each other's skin hotly.

"Thank you." She signs once Scott sets her back on her feet a couple seconds later.

"What are we doing here?" He asks.

"Swimming." She signs before kicking off her shoes.

Scott stares at her intensely, while she smiles cutely, pulling her shirt over her head slowly, tossing it in front of him intentionally, revealing a black bikini top.

"You too." She signs.

"What? Sorry. I didn't pay attention." He says a bit embarrassed, making her laugh and step close to him, looking in his eyes and slides her hand under his shirt, pulling it over his head while keeping the eye contact and drops it down on top of her shirt.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks, before looking down at her hands, not wanting to miss her answer.

She reaches up to him however and pulls him closer, their lips meeting in a hungry and passionate kiss.

Once the two break apart a while later, they quickly get out of their clothes, until they are in their bikini and underpants respectively.

She waves for him to follow her and jumps into the water, coming back up woged, her eyes glowing blue, light glowing coming from her gills and her webbed hand waving for him to come into the water.

Scott stares at her, while she combs her wet hair back.

Scott jumps into the water and swims towards her.

"Show me yourself." She signs, the webbing making reading the signing harder but adds beauty to it in Scott's mind.

"Just don't be afraid." He tells her, his skin moving for a moment, before turning back human.

Elly holds one of his hands with both of hers and nods at him supportively.

With a shudder Scott's skin turns to black and white fur, his nose becomes like that of a cat and his teeth sharpen with two fangs sticking out in front of his lower lips.

His yellow glowing eyes open, being surprised to see her curiously inspect every centimeter of his over the water hovering torso before she reaches his face, her webbed hands cupping his cheeks, before exploring the bridge of his nose and then the top of his head before rubbing over his fangs, poking her index on the tip of one, drawing a droplet off blood from it, which he licks up quickly, holding her hands above her while losing the woge and starts kissing down her arm carefully, then moves up her shoulder neck and she finally closes the distance, kissing him, her tongue darting out for access to his mouth which he's more than happy to give her, releasing his hold on her hands and instead grabs her waist and cups her cheek, pulling her firmly against himself.

"Scott. Would you like to sleep with me?" She asks while blushing.

"I..." Scott tries to reply but freezes up, his mind playing tricks on him and imagining Rosalee having sex with himself and his figure flickers between himself and Munroe over and over.

"I can't. I'm not ready yet." He signs back, Elly looking hurt at this and tries to leave but he grabs her hand gently, holding her in place.

"I was in love with someone recently. I don't want to jump into anything before I'm sure I'm over her. But I like you very much. I just don't know much about you." Scott explains, talking slowly so she can read his lips.

Once he confessed this, she takes his hands and puts them around her shoulders, moving close and kissing him again.

"I like you too." She signs, poking his chest.

"You are so beautiful and I'm such an idiot." he says to himself, hugging her firmly against himself, just enjoying the close contact to her and her slippery lips which leave a trail of kisses up his neck.

"Tell me about yourself." He signs after a while of them just hugging and making out.

The two relocate to the edge of the lake, sitting down with their feet dangling in the water.

The two spend the rest of the late afternoon getting to know each other and both feel sorry for how each other got treated because of their circumstances, Scott because his Wesen kind is usually trained by the royals and bloodthirsty killers and Elly because she's deaf.

"Elly. I want to be honest here. I like you. I mean you're cute, sexy, adventurous and very kind. But I don't know if I'm the right guy for you. I'm not over Rosalee yet, I struggle with my control sometimes and we met under very unusual circumstances." Scott tells her, while singing the same.

She looks at him in a mix of sad and understanding.

"I understand. Thank you for being honest." She signs and takes his hand, gently rubbing over it while giving him a reassuring smile.

"I kind of feel like an ass here. You're so nice and perfect and I'm just ..." he says disappointed in himself, but she stops him, giving him a soft kiss before signing.

"You worry too much about others.

But I like that about you."

"Thanks. Should we head back? It's getting dark." Scott asks her, receiving a nod as reply.

The two get up and put on their clothes and Scott brings Elly home.

"If you decide you do want to date me, don't hesitate to shoot me a text." She tells him and kisses his cheek, before going on her boat and waving goodbye to Scott.

"I'm so stupid." Scott curses to himself as he walks away, driving home.