
Fuchsbau and Mauvais Dentes

crossover with Teen Wolf inspired MC Scott McCall. When Rosalee comes into town she isn't the only new wesen to show its face in Portland. Juliette got a new employee who is a Mauvais Dentes, fresh out of Beacon Hills High School. Pairing: Scott x Rosalee

Grimm_48 · TV
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9 Chs

catching a killer

"Are you sure?" Nick asks Rosalee and Scott, showing them the two people, they picked from his pool of criminals.

"Positive." Rosalee says.

"I can't tell I only saw them woged." Scott says silently.

"How do you do this?" Rosalee asks him.

"We start with last known addresses and see if we can find them or someone who knows them.

"I mean as a cop when they have no idea." Rosalee says, looking around the ballpen.

"I do what I can do." Nick tells her.

"I don't envy you, it's not easy living two lives. I suppose you checked into mine." Rosalee says.

"Next of kin are usually the first suspect." Nick confirms, looking at Scott as if asking her if he should continue and gets a silent nod from the girl.

"You were arrested a couple of times for breaking and entering." Nick says questioningly since she doesn't strike him as the type.

"A long time ago. I cleaned up my act." She replies.

"So what am I supposed to do now?" Rosalee asks.

"I'm going to have some officers bring you back to your brothers house and stay outside." Nick says, picking up his phone.

"What about your partner?" Rosalee asks him.

"Hank?" Nick asks.

"No, the other one." Rosalee says.

"Munroe? Sure I could ask him to check on you." Nick tells her.

"I don't think that's necessary, I can stay with you. I don't have any pressing matters at the moment. My apartment hunt won't run away." Scott suggests, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks, yeah. That'd be great." Rosalee thanks him.

"Alright, I'll just call the officers then and tell them to take you two back and stay outside." Nick says, dialing a number.

"Thank you for staying." Rosalee thanks Scott once they are back in her brother's apartment.

"No need to thank me. I'm betting if that skalengeck saw me again he'd target me anyways." Scott replies, giving her a warm smile.

"That's true." Rosalee agrees.

"Still, you didn't have to go out of your way to help me but I'm glad you did." She says, bringing him a pillow and some blankets to the couch.

"So, there is some food in the fridge. And you take the couch." She tells him, standing in the doorway to the bedroom.

"Goodnight and don't worry everything will be OK." Scott tells her.

"Thanks, Goodnight." Rosalee replies and closes the door slowly.

The next morning Rosalee brews some coffee before she wakes the sleeping man slightly younger than her on her couch.

"Scott." She says softly, poking his arm while he's sleeping.

"What's wrong?" He asks, shooting up into a crouching position on the couch.

"Take it easy. Here, I made some coffee. Thanks for keeping watch last night, I'm going to go to the shop." She tells him.

"I don't think that's a wise move." Scott tells her, slumping down on her couch once he sees there is no danger.

"I have no intentions of staying here any longer than I have to and there is still stuff I have to take care off." Rosalee tells him, already moving to the wardrobe where she puts on her boots.

"What's the rush? Man, alright I'm coming." Scott says disappointed and gets up from the couch.

He sees Nick's card lying on her coffee table and dials the number, stifling a yawn.

"Burkhard." Nick says answering his phone.

"Rosalee says she wants to go to the shop." Scott says.

"Where are you?" Nick asks.

"Still at her brothers place and she's already put her shoes on." Scott replies.

"Stay with her please, at least until I send someone over to the shop." Nick requests.

"Sure, no problem." Scott tells him, hanging up and sees Rosalee already opening the door.

"Hey, wait up. Let me put on my shoes first." Scott stops her, sitting down to put on his shoes and slip into his jacket.

"Alright, let's go." Scott says following her outside.

"So what did Nick say?" She asks.

"He's going to send someone to the shop." Scott replies.

"What about you?" She inquires.

"I'll be your shadow until the remaining junkie is dealt with. Why, does that bother you?" Scott asks her.

"No, not at all." She says with a small smile on her face.

Meanwhile at the precinct Nick and Hank head out to the house a patrol saw the suspects car parked in front of while Nick sends Wu, who stole Hank's last magic cookie to the spice shop. When Nick and Hank get to the house they find the suspect, who opens fire on them with his machine gun and bolts out the back with them unable to follow because Hank got a vision of Adalind standing in a corridor and he walks towards her like in a trance.

|Half an hour later at the shop|

"So, this was a family business? You mentioned your father being an apothecary." Scott asks Rosalee while he helps her put some books away in a moving carton.

"Yes. I tried it as well, but it didn't work out the last time." Rosalee tells him, remembering her clash with J.

"Hey, I was asked to come down here and make sure… everything was…" Wu says stepping into the shop.

"Dude, are you OK? Take a breather man." Scott asks Wu, who's tumbling a little and looking at them with glassy eyes while sweating like crazy.

"What are you talking about… I'm fine. Never better." Wu says and then collapses.

"Oh my god." Rosalee says and goes over to the downed officer with Scott.

"Uhm, that is freaky and I come from a town which invented freaky." Scott says, seeing Wu's face swell up with pustules forming all over his face.

"Come help me put him on the counter." Rosalee asks Scott and the two heft him onto the counter.

"I think we should call Nick." Scott suggests.

"Yeah, you do that while I'm going to get him a blanket." Rosalee agrees.

"Nick, hey It's Scott uhh the cop you send down here is in really bad shape. He walked in, collapsed and his face volume doubled. Rosalee says she thinks she knows what's going on with him but you better come down here." Scott informs Nick over the phone.

"OK, I'll come to you." Nick says and hangs up, excusing himself to his captain and Hank, saying Wu may have a lead. Once he's in his car he calls Monroe and asks him to come to the shop as well.

A couple minutes later

"Where is that extract? I can't find it." Scott asks her, looking through the many vials on a shelf.

"Top left, I saw some there yesterday." Rosalee tells him while she's stirring in a bowl with some kind of fluid in it.

"Ah, got it." Scott says, handing her the vial , which she dumps into the bowl completely.

"OK." Scott says surprised by the amount she uses.

"How is he? We need to get him to a hospital." Nick says arriving with Monroe just behind him.

"They won't be able to treat him. They'll think its some kind of mystery infection and he'll die." Rosalee tells them.

"She is right man, I have seen that happen." Monroe agrees.

Rosalee starts to tap some of the fluid on Wu's face only for him to shoot up in pain.

"Hold him down." Rosalee says and both Scott and Monroe start to restrain the Asian officer.

"This is not going well." Monroe says, seeing no change in his condition.

"Open his mouth." Rosalee tells them.

"You want him to drink it?" Nick asks shocked.

"Yeah, he better." Rosalee tells him and Nick pries open his colleagues mouth in which Rosalee promptly empties the bowl, making him cough out and look at the four people around him with panic as he thinks their faces are melting.

"Rosalee puts a black cloth over his face so he won't get any visions of them but he's still squirming around uncomfortably.

"Can't I just knock him out? So he'll be easier to deal with." Scott asks the woman.

"I think that may be a good idea." She agrees and Scott woges before he slowly grasps a spot on the man's neck, pressing into it with one of his clawed fingers, making Wu tense up before he slumps down knocked out.

"What did you do?" Nick asks, worried for his friend.

"Basically I pressed a pressure point. The whole pressure point structure and such is based on wesen with claws using them to control their prey, at least that's what my old boss told me once when he showed me how to do this." Scott tells them.

Almost an hour later they check on Wu's condition and see that the pustules dissipated and he's sleeping normally now.

"I think it worked but we should take him to a place he's familiar with for when he wakes up." Rosalee tells them.

"His apartment isn't very far." Nick suggests.

"I got his feet." Scott volunteers. They then load him into Nick's car and bring him to Wu's apartment.

"You said you've seen this before? What happened to him?" Nick asks Rosalee once Wu is lying on his couch.

"A friend of my fathers came to him once, showing the exact same symptoms. My father said he ingested a Zaubertrank meant for somebody else." Rosalee explains.

"Zaubertrank, what's that?" Scott asks.

"They can be nasty. It's basically a primitive, psychological concoction meant to mess with your head." Monroe says.

"It causes obsessive behavior. If the right person takes it, it creates a deep emotional response, but if the wrong person takes it. That happens." Rosalee tells them, pointing at Wu.

"Can we leave him alone?" Nick asks.

"I think we caught it in time yeah, someone should be there when he wakes up preferably though.

"We got a few hours then. He won't wake for another 3 by my estimate." Scott tells them.

"Good. Rosalee, we almost caught the man who killed your brother but he got away and in their apartment were boxes of J from the shop and we found some kind of pipe, which looked like a horn." Nick informs the woman.

"A Saugendampf." Rosalee says curtly.

"Oh man, an addict and you got their stash. He'll be needing more and I'm telling you addicts with guns is a bad combo." Monroe tells him.

"Where would they go?" Nick asks, looking at Rosalee.

"Don't look at me." Monroe replies, both him and Scott not seeing Nick looking at their female companion.

"I have a feeling you know Rosalee." Nick asks the woman.

"Yeah, I was hooked for 4 years. My brother helped me get clean and that's why I went to seattle, fresh start." Rosalee tells them, looking at Scott at the mention of moving.

"If they are looking to score it'll be at an island of dreams." Rosalee tells them.

"A Trauminsel? Here?" Monroe asks surprised.

"They are everywhere." Rosalee replies.

"Are we talking some kind of wesen crack house?" Nick questions.

"Yeah, and I know how to find it." Rosalee says, sounding dreadful.

Rosalee finds her old dealer and gets two entry tickets from him with the location printed on the cards.

The four of them drive up to the location and Nick exits the vehicle with Monroe.

"It's my brother, I should be the one to go in." Rosalee tells him.

"You've done enough." Nick tells her and enters the building with Monroe to go looking for the remaining Skalengeck.

"So, now you know why I'm in such a hurry to get out of this place." Rosalee says to Scott with the both of them sitting in the back of the car.

"Yeah, I don't blame you." Scott says saddened.

"Guess I can hang out with Monroe from now on then." Scott says solemnly.

"That would be interesting to see." Rosalee says with a smirk, looking at the downcast teen.

"What?" He asks, seeing her stare at him.

"Nohing, just imagining you and Monroe sitting across from each other, growling to communicate or the two of you walking into a church with Seelengut." Rosalee says snickering.

"And Seelengut are what?" Scott asks.

"Basically the harmless sheeps of the Wesenworld." Rosalee replies.

"Humpf. I am more than my Wesen kind is supposed to be." Scott says a little hurt by the implication.

"Oh, I know that but a stranger wouldn't." Rosalee says.

"You know sometimes I wish I could just be normal or a normal Wesen like you. But then other times I am glad I am what I am, because without it I wouldn't have been able to save you." Scott tells her stepping out of the car to get some air and calm his emotions.

Moments later people start fleeing out of the building Nick and Monroe entered.

"What now?" Scott asks surprised and approaches the building, careful to check everyone who runs out.

"Don't leave me behind." Rosalee says, catching up to Scott and walking next to him.

When they round the corner to the backside of the building they see the Skalengeck who killed Rosalee's brother aiming a gun at Monroe.

Scott woges and is about to attack the man when Rosalee beats him to the punch and hits the guy over his head with a brick.

"Nice hit." Scott comments shifting back.

|The next day|

Scott enters the Spice shop early in the morning.

"Hey, I came to see if you needed some more help. And I got you these as a going away present I guess." Scott tells Rosalee, holding out a flower bouquet to her.

"Thank you, it's been a really long time since someone has given me flowers." Rosalee says smelling on them with a smile.

"So, how can I, … help?" Scott asks, taking off his jacket when he sees that the books they removed are back in their original spot on the shelves.

"Oh, uhm I have to stick around for the trial so I wouldn't have been able to sell the shop for a while anyways and then I thought to myself, Portland isn't such a bad place to live." Rosalee explains.

"So you're staying. That's great." Scott says relieved, giving her a hug before awkwardly releasing her, offering "Uhh so need help getting the store ready?"

"Sure, let me put these in water first." Rosalee replies with a smile as she heads to the back, putting the flowers in a vase.