
Fuchsbau and Mauvais Dentes

crossover with Teen Wolf inspired MC Scott McCall. When Rosalee comes into town she isn't the only new wesen to show its face in Portland. Juliette got a new employee who is a Mauvais Dentes, fresh out of Beacon Hills High School. Pairing: Scott x Rosalee

Grimm_48 · TV
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9 Chs

Arrival in Portland

Summary: When Rosalee comes into town she isn't the only new wesen to show its face in Portland. Juliette got a new employee who is a Mauvais Dentes, fresh out of Beacon Hills High School.

Pairing: Scott x Rosalee (mid-twenties)

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen wolf or Grimm.

AN: as I said in the Summary for this fic Rosalee will be in her mid-twenties while Scott has just turned 20.

Also the Mauvais Dentes is the sabretooth-like Wesen Nick and his mother killed in the first episodes of season 2. I will try to make him as similar to how he is in the TV as possible however there is one more major change, which is that Scott has killed before since the Mauvais Dentes is rather brutal and bloodthirsty.

Nick and Juliette were planning to spend a quiet night at home until Juliette received a phone call.

"Oh, you're here already? I guess traffic wasn't as bad as usual today. Yeah sure you can come over tonight, that way I can introduce you to my boyfriend as well." Juliette says while she's on the phone, making Nick look at her curiously.

"Who am I meeting now?" Nick questions as Juliette puts away her phone.

"Oh you know my new employee. Remember I told you that Mr. Deacon recommended him to me because he worked for him for a couple of years." Juliette tells Nick, putting her arms around his shoulders.

"Ah right, what was his name again?" Nick asks.

"Scott McCall." Juliette answers.

"Hmm, do I need to run a background check on him if he's going to be around you all day?" Nick asks jokingly as he brushes over her arm.

"Please he's a 20-year-old kid who wants to see more of the world, I doubt much will turn up." Juliette tells him, not knowing that Scott actually has a rather long record, most of which is him being at crime scenes and helping victims however.

"So when will this Scott be here?" Nick asks.

"He said he'll be here in about an hour. So why don't we treat him to some home cooked dinner?" Juliette replies.

"OK." Nick agrees, making Juliette smile happily as she goes into the kitchen.

"So how did you know this Deaton again?" Nick asks.

"He is another Veterinarian. I met him at a vet course they had for exotic animals. We got to talking and he sometimes helped me with some of my more challenging patients." Juliette answers.

|one hour later|

"Sorry to drop by on such short notice, initially I thought I'd need another 3 hours on the highway." Scott tells them, greeting Nick with a handshake before Juliette pulls him in for a hug after the two let him into the house.

"That's OK. Traffic can be different in Portland." Juliette tells him.

"Come on in, we've just finished making dinner and were hoping you'd join us." Juliette offers, leading him to their dining area.

"Thank you. I was only hoping to get the name of a good hotel around here but since you're offering." Scott accepts.

"So, you must be fresh out of high school?" Nick asks.

"Yeah, graduated just two months ago." Scott answers.

"Why'd you change cities if you were already working for this Dr. Deaton?" Nick questions.

"Uhm, my mom needs a break from worrying about me and I wanted to expand my horizons." Scott tells him.

"What about your dad?" Nick asks.

"He died when I was very young." Scott replies, his skin starting to change for a bare moment but long enough for Nick to realize he's Wesen, not what kind though.

"Come on Nick, he's barely arrived in Portland and you're already grilling him. Sorry about that he's a policeman and a rather protective one at that." Juliette excuses her boyfriend.

"That's alright, never can be too careful." Scott says.

"Yes." Nick says firmly, eyeing the teen with more weariness, since only about 1/8th of the Wesen he met were actually friendly.

"So tell us about yourself Scott, I like my employees to think of our business as a family." Juliette says and the three engage in small talk while eating their meal.

Their dinner comes to an end when Bud knocks on his door and Nick goes to see who it is. Bud promises that no one of his Wesen friends will ever bother him again and gives him a present.

"Who was it?" Juliette asks, getting up and clearing the table with Scott's help.

"Our refrigerator repair man." Nick answers.

"What did he want?" Juliette questions, coming into the entryway and sees the present.

"He told us that no one will bother us again and that it was just a misunderstanding and he gave us a gift as apology." Nick tells her.

"A gift? He must've felt really bad then." Juliette says, opening the carton and takes out the quilt Bud gave them.

"This is really nice." Juliette says, looking at the item.

"Yeah it is." Nick agrees.

"Well, I'm going to go find a hotel. Thanks for having me and I'll see you in a week." Scott says, grabbing his Jacket as he goes to the door.

"Yes, see you in a week." Juliette says cheerfully.

"I'll walk you out and I can tell you of a good hotel." Nick says, opening the door for them and the two men step outside. When they reach the street, Nick checks if Juliette is looking and sees that she's gone before he opens the can of worms.

"You're Wesen, what kind?" Nick asks looking the teen dead in the eye.

"You know?" Scott asks surprised and shifts, showing his white fur with black stripes and his predatory mouth with his two long fangs sticking out, downward. Similar as it would be with a sabretooth tiger.

"Whoa, what freaky kind are you?" Scott asks shrinking back half a step at seeing the pitch-black eyes which Grimm possess in the eyes of Wesen.

"What you haven't heard about me?" Nick asks genuinely shocked, since he's basically the Wesen boogieman.

"No man, I only learned a couple of months ago that I'm a Wesen, I always thought I was some kind of werewolf thingy until Deaton filled me in, apparently he knew someone who hunted things like me." Scott explains.

"A Grimm. Wait if he knew someone that must've been my aunt." Nick tells him.

"I don't know man, we rarely talked about it. All I know is I'm something called a Mauvais Dentes." Scott says.

"Well I don't know your kind, but how do you not know your kind isn't it like hereditary?" Nick questions.

"My dad died when I was three, so I assume he was Wesen then?" Scott guesses.

"That would make sense and it explains why you know even less about Wesen than me. I only learned of your existences recently as well." Nick tells him.

"I see. Well, is there a reason you wanted to know what Wesen I am?" Scott asks.

"I just want to make sure Juliette will be safe and you're not a danger." Nick answers.

"Look, I don`t know what it says in your books, but I only killed people to safe someone." Scott tells him.

"Wait what, you killed people?" Nick asks on guard.

"Wouldn't you if you saw a wolf-like thingy about to kill your best friend with their claws?" Scott asks.

"Look, you're a cop right? Look into my record, everything you'll need to know is in there. Now is there a hotel you can recommend? It's getting late and if you feel like you have to continue this conversation after looking through my record you'll know where to find me." Scott asks.

"Sure, but don't think you can fool me. If you are a danger, I'll find out and send you running." Nick tells him threateningly. After this he tells him of a decent hotel in the area and Scott bids him farewell before taking off to his new temporary lodgings.

"Weird kid. I just hope he can be trusted. I better ask Monroe to help me look through the books to find his kind as well." Nick says, thinking out loud.

|three days later|

During the last three days Nick has read about Scott's kind and has found that they can be aggressive and basically unstoppable killing machines, but the record Nick found about Scott showed the exact opposite however. In his record there are many reports about him doing first aid for victims of a wolf attack, two about him saving someone's life and even a recommendation from the sherriff should he ever apply for a job in law enforcement.

"What's got you so interested in this kid, if anything he's a modern-day hero." Hank asks Nick, seeing him look at Scott's record again.

"Yeah, I know I just worry too much I guess with him working for Juliette now." Nick replies.

"So when is the victims sister arriving?" Hank questions his partner.

"Shouldn't be too long now. What was her name again?" Nick replies.

"Rosalee Calvert, 26." Hank answers, looking into his file.

About an hour later Rosalee enters the police station and gets directed to the two detectives' desks.

"Detectives Burkhard, Griffin. This is Rosalee Calvert." Sgt. Wu says, leading the attractive brunette to their desks.

"I'm sorry you had to come down here under these circumstances." Nick tells her.

"Please sit down." Hank says offering her a chair.

"Who killed him?" Rosalee asks, standing on her spot.

"We don't know yet." Hank replies, retaking his seat.

"What do you know?" Rosalee questions, angry at the whole situation.

"He was killed in an appearant robbery." Nick explains.

"Since no money was taken, we assumed they were after something in the shop. He was able to set off the emergency alarm, so we don't know if they got what they were after." Nick informs her.

"What do you know about your brothers' business?" Hank inquires.

"He sold tee, spices and herbs. Not very complicated. My brothers didn't have any enemies that I know off, was that your next question?" Rosalee says, showing that she's butted heads with police before.

"Do you know if your brother was dealing in anything illegal?" Nick asks her directly.

"No, I saw him once a year and barely spoke to him on the phone. I want to bury him, I want to close up his shop and then just go home. So what do I have to do to get that done? I'd like to go to the shop can I do that?" Rosalee asks.

"Well, we're done with our investigation but one of us will have to go with you until we know forensics are done." Nick tells her. The two of them then head to her late brothers' shop.

The first thing Rosalee sees after entering her brothers' shop is a carpet with a big blood stain on it. She leans down in sorrow as she looks at where her brother died, woging in the process.

"We don't know if that's all your brothers' blood. He might have taken the bite out of the killer." Nick tells her, making her look at him, still woged.

Realizing he's a Grimm she flinches and puts some distance between them.

"I didn't hurt your brother and I'm not going to hurt you." Nick tells her, holding his hands up.

"Do you know anything about gallenblase? Did you know your brother was dealing, he was supplied by Geier."

"No, I didn't know, was that who killed him?" Rosalee questions.

"That was my first thought, but I think whoever killed him was after something else." Nick tells her.

"What?" Rosalee asks.

"I was hoping you'd tell me." Nick says.

"I have no idea what he has in here, but I'll look." Rosalee tells him.

Nicks' phone rings and Hank tells him that the lab reports came up empty and Nick says that he's coming back since Rosalee seems to be clean.

"If you think of anything or need anything just give me a call." Nick tells her, handing her his card.

"You're not at all what I expected." Rosalee says.

"Yeah." Nick says.

"If you find out anything…" Rosalee says.

"I'll call you." Nick finishes before leaving the shop.

|two hours later|

Rosalee is still in the shop, looking through her brother's belongings when someone knocks on the shops' door.

"Is anyone home? I'm looking for a Freddy Calvert." Scott asks, trying to peek through the blinds with no success.

"What do you want?" Rosalee asks, unlocking the door and stepping into the opening.

"Uhh, a friend told me to come to a tea and spice shop owned by Freddy Calvert, am I at the right place?" Scott asks.

"Freddy is my brother." Rosalee says close to tearing up.

"Uhm, can I meet him then? I'm new to town and was told that he's a good guy who can help me navigate the city." Scott asks.

"He was killed yesterday." Rosalee tells him, tears now falling out of her eyes while she's woging.

"Oh man, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?" Scott offers, concerned for the woman in tears who he guesses to be 4 years older than himself.

"Come on in, maybe I can help you find what you're looking for. I lived here for a bit." Rosalee tells him, while she's getting her sniffing under control and lets him into the shop.

"Sorry about that I still haven't wrapped my mind around it." Rosalee tells him, closing the door behind them.

"I understand, believe me." Scott tells her, looking at her empathically.

"Who are you again?" She asks, looking him over.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Scott. Scott McCall." He introduces himself, offering a handshake which she accepts.

"So how do you know of my brother?" Rosalee asks, going back to what she was doing before, which is looking through the racks of spices.

"Well my boss mentioned that if I ever needed a guide in the city your brother is the man to go to and that they were close friends once." Scott informs her.

"I see. Well I'm sorry to say you came all this way for nothing." She says.

"Don't mind that, how're you doing?" Scott asks.

"Trying to focus on anything than my brothers' death." Rosalee replies.

"How about you take a breather and we go get something to eat together? There is a diner just up the road." Scott suggests, worried about the woman's emotional state.

"Why? We don't know each other." Rosalee asks suspicious of him.

"So? I know nobody in this town and since you said you don't live here anymore, I'm guessing you don't either and since a meal is better eaten in company …" Scott tries to reason with her.

"Alright, but only 20 minutes." Rosalee tells him, getting the feeling the teen a few years younger than her won't give up so easily. The two of them leave her shop and go to the diner Scott found where they spend the next hour eating and getting to know each other.

"Thank you, I really needed that." Rosalee thanks him as he's accompanying her on her way back to the store.

"It was my pleasure." Scott replies.

"I just have to ask, why were you so intent on consoling me?" Rosalee asks while she opens the door for them, stepping inside with her new acquaintance.

"I told you earlier that I know how you feel. I wasn't kidding about that, not long ago my girlfriend was killed, and I had a rough time dealing with it. Luckily I had a good friend and my boss to help me through it but since you're here all alone I wanted you to have someone as well." Scott explains.

"I'm sorry." Rosalee says.

"Don't worry. I've gotten over it for the most part, that is part of the reason why I am moving here, fresh start." Scott tells her with a sad smile while he instinctively woges, showing her what Wesen he is.

"What, you're a …" Rosalee asks shocked, taking a step back.

"Mauvais Dentes. Do we have such a bad image?" Scott asks confused by her reaction.

"I'd say. You're known for being able to wipe out entire cities and finding pleasure in torturing your prey." Rosalee tells him scared.

"Woah." Scott says shocked.

"What, you didn't know?" Rosalee asks confused.

"No, I barely have found out that I'm Wesen at all." Scott informs her.

"How is that possible?" Rosalee questions.

"My dad died when I was young, and my mom is normal." Scott explains.

"Oh, I see." Rosalee says.

"Well, I think I better go. You're looking rather tense and the last thing I want is to pile up on your worries." Scott says, sounding a little hurt but puts up a brave front.

"No, don't go. I could use the company." Rosalee tells him, grabbing his arm to stop him from leaving.

"OK." Scott accepts with a bright smile, relieved the only person he knows, other than Juliette didn't get scared off by finding out what kind of Wesen he is.

"So, what do you want me to do?" Scott asks, offering her his help as Rosalee starts to go through her brothers' products again.