
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantaisie
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66 Chs

Escape? enter the game!

Zorha's thoughts were so desperate that he found himself thinking about things that seemed trivial in comparison to the impending invasion.

'I almost forgot about this.'

He mumbled, staring at the system screen in front of him.

He couldn't help but feel curious about the game that was being offered to him.

It had been so long since he had experienced anything fun or enjoyable.

Also Zorha felt tormented by the weight of his responsibilities.

He knew that the fate of his clansmen and the Deva Blood Tree he worshiped rested on his shoulders.

'Should I really be thinking about having fun at a time like this?'

He asked himself.

Zorha felt tired and overwhelmed, and the temptation of the game was so strong.

It seemed like an escape from the harsh reality of his situation.

Suddenly, he bit his tongue, feeling a sharp pain shoot through his mouth.


Zorha exclaimed, furrowing his brow in frustration.

He clicked his tongue, his thumb and index finger touching each other with a sharp ringing sound like broken nails.

Zorha knew he couldn't let himself be distracted by something as trivial as a game.

But then he remembered what the person in his head had said - that playing a game could help him relax.

Zorha wasn't sure what to do.


He groaned. He felt torn between his responsibilities and the temptation of the game.

Suddenly, Zorha closed his six terrifying eyes, a sight that could make one's spine shiver.

For a moment, he tried to block out the world around him, to find some peace in the darkness behind his eyelids.

But it didn't work.

The weight of his worries was too heavy, and he couldn't find the relaxation he so desperately sought.

In a sudden burst of frustration, Zorha moved like lightning, putting his fist to his face with a loud pang.

His bony face felt like it was shattered, and he could taste the metallic tang of his own blood.

"I tried to close my eyes to relax, but it didn't work."

He muttered, feeling defeated.

His eyes landed on the switch option on the system screen, and he spoke again.

"It seems I really need some external help," he said, feeling convinced.

Zorha closed his eyes again, taking a long, deep inhale.

He felt his chest expand and his lungs fill with air, savoring the sensation.

For a moment, he held his breath, feeling the tension in his body release as the air left his lungs in a steady stream.

He knew that he couldn't keep going without some kind of relief, and the game seemed like the perfect distraction.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Zorha made his decision.

He would play the game, but only for a little while.

And then he would return to his duties, ready to face whatever came his way.

With a deep sigh, Zorha gave up.


He muttered.

"Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional."

He focused his attention back to the system screen, his eyes fixed on the switch option.


He shouted, hoping that it would work.

And to his surprise, the screen flickered.

"Before I face all those monstrosities, I will explore this so-called game world first, to relax and enjoy."

Zorha said, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

He would settle into the game, determined to enjoy himself and forget about his worries for a little while.

But in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder if this was really the answer to his problems.

"I hope you don't disappoint me," he said to the game, his eyes twinkling with expectation.

"Just like he said."

But all of a sudden, he felt like the world around him was fading away.

The soft touch of the wind disappeared, and he was left in silence.

"Is this it?"

He asked, feeling a sense of dread building in his chest.

Suddenly, everything trembled, and Zorha found himself frozen in place.

He tried to speak, but his mouth refused to listen, leaving him looking comical with his mouth wide open and his tongue hanging out.

As the trembling intensified, dark matter began to close in on his vision, mixing with a gray unknown substance that looked like a cloud.


Zorha gasped, surprised that he could still breathe.

But then he froze once again, his mouth shaped like an 'O'.

He wanted to curse, to scream at the unfairness of it all.

But he was powerless to move or speak.

Suddenly, Zorha felt like he was being sucked into the dark gray cloud.

At first, it was only a small hole, but it expanded faster than he could comprehend.

He felt like he was falling, tumbling through darkness and chaos.

Zorha felt like he was falling through an endless void, his body hurtling through space at a dizzying speed.

And then, just as suddenly, he felt himself being hurled up into the air.


He exclaimed, his voice high-pitched and fast, the sound of someone who was surprised.

But his surprise quickly turned to embarrassment as he released a strange noise from his mouth.


Zorha landed on a flat wooden surface, feeling a jolt of pain shoot through his body.

His vision was blurry, and he struggled to make sense of his surroundings.

But he knew this feeling all too well - it had happened to him twice before, and this was the third time.

"Not again."

He muttered under his breath, feeling frustrated.

He closed his eyes, trying to steady himself.

And then he heard the voices.

"Young master Lu Tang!"

"Young master Lu Tang!"

"Young master Lu Tang!"

The voices were not far away from him, and he could feel their presence like a weight on his chest.

But he didn't care about them.

His consciousness was fading, and he knew that he needed to rest if he was going to make it through whatever was happening to him.

With a deep sigh, Zorha let himself slip into unconsciousness, hoping that he would wake up to a clearer understanding of his situation.

Zorha woke up for the second time, feeling disoriented and sluggish.


His surroundings were hazy and indistinct, and he could feel the dampness of scratchy grasses beneath him.

His nose and chest felt warm and comfortable, and he savored the sensation for a moment before trying to move.

But as he shifted his body, sharp pangs of pain shot through him, declaring his body's unwillingness to move.


Zorha groaned, feeling frustrated.

He tried again, determined to get up and figure out what was going on.


And after a few minutes of struggling, he managed to open his eyes, but they snapped shut again as he felt the exhaustion settle into his muscles.

With a deep sigh, Zorha let himself relax.

He focused on his breathing, taking slow, steady inhalations and exhalations.

The breaths seemed to carry with them all the fatigue of the day, leaving him feeling slightly more relaxed.

With his eyes still closed, Zorha savored the feeling of release, the sense of letting go of the tension that had been building up in his body.

"H.a.a.a.a.a.a." he exhaled, feeling a sense of relief.

As the last of the breath escaped his lips, he opened his eyes once again.

He took a deep inhale, feeling a renewed sense of energy coursing through his veins.

Zorha lay still, feeling a mix of frustration and helplessness.

"I'm getting tired of this."

He said with a little smirk and a helpless look.

He took a moment to scan his surroundings, taking in the lifelike designs and details of the space around him.

A massive tiger loomed nearby, its muscles defined and powerful.

Zorha felt a sense of awe and intimidation as he looked at it.

And then there was the serpent, soaring through the sky with its majestic scales and hound-like teeth.

"What kind of animals are these?"

Zorha wondered.

He shifted his gaze, taking in the wooden floor, soft fabric bedding, and the red door that seemed to beckon him outside.

Zorha's eyes moved methodically, taking in every detail of the space around him.

He looked out the windows, marveling at the movement of the trees and the colors of the sky.

"The pale blue sky, white soft clouds, green grasses, and tall-looking trees."

He thought to himself.

"I swear that I have never seen a more beautiful scene before my eyes."

And then something caught his attention.


Zorha muttered, focusing on it and trying to make sense of what he was seeing.

He froze, his gaze fixed on the incredible sight before him.

"What is that?"

Zorha whispered, unable to believe what he was seeing.

There were people flying through the air, standing on swords with their long, majestic white gowns billowing behind them.

Their hair whipped around their faces as they soared and dipped, the sunlight glinting off the polished silver of their blades.

"Are they warlocks?"

Zorha wondered, his voice filled with awe.

He had never seen another warlock before, in all his life.

Although he was a warlock before he became an Asura Deva, he never saw any of them wielding magical powers.

Zorha only read them on scrolls that were provided to him before he was sent in this place to die.

And now, he was rooted to the spot as he watched them weave intricate patterns in the air.

It was a sight he never thought he'd see in his lifetime, and he couldn't help but stare in amazement at the incredible spectacle before him.


He exclaimed, refusing to believe his eyes.

"Those are not real."

Zorha rubbed his eyes, thinking that perhaps he was dreaming.

But as he opened them again, the surreal scene remained.


Zorha breathed, feeling a sense of wonder and amazement wash over him.

His mind raced with questions about how and why these people were able to fly, and he couldn't shake the feeling of excitement that filled him.

And then, suddenly, the familiar mechanical sound rang in his ears once again.
