
Chapter 2

The Sojourned-Apple was tired after many a miles of hiking, treacking and traversing of their landscape, eventually settling on a hill and under a tree for the sake of shade. 'Under here is where I'll stay' is what the resting Apple thought. With there great and vast pool of knowledge, they decided with there wisdom seeking mid that they will think upon all that they have done and gain insight upon how it had all come to this. Weeks passed and the apple had started to lose it's older luster, becoming dull from days upon days with out food or drink. Slowly but surely, they were shriveling. Rather, their mind was becoming greater than their material self and they were slowly undergoing a metamorphosis as they contemplated the Laws of the Universe. 'When I was banished, was it right? No, yet it still happened. Could I have resisted?...' The Insightful, crumpled apple questioned itself before finding the answer within itself, again. The answer cam from whenst the Question came, from the self, the epicenter of one's whole universe, which contained all individual and shared knowledge collected throughout their life... The Apple's form rejuvenated and revived, retuning to and then surpassing their previous appearance as they came to a greater understanding of the self and their place within the Universe, gaining a True Enlightenment.