
Fruit that grants...

Hakalaka · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

Chapter 10.

When Valentine was about to fight Asachui and his remaining members, a master of the bar rushed outside sneakily not to get caught in the conflict between them and also to notify Marine Division nearby.


"Regroup every marine inside the building and call back every marine stationed through the city at once. We don't have time." A man wearing a large white coat with the word 'Justice' written on the back.

"Yes. Rear-Admiral." A marine soldier who was standing behind him shouted before running back.

"Thank you for your information. After we have done with this, we will give compensation to your bar." The Rear-Admiral states to the man who was standing in front of him. The man was the bar master.

Soon after a few minutes later, every marine who was in the Marine Division currently, circled the said bar alongside Rear-Admiral while those who have been stationed through the city were rushing to the bar at full speed.

After they were done with circling the bar, they waited for pirates to come out.


After receiving his new Stand, Valentine sighed as he now cannot receive money from Asachui's bounty since the corpse was unrecognizable.

Thus, Valentine decided to look for another prey.

When Valentine stepped out of the bar he little bit shocked as he saw many marines surrounding the building, pointing their guns at him ready to fire at any moment if the order comes.

"Why are there so many marines?" Valentine asked the man standing in the middle of the marines, right in front of the gate, wearing different attire from others. "Are you here to capture 'King Cobra ' Asachui Chin? If so unfortunately for you I killed him a few moments earlier."

"It doesn't matter, pirate. You have two choices. The first is to surrender. The second is, of course, you can fight back. If you chose the second one, you know what will happen, right?" The Rear-Admiral stated.

"I'm not a pirate though." Valentine said.

"Don't lie, pirate. Surrender or fight. Choose!!!" The Rear-Admiral roared.

Valentine looked at the Rear-Admiral with a studified look. 'What the f*ck is this idiot spouting?' written on his face.

"Then I choose to fight." Valentine exclaimed.

"You chose the wrong choice." The Rear-Admiral said while shaking his head. "Open fire!!!"

Bang Bang Bang

As the Rear-Admiral orders the marines who were ready to fire at any given moment, pulled their triggers, firing many times directed at the single man standing in front of the bar.

Suddenly, something they have never seen rushed towards the marines, killing some unfortunate marine who couldn't react fast enough, as well as destroying a tall building behind them. Luckily, marines had already evacuated the people nearby prior to engaging, no innocent was hurt from Cero.

"What was that?" Some marines started to gossip about the dark purple-colored ray.

"Maybe Devil fruit?"

"Must be."




"What are you doing? Fire!!!" The Rear-Admiral shouted as he was disgusted by the carelessness of his men. But to be honest, he too was stunned by the Cero.

"But Rear-Admiral." One of the marines exclaimed.


"The man is not there?" The marine pointed his finger towards the half-destroyed bar.

"What?" The Rear-Admiral was shocked as he only shifted his attention from the man for few seconds. Yet, the man was nowhere to be seen.

"Find him. Don't let him escape. We have to catch him in the name of Justice." The Rear-Admiral yelled.

"You don't have to find me. I'm right here."

Suddenly they heard a familiar voice coming from above. Then they shifted their attention to the above, noticing the same man, standing on top of the bar.

"I never had any intention to escape."

After stating, Valentine disappeared once again.

"Soru?!!!" The Rear-Admiral was surprised as the pirate was using techniques only taught to marine Vice-Admirals and Cifer Pol members. Even though he knew about this technique, he couldn't learn this as his rank was not high enough.

Soru is one of the 6 techniques of the special martial art known as Rokushiki. Soru has a principle as Shunpo as both of them focus on increasing user's movement speed to an inhuman degree making them look like teleporting to normal human eyes.

Thereupon, Valentine appeared in front of some marine killing them with one swift attack with his sword. Like this, he killed many marines and was killing even more before Rear-Admiral gave an order to retreat.

"R-Retreat." The Rear-Admiral couldn't believe in his eyes as Valentine was able to reduce their number to a quarter in a few minutes. Though it was forbidden to run away from pirates, he couldn't risk his men's lives. Thus he decided to order them to retreat and was willingly take any punishment if he is alive after all of this.

But the marines soldiers had another idea. They didn't listen to their superior's word decided to fight to the death while shouting 'For Justice.'

The Rear-Admiral was astonished by his men's courage and loyalness decided to fight alongside them.

"For justice!!!!"

"For justice!!!!"




Each marine rushed to Valentine even if they knew they cannot defeat him, not to mention capturing him.

While they were shouting 'For justice', Valentine was thinking how ridiculous for them to think they serve for justice when in truth they were blinded by their superiors' greed, serving 'their' justice not the justice of 'The World'.

After thinking for a while Valentine fought back, killing each marine he clashed mercilessly even if they were just innocent people who also had a family.

Then, at last, Valentine's sword collided with the sword of the Rear-Admiral, creating sparkle.

Clang Clang Clang

Valentine took the initiative, swung his sword, with full of killing intent, to kill the enemy before him.

Though the Rear-Admiral was able to block the first few attacks, he began to be overwhelmed by Valentine's inhuman speed and strength.

Even if Valentine didn't use any of his skills, he still was stronger than 30 men combined, physically.

As the cold sweat was dripping from his forehead, the Rear-Admiral, felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. Then he noticed a sword impaled in his stomach.

Immediately, he grabbed Valentine's hand, slashed his sword vertically trying to at least injure the pirate, tearing the cloth he was wearing, came into contact with his flesh.

Unfortunately for him, when his sword came into contact with Valentine's body, a sound of metal colliding with metal echoed.

'Tenkai?' The Rear-Admiral thought. But in truth, it was a skill with the same principle as Tenkai, just stronger. This skill's name was Hierro. Though they are both defensive techniques, while Tenkai hardens the muscle, making it as hard as steel, Hierro condenses Spiritual Energy, creating steel-hard skin strong enough to block a sword and bullet without doing anything. As for why Tenkai is inferior to Hierro is that Hierro doesn't have a limit because the higher the Spiritual Pressure stronger the Hierro is, while Tenkai hardens muscle which would mean it would reach its limit when the user's muscle hardened to its fullest physically. This was another skill Valentine learned during his training.

As the Rear-Admiral confused Tenkai with Hierro, Valentine pulled his sword out his abdomen, forcefully, making him bleed on the process. Then Valentine slashed the Rear-Admiral's body from right shoulder to left abdomen.

[The host killed marine with a rank of Rear-Admiral, earning 450000EXP]

After the notification, Valentine looked at the remaining marine, wondering whether kill them or not.

After thinking for a while, Valentine concluded it was better to kill them now as if he let them live he might get into trouble in the future.

Then he summoned Emperor, shot down every remaining marine. Then Valentine set sail to hunt his next prey.