
Frost's Greed (Marvel)

Everyone follows Xavier, the idealist. Everyone worships Magneto, the extremist. None dare to disrespect Apocalypse, the militarist. But what about the final of the big 4. The one who has lost their students at every turn. The one that walks down the darkest path and is unwilling to put their faith in none outside of their circle of trust. The one that cares not about how humans view mutants nor about the infighting of others. Whose only true care is for the students. This is not a story about her but about a student of hers that believes in her ideas and teachings. Not about peaceful coexistence or mutant supremacy or survival of the fittest. To strive for a brighter tomorrow, even if they have to make it through the blackest night. This is the story of one boy following learning how to be a mutant in a world that hates him under the teachings of the White Queen. He will go from an inexperienced kid to one of the most important mutants in the world ------------ I'm guaranteeing this story for a year, averaging a chapter per day (major holidays may get no chapter or more chapters.) This means that this will be my longest and most secure story, and hopefully the best, on the site. *Warnings! Warnings! Warnings!* - This takes place in an AU of Marvel. So while most things will remain similar to what most people are familiar with, there will be some changes (Some characters being mutants or mutates, etc) - He will start off weak power-wise. He will become very powerful eventually but not for now. He must earn the crowd's favor. - This will be a harem.

BoredAsura · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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215 Chs

Issue #3

(For those that have their Marvel knowledge from the MCU and TV shows, this has nothing to do with any of those. I respect that is your version of canon and how you got into this universe, but that's not my universe. Screw Mr. McAvoy and Sir Stewart, respectfully.)

"Everyone! Quiet down!" Xavier said in a dignified and serious manner

The other X-Men instantly quieted down but the looks on their faces told everyone that they still could not believe the situation. Even Rogue and Kwannon that were in the room couldn't believe that the invitations were extended towards them. The only two people in the room that looked calm and composed were the pair of Frosts.

"Jack, darling. I'm sure there must be a reason why you have chosen these two. Especially when one of them... had an unfortunate relationship with that lover of yours," Emma tried o continue the conversation that she and Jack wanted

"Of course," Jack played along with her. "Kwannon is easier to explain so I'll start with her. If I'm being honest, most of my results have been half due to the info we get and the other half due to luck. These criminals are smart and their operations are immense. I need someone that has intimate experience dealing with matters such as this. That's why I want you Kwannon."

Jack looked at Kwannon seriously. He knew her history which is why he wanted her even more. She was one of the top assassins for the Hand and worked closely with one of the top crime families in Japan. There was no better choice than her.

"As for Rogue," Jack turned and looked at the woman in question. He knew he had to not only convince the others in the room but also Rogue herself.

Although Jack had made a name for himself, he also was restricted in what he could do. To the Avengers, Jack had ice powers, flight, intangibility, and magic. None of them knew about his myriad of other powers. So his squad needed a 'powerhouse'. That was where Rogue came in.

'I know you feel guilt over this but I need you. To the Avengers, the current me can't take on the big threats. I need someone that can do that in my steed.'

"This is classified information that can't leave this room. Carol Danvers, also known as Ms. Marvel, is still alive."

This information shocked everyone in the room. Rogue had admitted in tears that she had killed the woman. But Jack was telling them something else entirely.

"She's alive? But Rogue..." Jean didn't finish her sentence but Jack understood what she was asking

"Rogue nearly killed her. Rogue didn't do her any favors by absorbing all of her powers and throwing her in the river but due to her unique physiology, she lived through it. Carol got her powers through a Kree experiment but..."

"Kree?" Kitty asked

"Oh, right. I forget that the X-Men only deal with the Shi'ar. To explain it quickly, there are 3 big empires in space. The Shi'ar that you know, the Kree, and the Skrull are about equal in military power.

The Shi'ar have the strongest races, the Skrulls have the best spies, and the Kree have the best technology. That technology is what transformed the Carol Danvers and also how Captain Marvel got his powers, R.I.P. He really is dead, unlike Ms. Marvel.

Since they were the ones that gave her her powers, they were also the best ones to take care of her due to her unique physiology. That's where She-Hulk, Thing, Cloak, and Dagger have been for the past few months. Watching over her while she is under Kree care."

"Wait. How are they in space without anyone else knowing?" Scott asked

"You do know how often superheroes are knocked out of commission or just go missing, right? Deadpool has been covering for Daredevil for 2 weeks now while we honestly have no idea where Thor went a couple of months ago."

The X-Men did not know how to react. Jack was dropping bombs after bombs on them. Although they knew the Shi'ar wasn't the only empire in space, they had no idea that one of the other empires had already reached Earth long ago.

"So... so I didn't kill her?" Rogue asked

Jack shook his head.

"Yes and no. You all know that you haven't but to the public and most of the Avengers, except the ones in space currently and 3 down here on Earth, you did. Which is why me bringing you into the team is such a huge gamble."

"Why are you gambling on me, hun?" Rogue asked with her usual southern flair

"Because I need someone that can take on the threats the Avengers face," Jack admitted truthfully. "The X-Men are strong but what you deal with can barely be compared to what we have to fight. You battle men and robots while we battle aliens and gods. The fights you go through just do not compare.

Out of all the X-Men, only 3 or 4 of you can be called heavy hitters. And I need a heavy hitter. I need you, Rogue. But you also need me.

This is a chance for you to redeem yourself as a hero. No one cares about if you help the X-Men because no one cares about mutants. Not yet. I need a team of mutants that will make the world care. But I also need mutants with a history that will make the Avengers care first."

Jack spoke more and more passionately. All of the X-Men could not help but be moved by the words he was speaking. They knew all too well that no matter how many lives they saved, the mutants had been met with disdain because they mainly dealt with mutant matters instead of having humans.

"I'll do it. I'll be an Avenger!" Rogue said with determination in her voice

"Same. My blade is yours to command," Kwannon said from the side

"Good. Come by the Avengers Tower in 3 days. Be there at noon and don't be late. I'll introduce you all to the team. Now, I gotta head off and get the rest of the members."