
From You and Me till US

This A story of SAMUEL PARKER And SERAPHINA ROSSI . Their journey from from being stranger to each other to otherhalf of each other . From YOU and ME till being US SAMUEL PARKER " I will not forgive for leaving us for breaking us apart " He said in cold tone Samuel who was a lovely young handsome boy now turn into cold man A RUTHLESS BUSINESSMAN Why ?? what happened ? that He changed . ______________________________ SERAPHINA ROSSI " I am sorry " she said in helpless tone with tearful eyes. why ?? what happened to her ? Why She is cry ? Why She is apologising? What made her so helpless ? ____________________________ If you want answer to your question come and read my this novel . HELLO ! Dear readers I am author of cigarette and strawberries because of technical problems I lost my that I'd hope you are not angry . And I am writing this new novel if you like please don't forget to add it in you library .

shasha123 · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Allergic to Sea food .

Christian and Jennifer reached the restaurant that's near their university first.

Jennifer " Let's go inside fast .!!!." She said as he was parking his bike in the parking lot . As soon as he done parking. She hold him and drag inside .

They entered the restaurant and Waiter came near , to escort them to the table .

They sat on their table. Christian " order, Whatever you like to eat .." He said while passing the menu to her .

While she was choosing what to eat . Other two couple walked near their table.

They looked at their friends came . " Oh !!, You all came too ..." She asked .

They took their seat on the table. As the boys sit beside each other ( Like this = Christian- Alexander-Samuel )

While girls sit together.( Jennifer-Lalisa - Seraphina)

Alexander " Did you order already " He asked .

Christian " No we didn't, She is still choosing. " He said while looking at Jennifer.

Lalisa "That's good, Let's order together " She said while taking another menu.

Samuel " Sera , Choose what you like to have ..." he move menu towards her . Seraphina took it ,as she smiled at him .

Soon they ordered their food and started their lunch. They all were eating together in silence. Jennifer broke it ..

Jennifer " Brother !! , You all stay together, am I right..?" She asked her brother While munching on her pasta .

Alexander " Yes , Why ??" He asked .

Jennifer " Brother you know , That warden of girls hostel is really annoying and The hostels breakfast is not good . So I was thinking to stay with you.. I already asked mom and dad about it..!" She said smiling cheesily on him to convince him .

Alexander looked at his sister " What are you speaking. We boys stay there . and we have only two more room . How mom and dad even agreed on this. I don't agree on this ..!! ' He directly denied it .

Jennifer " Brother!!, Only You three stay there .! You my brother, Christian my boyfriend . And Samuel brother .. That's it .." She said

Making Alexander and Christian choked on their food . They looked at each other.

Alexander " Sweetie, You are still young. You can stay with us in next year..! " He said trying to convince him.

Seraphina " Jenn stop arguing on this ..And eat your food .!" She said . making Jennifer pout.

Christian " Baby , your brother is right .You can come and live with us next year.." He tries too .

As Christian called her baby, Alexander pinched his thighs. Christian glared at him and mouthed " Get used to it !!"

Jennifer hummed and continued to eat .

Samuel" Have this " He said while passing grilled salmon piece to her .

Seraphina " Sorry, Sam but I am allergic to sea food .." She reasoned .

Samuel " What you are allergic to sea food ..! Why don't you tell me before.., I shouldn't have ordered it . "

Seraphina " I am allergic to it , Not you you can have it."

Samuel " But I will not be able to kiss you after eating this...!!! " He said .As he is not feeling to eat the fish anymore... They all laughed on his reason.

Seraphina " Oh come on .. finish it !, You can kiss me after brushing your teeth , three to four times ..." She explained.



Seraphina " That's how , He asked me out ..! " She said . while her bestfriend is laughing her ass off..

Hailee " hahaha!!! , He was really didn't touch his food , Just because he will not be able to kiss you , HAhaa !!. " She said in the middle of her laugh..

Seraphina " Yeah , Why !! , And you know he love sea food so much . But he didn't eat it after getting into the relationship. " She smiled on remembering his stupidity .

Hailee " He really loves you , Huh!!" She said while poking her waist .

Seraphina placed sleeping baby girl on bed , Laying her down properly covering her with blanket , And placing pillows on her each side .. for her safety.

Seraphina glared at her.. As she poked her waist.." Don't do that Hailee..! " She said in low voice.. not wanting to wake her baby up.

Seraphina " Come let's go and have something., It's already lunch time..And you did not have anything after coming here ." She said while taking her son in her hands and standing..

Hailee pouted " But I want to hear more ..about your love story..." She said in puppy tone cutely.. trying to convince her..

Seraphina " We can continue some other time.., Now I am hungry . After feeding them. " She while her energetic son who all active after having his meal...( As she was feeding them while telling her story ) ..

Stephen, Her Son was very attentive and was listening her story, As if he can understand her .And wanted to know how his parents meet each other..

Hailee sigh in defeat and stand up ..As she was little hungry too...

They descended the stairs and made their way to the dinning room to have lunch.

They saw their family members waiting for them to have lunch together.

As Selena called her sons to have lunch together.. like old time. And As three of them got call from their mom , They left each and every work to follow their mother's order.

So here they are on the dinning table, Ready to have lunch together.

They saw Hailee coming with their sister. A smile bloom on the face of Mario and Mari .. While Matteo kept his expressionless face ..

Mario " Hailee, Wow when you came back .. ! " He said while standing and giving her a hug ...

Hailee happily hugged him back " I just landed today ..." she replied..

Mari " You forget me sweetie..!" He said , As he stand to hug her , Opening his arms..

Hailee broke the hug with mario and hugged mari .." No , Brother I didn't forget anyone ...!" She said as she hugged him tightly..

Marcello " Come on children..!, Let's have lunch first..it's getting cold .. You know today your mother tried to made the pasta .. In the happiness of having all of us together.. " He said while showing , The master piece of Selena Kim Rossi..

The pasta Dish was placed in the centre ..Which doesn't looked like a pasta at all....!!

They all heard their father's word and gulped..

Selena hit her husband's back , Who is making fun of her cooking..!! " You !...!!!., Do you have a death wished by my hand ...!" She said in threatening tone .. " Children come on and settle down fast ..!" She said in strict tone .

They quickly sat down on their seat ,while servant served them food.. They also give them little pasta that's made by their dear mom ..

Marcello " Come on guys , Eat the pasta that's made by your lovely mom ... !" He said , While trying to keep his laugh inside .. As the face of his children looked like a now after seeing the pasta on their plates..

Seraphina passed Stephen to the babysitter. and told her to go and stay in her room where Scarlett is sleeping.. peacefully not aware of the stitution her mother is facing..

But , Who can say anything about it . It's just Women's of Roosi family don't know how to cook ...!, As they never stepped inside the kitchen in their whole life ...

Even Seraphina didn't know how to cook, Like Selena. She doesn't even know how to boil water ... while cooking is faraway..

Hailee and Matteo start eating quietly. making Selena smile widely

While other Looked at them with their opened mouth they don't dare touch the pasta..

Seraphina " Brother teo and hail, How can you even take this in your mouth...!" She asked while looking at them..

Selena glared at her daughter and said " You ...! I made this with so much struggles and here you and your father is making fun of it ... How ungrateful of you two ..!"

Marcello " Honey..! , Don't get angry... look I am eating..! " He said while taking the half spoon of pasta into his mouth with hesitation..

Selena looked at her husband.. As she was expecting and an complement..

Marcello " Good ... Honey ... It's soo tasty.. " He said while chewing it and gulping down..

Selena " Really.. Let me try it ...!" She said while taking some pasta from her plate to her mouth..but Marcello stopped her and took her spoon.. not letting her eat it ..

Marcello " Don't..! Only I am going to eat it ...! " He said while taking her spoon into his mouth..

Selena raised her eyebrows and looked at her husband.. " You are lying , Aren't you..? " she was suspicious of her husband's behaviour..

Selena took another spoon and eat her made pasta ... In the matters of second. she spits it .. while coughing.. , Marcello looked at his wife .. while giving her a glass of water and rubbing her back ..

Selena looked at Matteo and Hailee who was eating her made pasta quietly . " LINDA ....!! " She shouted..

The head of maids who was standing behind them step forward.. " Yes madam Roosi.." She said with a bow ..

Selena " Take this shit from the table.. !" She said while throwing her pasta plate from the table .. " Stop eating.., Matteo and Hailee..!" She stopped them ..

Marcello " It's ok honey..! Stop stressing yourself..! It's not a big deal.. "He tries to calm his wife down ..

Seraphina , Mario and Mari was eating their pizza while enjoying the show ... .. They looked at their pitful father .. Who is trying to calm their mom down ..

Marcello " Shh..! Honey it's not a big deal .., If you don't know cooking.., You're are not made for this ..." He holds her hand and took the spoon of spaghetti and feed her ..As she was pouting. After failing in kitchen.

Mario " Yes papa !, You're right.. Mom , even Seraphina didn't know how to cook..!" He said .. getting a punch on his back from Seraphina.

Seraphina " Brother...!!!" she winced..

Matteo " Well .., I have arranged meeting on next week to discuss about attack and betrayer.. " With that he stand , As he was done eating.

Marcello nodded on his son's words.. Matteo left the dinning room.

Soon Hailee stand , And left following Matteo..

Selena looked at them , She knows her children well .. She is aware of the feelings of Hailee. And she wished that her son's doesn't broke her heart.. She will be happy if she got Hailee as her daughter-in-law.

Marcello looked at his wife and told her to eat ..

.... They all continue to eat while chatting...

