
From this point on I will be happy [BL]

"This has to stop." Alex slaps his palm on the desk, standing up and facing his dog: "Zero, I moved out of my parents house for two reasons. First, to keep you. Second, to gain the freedom to act on my sexual orientation. And what have I done regarding the latter? Nothing. Two and a half months of freedom and all I did was move my stuff, run around the public offices and training for my new job." He breathes in deeply, locking eyes with Zero. "Zero, I will get the number of a handsome guy tonight." Speaking it out loud made him realize – this is it. He is gay and he will act on it. This story revolves around kindergarten teacher Alex, the four-year old Peter and a gorgeous mafia boss. Will they manage to find happiness? Warning: This story will contain some graphic scenes. And it is BL. You have been warned. And: I do not own the picture - I got it from google in want of something better. But I suck at drawing, so ...

Syndala · Général
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64 Chs

Chapter 7

- Daniel's point of view –

Through the tinted glass of my car windows I watch as my nephew walks down the street with a dog on a leash that is the same size as him. Anticipation and dread turn my stomach into knots. What has my family done to this little child that now has to stand in front of a group of people who only yesterday told him he is scum and that they won't play with him.

My gaze shifts a bit, lingering on the slender figure in a blue sweatshirt next to Peter. He slightly slouches, uncouncisly bending down to better hear Peter's chattering. The dark hair falling into his eyes, he brushes them back, bending his whole body slighty backwards to get the hair out of his eyes. The athletic, slender figure is perfectly accentuated against the background.

With a deep sigh I force my eyes inside the car, looking in front. I put my phone on speaker while I start gliding into traffic. "Carlo, how are things back at the office?"

"Good morning, boss. Yet everything is calm but we await some guests in an hour or so. They are behind with their payments."

"Okay, I will be there shortly. Could you manage to get me some breakfast?"

"Already prepared, boss. Only the tea has yet to boil."

I feel a smile forming on my lips. Carlo always thinks about everything. "Thank you. See you shortly."

With this I hang up and focus once again on the road. It would be good to have some slacking debtors to blow of some of this pent up anxiousness. Since Carlo told me yesterday about the incident in the kindergarten I felt torn between guilt, regret, wanting to comfort Peter and a deeply rooted urge to find these mothers and their spawn and show them just how bad the big bad wolf really is. It is the typical double role of the villain and parent that I combine in myself.

Stepping into the office the smell of freshly toasted bread welcomes me. I eat breakfast while Carlo briefs me about the incoming debtors. Family Ackermann. They started a little restaurant but had no guarantors to speak of so every 'honest' bank wouldn't give them credit. Then they came to me. I don't believe in interests that cripple the payer. But at the same time the interest has to be higher than in the normal bank since it has to make good for them having no guarantees. It is a lot, I give you that. But if they really want to make 'their dream come true' this much, they should man up to it and pay for the consequences. Some did. Some did not.

The Ackermanns were the latter part. Carlo found out that Mister Ackermann gave one of the waitresses in their restaurant huge 'bonuses'. It soon became clear that the money meant to pay back the debt financed his new mistress.

Lucky for Mister Ackermann, Misses Ackermann stayed home today. When he came inside the office he bowed deep "I am really sorry. I couldn't come up with enough money. My child got sick and we needed it for medicine."

I flinched inside. It was well known on the street that I have a soft spot for children since I spent so much time with Peter. And every once in a while a debtor comes forth with one story or another like this.

"Oh, than your mistress already gave birth?" I inquired. Mister Ackermann looks up, confusion apparent on his face. "No…"

"Oh, but I heard that all your money went to your mistress. Then it is not her child? Or did you lie to me?" To latter part became threatening, but I kept a smile on my face. I knew it would freak him out more.

"Please, I would never dare." , he whined. A hint of panic in his voice.

"Than what is the story?"

"... Please, I don't have the money. I will pay you back next week." At least he didn't stick with the obvious lie.

"You remember we made an exact payment plan just for you. You promised to comply with it in full consciousness of the consequences."

Mister Ackermanns eyes widened as I made my way towards him. Aah, he made it easy for my to vent my agitation.

"So, whom do you choose. Who should work for your debt? Your wife or your mistress? I have certain establishments where they can earn it quick."

"Please, Alina is only 17 years old. She is such a pure girl." Angered flared inside me. So now he starts to plead for his mistress, disregarding his wife who he left with all the work in the restaurant and raising their two children.

"You chose, you unloyal piece of garbage." With this I kicked his legs from under him. Excitement came with the sudden movement. My whole body tenses with the adrenalin. I grab his hair, laying him down in front of me. Looking deep in his eyes that mirror his rising panic and my wild eyes. I have to admit, I love how the adrenalin flows through my body as I stand back up and look down on him. He cowers under me, begging me with his eyes. I take back my foot and kick him in the stomach. He whinces and my primal insticts exhilarate. He now knows who the strongest is in this room. He will have dreams of me looking down on him, smiling, with eyes sparkling.

I start to kick him again and again. At first he screams, than he only whimpers. When I see him coughing and crying at my feet I stand back up. I inhale deeply, calming myself down. The blood is still rushing through my veins.

"Since you spent the money meant for paying back the debt, you can earn it back yourself. I had your restaurant investigated. Your wife is more than capable of managing the place by her own. My men will give her protection if needed. For you I managed to get a job at an oil ring that pays well. In three months you will have the amount necessary and can start over."

I didn't look at him again. He deserved no more attention than this.

"Carlo, please escort Mister Ackermann outside."

After I heard the door fall close behind them I sighed deeply. One task down and as soon as I am free again my mind wanders back to Peter. And to Alex, the teacher who draws my eyes again and again.


Suddenly, my phone rang. I look on the screen. An unfamiliar number. I look at the clock: Only two hours passed since kindergarten started. Instantly dread fills me up. I answer the phone.

"Uncle Daniel! I played with Leon. He said he also likes dogs. He wants to play with me. He told me his mum said not to care about other people's jobs. He also wants to become an astronaut and …."

A big weight lifts of my shoulders. A deep sigh escapes my lips. This rookie teacher really managed to do the impossible.

"Peter, that is wonderful. I am really happy for you. Now, could you pass the phone to teacher Alex?" The other side of the line went still until he heard someone taking the phone.

"Mister Smith? Peter already told you, but all went well. The other kids still avoid him but they no longer show open rejection. And this one kid, Leon, really likes dogs. So they bonded over Zero. The rest it up to the kids."

"Teacher Alex, I don't know how to thank you. My first instinct was to get Peter out of this vile place and have him home-schooled his entire childhood."

"Well, you don't need to do this. And Peter learned a valuable lesson today. It will make him stronger."

"Yes, I also believe that." I pause a moment. This does not seem like enough. "Teacher Alex, please let me personally thank you. How about a dinner at our place? Peter's mother would also really like to get to know and thank you."

Silence on the other side of the line. Maybe I was a bit to forward? But I thought with my sister present he wouldn't feel as uncomfortable as when having a dinner for two with two guys.

"I really appreciate your thoughts, but I didn't do it for you and I didn't do it alone. Most of it was Peter's doing. You should take him out on an outing this weekend to celebrate." Before I could get a word in he already continues "Well, that is all we have to report. Peter is already back playing with Leon. I have to get back in. Good bye."

And with this he hang up. Why do I feel like my date invitation got rejected?

Thank you for 2000 views! Next chapter will be the last of Peter's volume. The romance part will also finally pick up. Oh, and some "mature" scenes will also be included.


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