
From this point on I will be happy [BL]

"This has to stop." Alex slaps his palm on the desk, standing up and facing his dog: "Zero, I moved out of my parents house for two reasons. First, to keep you. Second, to gain the freedom to act on my sexual orientation. And what have I done regarding the latter? Nothing. Two and a half months of freedom and all I did was move my stuff, run around the public offices and training for my new job." He breathes in deeply, locking eyes with Zero. "Zero, I will get the number of a handsome guy tonight." Speaking it out loud made him realize – this is it. He is gay and he will act on it. This story revolves around kindergarten teacher Alex, the four-year old Peter and a gorgeous mafia boss. Will they manage to find happiness? Warning: This story will contain some graphic scenes. And it is BL. You have been warned. And: I do not own the picture - I got it from google in want of something better. But I suck at drawing, so ...

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Chapter 49

'So that's the problem.', Daniel thinks. 'I should have guessed. Alex accepting me and my occupation doesn't mean everyone around him will also approve. I am just glad both of his parents act normally around him and focus all their enmity on me. I was really nervous about how Alex would react if they rejected him.'

Daniel notices Alex looking shocked and shooting pleading looks at his mother. But Mrs. Johnson just says coldly. "Alexander, your father is right. In the last week we inquired a bit about him through your father's work acquaintences and he is a dangerous person." Her expression softens when she adds. "Alexander, honey, we just want you to be happy. Can't you see that it is not possible with this kind of man?"

Daniel flinches. He already told him the exact same thing. But Alex surprises him.

"Mom, Dad." He looks at both of them, showing the determination Daniel came to love. "I am sorry you don't approve of him. I know of the incidents you are talking about. We already discussed it. They were horrible and a tragedy. Therefore Daniel made sure I have the chance to decide on my own after knowing the risks. Not only that, he was the one who broke up with me in our early stages because of that exact reason."

"Honey, you might think you are okay with it. But this is just a temporary infatuation. You will get over it. It is not safe to be with the likes of him." Before Alex can react to this his father starts. He looks at Daniel for the first time today. His gaze is intense like he is pulling forth all of his domineering aura. Daniel just sits up straight waiting for the attack to come.

"Mr. Smith. If you already broke up with my son once, you can do it again. My wife and I will be very grateful to you." It sounds like a business proposal. But what he says next makes everything more personal. "If you already broke up once your feelings seem to be rather shallow so it should be easy for you."

Daniel can't let this go. He speaks, trying to be as calm as possible. "I am sorry, Sir, but I have to decline. You are right, we already broke up once and it was to protect Alex." He gathers his thoughts, pausing for a moment. "But it proved to be a mistake. We both were very miserable in the short time we were apart. Later we talked it through. I explained to him every possible danger that could harm him. I made sure he knew exactly what it entails to be with me. And in return he made me promise that I won't take this deciscion from him; that I won't one-sidedly break up with him."

Alex' parents don't seem convinced. So Daniel is forced to lay it all out on the table.

"Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I am in love with your son. I love him dearly and the past three months were the happiest time in my life. My job already endangered my loved ones previously, my sister's husband died getting involved in one of my fights. Since then I have done everything to protect my sister and nephew. The business I lead is one that involves violence but only in measures. What happened to my sister's husband was a once in a lifetime occurence and the issue has been finally settled. Despite that I promise I will do my utmost to guarantee your son's safety. It is in my own interest because I can't imagine my life without him from here on out. I love him and I hope I will gain your approval in the future."

Alex' heart beats like crazy. He knew Daniel has special feeling for him, they couldn't have made it to this point if he hadn't. But it was entirely different to hear him voice them openly, here in front of him and in front of his family. Until now it was only Alex saying those three words. But now he finally heard him say it out loud. I love you.

Alex nearly jumps from his seat to fling himself into his boyfriend's arms, if it were not for his brother's hand, pushing down on his shoulder. Christian already fears another public display of affection and he doesn't know how his parents might react. To distract his brother and trying to solve this mess he tries to mediate.

"Mom, Dad, don't be so harsh on him. I met him in his home and saw his sister. They are decent people and he treats Alexander well."

His parents both look like they bit into a lemon, clearly showing their displeasure. Then as if she thought about something Mrs. Johnson addresses her youngest son again.

"Alexander, honey, you are a reasonable person. He will only bring you misery."

He sadly smiles at his mother. "I know that that is a high possibility. I already saw him stabbed and someone threatened me two months ago." His parents show horrified looks. "And you are right. I am a reasonable person. I laughed at myself for even considering him after what happened. But Mom, Dad, I love him. I love him very much and hearing him say he loves me back just makes me the happiest man on earth. In the past months I came to terms with myself and my sexuality, I started to accept myself. And a huge part of that was thanks to the security and courage he gave me. The very reason I am able to proudly introduce him as my boyfriend to you is because it is him."

Alex' father still does not look convinced but his mother clearly softens at his words. "So you want to say that despite all our previous worries and your fears you managed to become happy? Because of him?"

Alex looks his mother in the eyes, answering calmly but with conviction. "Yes, Mom. It is because of him."

His mother lets out a deep sigh and turns towards her husband. "Dear, you heard your son. He is old enough to make his own decisions. We can only protect him for so long." She looks at him expectantly.

Mr. Johnson clearly isn't happy with all of his family suddenly turning against him. But he still grumbles "Well, if you insist, I guess he can stay." Turning towards Daniel with still a lot of enmity and a hint of provocation in his gaze he adds "And this doesn't mean I approve of you. You are still on probation!"

But Daniel isn't faced this easily. He calmly answers "Thank you, Sir. I will try my best to prove my sincerity to you."

Alex walks over to his mother and hugs her close. "Thank you, Mom. This means a lot to me." His mother hugs him back, stroking his back soothingly. "I know, honey. I just hope you will be happy. If anything happens, you can count on us. Your Dad will only be too happy to unleash all of his legal force on your boyfriend if he ever dares to hurt him." Alex laughs nervously, knowing that it would be a definite possibility. "That won't be necessary, Mom."

"I know, I know. Just in case." She winks at him and Alex clearly feels his father's gaze obviously approving of his wife's suggestion.

"Now, boys. Let us start with the cake. We have a brithday to celebrate." Mrs. Johnson eases the tension, placing a huge piece of cake in front of everyone.