
From this point on I will be happy [BL]

"This has to stop." Alex slaps his palm on the desk, standing up and facing his dog: "Zero, I moved out of my parents house for two reasons. First, to keep you. Second, to gain the freedom to act on my sexual orientation. And what have I done regarding the latter? Nothing. Two and a half months of freedom and all I did was move my stuff, run around the public offices and training for my new job." He breathes in deeply, locking eyes with Zero. "Zero, I will get the number of a handsome guy tonight." Speaking it out loud made him realize – this is it. He is gay and he will act on it. This story revolves around kindergarten teacher Alex, the four-year old Peter and a gorgeous mafia boss. Will they manage to find happiness? Warning: This story will contain some graphic scenes. And it is BL. You have been warned. And: I do not own the picture - I got it from google in want of something better. But I suck at drawing, so ...

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Chapter 32

[It is a continuation of the last chapter - we are in the middle of NSFW-content]

- Daniel's POV -

I get giddy as soon as I focus on his presence. He follows me so obediently, ready for what is to come. My bedroom is upstairs at the far end. I pull his hand, urging him forwards. My body screams to hurry up.

Finally, I reach the door. I push it open with more force than necessary, the door banging against the wall with a loud thud. I don't care. All I care about is this beautiful young man I can finally call my boyfriend.

I pull him into my embrace and start kissing his neck. I lick and suck his neck, making sure to leave one or two marks. He should remember what we did whenever he sees these. Without looking up, I guide him to the bed. When I feel him stop, his legs touching the bed, I trail my mouth deeper, resting on his shoulder. I bite, hard, marking sure to leave a mark.

"Aaah." Alex groans. But I am sure to hear pleasure mixed in his voice. I lick over the bite mark and he shudders in my arms. My lower body is twitching, my member raging against my underwear, straining to get out. I yank his t-shirt up, exposing the slender body I already admired at the beach. But it was nothing against this sight. His breathing is ragged, his body flushed with excitement and his nipples stand hard, begging to be licked again.

I lower my head and comply, sucking hard on his nipples while straining to pull his pants down. My hand slides over his bottom, caressing it. Finally, I have him naked in front of me.

He is beautiful. His gaze glazed over, his rapid breathing and his manhood greeting me fully hard. I lick my lips, wanting to suck on it. But we have different plans for today.

"Alex." My breathing also is rapid, I barely manage to speak. "Get on all fours on top of the bed, facing towards the wall." Without questioning my command, he complies. The sight is marvellous. His bottom presented to me in plain sight, nothing hidden by clothes. I swallow hard.

Hurriedly, I take of my shirt, stripping down my pants. It is difficult, because my hard member gets caught in the waistband. Not minding the little pain that follows, I yank down the pants in spite of it. Over my actions I forget what Alex is now seeing.

Curious because of my motions, he glances over his shoulder, still on all fours, still presenting me his butt. I see his glazed eyes focusing on my body, his eyes widen.

"These are all because of my work." I explain, pointing to the scars on my body. "I told you about the gun shot wound" I point towards the circular scar on my right leg, "and you found me when I got this one" I point to a lengthy scar on my side. "This one I got when someone harassed my sister in her last year in high school." I point towards a lengthy scar on my other side and finally I circle around a round, but edgy scar near my navel. It was the most serious one, but I would not elaborate this now "This one I got after I took over from my deceased parents. A rivalling group thought it was their chance to expand their territory. I taught them differently." I purposefully show him a mean smile, but he still looks worried.

"Alex, don't worry. I can watch out for myself." I crawl towards him on the bed, kneeling behind him. I start kissing his back when I act playfully teasing, "And I thought we had different plans for tonight. Do you want me to stop so I can tell you all about my youthful escapades?" I trail my hand down his side, it inches close to his member. When I finally grab it, it quivers under my touch. "Mmmh? Do you want me to stop?"

"No." Alex moans, his focus quickly rushing back to my hands. "I want you."

I smile. "Good." I barely get my voice out, my desire is clouding my senses. I crawl towards my bedside table, taking out another bottle of lube. I apply it once again to my finger, preparing him to finally take me in. He moans as I find his prostrate. But this time, I don't focus on it. I want to stretch him so he can take me in.

Then I remember, I neglected an important part of him. I murmur into his ear, making him tremble, "Do you want me to play with your front, too?"

But he surprises me yet again. "No, I don't want to come from your hands."

That's it. I snap. I groan while I grab his hips in a hard grip, sure to leave marks tomorrow. I just manage to get out a "Then I will go in." as I guide my member to his entrance. I am rock hard, his words and actions in front of me alone nearly driving me to the edge.

I prepared him quite thoroughly, so a third of my member slides in easily. Then he suddenly clenches on me, tensing up. I groan in pain. "Love, relax. Breath. You are doing well. Just breath. I am nearly in.", I manage to guide him through clenched teeth. I caress his back and he slowly starts to relax. But the tenseness won't leave him fully. I lean in, taking his chin and guiding his face backwards. I kiss him, force my tongue into him and bite and suck until he is senseless. It works. Him being distracted, the tension is leaving his body. I continue kissing him while I push the rest of my length inside of him. I feel his gasp in my mouth.

"I am in." I am panting, my breathing as quick and ragged as his. I watch his eyes. Slowly, the realization hits him. We are finally fully connected. I let him marvel at the thought for a moment. It seems like a wave of warmth rushes throughout our bodies.

"I will move now." Not asking a question, but I am nonetheless happy to see him give a determined nod.

I move. First slowly. Pulling out. Pushing in. But my self-restraint only works for so long. When I feel his hips moving in sync, meeting mine, I can't help myself. I move quicker and quicker, ramming into him. He gasps, moans. The sounds in the empty house echo, ringing into my ears. My whole focus is on him, this slender fragile back in front of me.

I try to differ my movements, searching for the spot I already found with my finger. Then he lets out a loud gasp. There it is. Mercilessly, I ram into this spot, making him gasp and scream underneath me.

"Aaah, Daniel."

"I am here." I reassure him. But my strength is leaving me, my blood concentrating in my lower body. I am close. Then I hear him.

"I am coming." And sure enough, his insides are clenching around me, his body quivers. It sends me over the edge. I release inside of him.