
From this point on I will be happy [BL]

"This has to stop." Alex slaps his palm on the desk, standing up and facing his dog: "Zero, I moved out of my parents house for two reasons. First, to keep you. Second, to gain the freedom to act on my sexual orientation. And what have I done regarding the latter? Nothing. Two and a half months of freedom and all I did was move my stuff, run around the public offices and training for my new job." He breathes in deeply, locking eyes with Zero. "Zero, I will get the number of a handsome guy tonight." Speaking it out loud made him realize – this is it. He is gay and he will act on it. This story revolves around kindergarten teacher Alex, the four-year old Peter and a gorgeous mafia boss. Will they manage to find happiness? Warning: This story will contain some graphic scenes. And it is BL. You have been warned. And: I do not own the picture - I got it from google in want of something better. But I suck at drawing, so ...

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Chapter 25

"It all started with one boy. His mother was left with her husband's debt and till today tries to pay it off, for the last five years. She works the nightlife as a hostess. You can guess that the absence of a father and a job with odd work hours of the mother makes for a troubled young boy. Michael was only eleven years old when his old man left. But the next years he got acquainted with the wrong crowd and at fourteen he got mixed up with drugs.

I already told you, that I also provide protection. His mother is an honest debtor, struggling to make ends meet but always makes sure to pay on time. So in turn, I promised to look out for her and her son. One night, she called, crying and with panic in her voice. Three guys barged into their apartment and started beating up her son, demanding some kind of payment. She didn't know why or what for.

I took some guys and went over there. Michael was already unconscious. I could have let it go but in this world, someone who was once a victim will stay a victim until he gets a powerful backer. I needed to make a standing so that these guys would not come back.

We used the advantage of the surprise arrival and the fight started. In the room there was this Asian guy, Shao Shen. He seemed to be the leader, so I took care of him personally. He gave back what he got and we both were pretty beaten when the other guys got to a stalemate.

We withdrew to get our wounds treated; I felt my left leg was most probably broken. At this moment I didn't realize that one of the hits I landed on Shao Shen was even more critical. After we left, it seems like he was still unconscious and heavily bleeding from a wound next to his right eye. That pushed his man over the edge. One of them followed me.

I went to my sister's husband's place. He had a doctor's office in the first floor of their house. While my sister and Paul - that's her husband's name - tended to my leg, my pursuers also arrived, enraged with the fear for their leader who was probably fatally wounded. They wanted revenge. Later I found out that this leader even was the little brother of the leader of their gang. That made his injury even more critical.

When they arrived they wanted to hurt me like I hurt them. Not physically but mentally. They aimed at the woman who obviously looked like my sister. I tried to stop them, but my leg was broken. I only managed to crawl without crutches. But even though I was not really a threat they still shot at my right leg, too, making me completely immobile. I still have the scar from that gunshot wound. The attacker then aimed back at my sister, but Paul reacted quickly, tackling her to the ground and covering her with his body. The bullet only hit his leg. At first I was relieved, only to feel dread the next moment - I was so foolish. Soon we saw the blood spurting out. The bullet hit an artery and within seconds he bled out."

Daniel's voice seemed detached at the end. Like he couldn't start letting his feelings show because he then wouldn't be able to stop them. His eyes didn't meet Alex', his gaze cold, staring off in the distance.

"It seems like the attacker from last week is the best friend of Shao Shen. Shao Shen recovered, but it was slow and painful. However, they still had hope for a full recovery. Despite that according to my sources, last week the doctors announced that it would be nearly impossible at this point for him to get his eyesight in his right eye back. That was when the best friend came again for revenge. It doesn't seem reasonable considering there were losses on both sides, but when feelings are involved, logic and reason have no foothold."

Daniel slumps on his chair, spent. He never again told this story to anyone after he grieved with his sister. Till now he still felt guilty for involving them. He tries to make it up by substituting Paul for Peter's sake. But as an uncle you can only do so much.

"My world contains violence, sometimes even death. And I would really like to promise that I will protect you." Daniel looks at Alex, holding his gaze "But I can't promise that. Not after everything that happened. Injuries and deaths in my world are random and meaningless."

Daniel pauses. Now it was Alex' turn to answer.


Daniel looks up, gazing at Alex questioningly.

"Thank you for telling me. Now I know what has been troubling you. It must have been awful for you and your sister." He pauses, sorting his thoughts.

"But despite everything, my feelings remain the same." He catches Daniel's gaze, holding it. "I love you."

Daniel's breath catches. This was new. He didn't know that Alex' feelings already ran this deep. "But..." His opposition comes out like a whine. He feels weak, after laying bare all of his doubts. He is at the mercy of this eighteen year old boy.

"I love you." Alex reaches over, gently grabbing Daniel's hand above the table. "I love you. It is not logical but I want to be happy. I want to be happy with you."

Daniel feels how a tear forms in his eye. A tear of guilt because of his brother-in-law, because of all the fear he held for his loved ones ever since this incident two years ago, and also a tear of hope in front of this naive young man, who tells him despite everything that he loves him.

He can only do one thing. With a hoarse voice he says:
