

A story of a boy named Nick who died unexpectedly due to an accident while thinking about how wrong his life has been he died and how desperately he wished for a second chance. In an after-dead experience a dream-like state where there was white smoke surrounding him and nothing else suddenly he felt a voice calling for help in frustration he helped that person as the person was thankful for the help for Nick's help and asked him if he had any wish to which Nick replied " A second chance to live " without a second chance due to his lingering feeling during his time of death. The mysterious person said " Okay " and disappears and as Nick's head started to the pain he woke up and saw a lot of things were different but he will lead a life enjoying. How will his life go from here? Check this novel to find out. ---------------------------------------------------- My name is Samaya Karma and as you have seen i am the author of this novel. I wish to become a writer to express the creativity that has been boiling inside of me for years and have been trying to write a novel for many months. I had made several novel ideas too but as i do not have English as my native language and not getting any practice to train it either, I am falling a bit behind in my dream to write. In the month of September 2021, I was a 100% sure i will write an original or fanfic for sure but sadly life circumstances did not allow me settle plot and arc for it or even had any writing practice. So to train my Writing muscles and gain my experience in writing from other's recommendation. I am writing a story with no plot. YES, you heard it right i am writing a story on which each chapter had a bit of cliff hanger and i will either give you options that i had to learn how to give or work with a idea i find interesting in the comments. I know this might not be most well versed novel you will find in the this site or anywhere but it will be my first piece in writing, as i will be alone writing with my broken English and grammar mistake with my no sense in representing it either i.e You can see the dumb cover i make as this is where my drawing capabilities are YOU SHOULD EXPECT A NOVEL FILLED WITH ERRORS, MISTAKE AND A BIT OUT OF NORM I am more than happy to correct it if you tell me, I am open to any and every constructive comment that may help my strengthen my dream. With that all i thank for all and any reader that took his/her time to read my story and find entertainment. #Adventure #fantasyraces #knight #divine beast #mage # warrior

Samaya_karma · Fantaisie
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Chapter 8: Having boar feast

As they entered the dungeon, Solis asked with a worry on her face "Are you sure that your weapon will work? As you have made it I don't think it looks reliable. "

"What are you talking about Solis it does work a bit better than me using my hands? I have seen it people using in my past" replied Nick without any hesitation on his face and a strange relief all around him that could be seen in his body language.

"Well people are you talking about? You lived alone right" asked Solis as she find it a bit confusing.

"Umm it is not that I lived alone, didn't I told you I used to live with my grandparents who didn't teach me fighting in childhood as they believe I don't need to fight now but they died of disease later and then I found Albus who has been taking care of me ever since" replied Nick after a bit of thinking.

'Nice save. I finally made a whole story to use it anywhere I want rather than using part values every time and even then on the spot.

What do you think of my brain power now dear Albus? ' said Nick in his monologue while also asked Albus a question to praise himself with a smug expression on his face.

'You did a good job now we don't have to work on a story every time anyone asks anything' replied Albus without any particular emotions while focusing his mind on the dungeon surrounding.

'Well he could have sung my praises more' said Nick in his another monologue with a dejected look on his face.

"Well guys this is so empty, are we even sure it is a dungeon?" asked Solis after finding the entire cave surround her empty.

On which Albus replied "Yeah I am a bit confused too, compared to the numbers of goblins surrounding it this cave is contrastingly empty.

It looks like everything on another floor, sadly I can't use my senses in the dungeon otherwise I could have told you how deep the dungeon is."

'Eh! You really cannot use those super senses inside dungeon by which you saved Solis?' asked Nick via the mental link to the Albus.

'Yeah the mana particle flow inside the dungeon is not like in the wild' replied Albus with a dejected tone.

"As we are bored here I wanted to ask how the demonic beasts are formed. As you both know I am not aware of much of the stuff" asked Nick out loud to both of his companions.

"Didn't I tell you about that before? How can you forget it all easily?" voiced Albus with an annoyed look on his face.

"Oi Albus you only told me that all the beings use mana that is accumulated inside them which makes mana crystal but that does not show how demonic beasts are formed.

If that is same for all that how are demonic beasts different than normal beasts? " commented Nick with a nonchalant expression.

"I told you about it before too" replied Albus with a bit of annoyed tone.

"You did not" replied Nick with a loud voice.

"I surely did" screamed Albus.

"Okay okay why both of you screaming are and fighting like kids jeez I'll tell you.

Demonic beasts are formed when a normal beast start accumulating mana but cannot control the amount desired and while subjected to the flow of high mana flow loses his mind and consciousness.

Like the rabbits from before they were all normal rabbits but due to getting overflowed with mana and unable to control its flow inside their body they simply became mindless beasts that attack whoever they want.

Now you understood Nick" replied Solis as an attempt to calm both them down.

"I see, by the ways now that we reached the end of cave safely without getting attacked by anyone or anything what we shall do now?" asked Nick from his companions as they were more experienced than him.

"I'd say we had some food now as we had cleared outside and the first floor is also relatively empty while we aren't sure how many floor there might be it is best to have some food" Solis stated her opinion while looking to other two.

"Well I am not sure how to raid dungeon but if all thinks having food is good then I don't mind" asked Nick as both Solis and Nick looked towards Albus waiting for him to state his opinion as well.

Looking both humans staring at him with a drool leaking of their mouth Albus dejected and released the Wild boar of today's hunt and said "why are humans so weak? You need to eat before such weak dungeon."

"Yes" replied both Nick and Solis in unison.

As Solis was cutting the wild boar like a professional with her sword Nick was amazed by the skill of the girl in front of him.

In just a matter of minutes the entire boar was cut into small pieces and some part of it was further in pieces that could be roasted easily while other was left in big chunks that could be used for later on.

"I must say Solis you do have some skill in cutting and slashing" commented Nick as he looked towards the Solis.

Getting praised by the boy similar in age with her Solis blushed a little but hid her face from him "Th- thank you, it is my first time getting praised by someone other than my family"

"What? That is so unfair you should be praised everyday for your skill and efforts you put in such age. Well I will praise you whenever you want" replied Nick with a smile on his face.

Hearing this Solis blushed even more her whole face became red and she stopped in her work.

Realizing what he had said to the girl in front of her nick also became embarrassed his ears also became red and the situation between them became awkward with both people being silent.

Breaking the awkwardness of the situation Nick stated "I'll go collect the firewood, you both wait."

"Ye- yeah that would be better" responded Solis without looking at the Nick while still getting flustered over the remark of Nick.

"What firewood are you going for?" asked Albus while he was eating his share of boar meat raw.

"What do you mean? 'What firewood?' We can't eat like you meat in raw, we eat cooked meat" replied Nick while looking blankly toward the Albus.

"Seriously? You weak little humans. Don't go alone for that I had some wood stored from yesterday extra firewood" commented Albus as he release some wood from his storage.

"Well your ability to store stuff is much useful than it looks" responded Nick happily while collecting and arranging all the firewood to start a camp fire.

"What about the fire?" asked Nick as he had collected and arranged all the firewood?

Just as he stated the concern for fire Albus immediately threw a fireball over the collection of firewood

Nick was a bit surprised by sudden ignition of fire and jumped back in surprise while commenting 'Magic is seriously some good stuff'

After the camp fire formation nick used some of the remaining firewood as sticks to roast the boar meat and both Solis and Nick started eating.

As the meat started to roast both Nick and Solis started to drool and looked like hungry beasts and started gobbling the meat like crazy.

After taking first bite Nick commented "A bit bland no it is quite bland in my opinion but this will do at least it is more fulfilling than berries"

While eating Solis saw Albus looking at the roasted meat while drooling and asked "Albus you want some? You look hungry"

Realizing he had been caught staring Albus immediately replied "N- no I had eaten my share as raw and I don't want to eat from yours, you two eat I'll go and look out second floor of the dungeon.

Oh but next time I might want to try that roasted one too"

After saying this Albus immediately got up and ran towards the next floor of the dungeon with thoughts of eating roasted food in his mind.

What they all fail to see was a branch like structure violet in color retracting inside of the dungeon floor from the wall of dungeon as Albus moved towards the second floor.