

A story of a boy named Nick who died unexpectedly due to an accident while thinking about how wrong his life has been he died and how desperately he wished for a second chance. In an after-dead experience a dream-like state where there was white smoke surrounding him and nothing else suddenly he felt a voice calling for help in frustration he helped that person as the person was thankful for the help for Nick's help and asked him if he had any wish to which Nick replied " A second chance to live " without a second chance due to his lingering feeling during his time of death. The mysterious person said " Okay " and disappears and as Nick's head started to the pain he woke up and saw a lot of things were different but he will lead a life enjoying. How will his life go from here? Check this novel to find out. ---------------------------------------------------- My name is Samaya Karma and as you have seen i am the author of this novel. I wish to become a writer to express the creativity that has been boiling inside of me for years and have been trying to write a novel for many months. I had made several novel ideas too but as i do not have English as my native language and not getting any practice to train it either, I am falling a bit behind in my dream to write. In the month of September 2021, I was a 100% sure i will write an original or fanfic for sure but sadly life circumstances did not allow me settle plot and arc for it or even had any writing practice. So to train my Writing muscles and gain my experience in writing from other's recommendation. I am writing a story with no plot. YES, you heard it right i am writing a story on which each chapter had a bit of cliff hanger and i will either give you options that i had to learn how to give or work with a idea i find interesting in the comments. I know this might not be most well versed novel you will find in the this site or anywhere but it will be my first piece in writing, as i will be alone writing with my broken English and grammar mistake with my no sense in representing it either i.e You can see the dumb cover i make as this is where my drawing capabilities are YOU SHOULD EXPECT A NOVEL FILLED WITH ERRORS, MISTAKE AND A BIT OUT OF NORM I am more than happy to correct it if you tell me, I am open to any and every constructive comment that may help my strengthen my dream. With that all i thank for all and any reader that took his/her time to read my story and find entertainment. #Adventure #fantasyraces #knight #divine beast #mage # warrior

Samaya_karma · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter 12: The dungeon boss

Nick, Albus and Solis moved in the dungeon boss room, it was surprisingly larger than their expectation not as big as a dungeon floor but around one third of the size of dungeon floor and was filled with purplish grey vines that were more in quantity than the dungeon floor they were in and were severely thicker than those wines.

The floor was also filled with various tresses that were looking like a dried tree rather than boulders as in the dungeon floors.

"Hmm let's wander around a bit and try to find anything or anyone" said Nick despite his hesitancy.

"Like we have any other choice genius" replied Albus as he takes the lead in the boss room.

"Awe are you getting jealous of my marvelous idea great divine beast" said Nick in a sarcastic tone in an attempt to annoy Albus as he was getting too much fun out of it.

"Well jokes apart but do we even know what kind of monster are we fighting?" asked Nick with a concern all over his face.

"It looks like a treant to me" replied Albus in a serious manner while being attentive of surroundings.

"What? It's a treant; I had never seen one it was just asked in the adventurer exam.

Oh wow, I am so excited that I am going to fight my first dungeon boss fight with a treant and even that in my first dungeon exploration" responded Solis while showing her thrill for the upcoming fight.

As soon as Solis said that a massive vine attacked her from closer by attempting to stab her in the heart.

"Ha ha not again, enough stabbing for me for a day" announced Solis as she cutted that vine from above after effectively dodging it.

"Looks like it knows and now is trying to kill us" said Albus as he hit another vine that was shot at him.

Slowly slowly all the vines started to attack them from every direction they could, making Solis and Albus to be more attentive and agile from before just to make sure none of them gets injured.

"Ahhh" screamed Solis as one vine managed to graze her left arm and it started burning there.

Albus immediately burned out the region of ground where they were all standing and came closer to Solis.

"Hmm looks like we need to be more cautious these vines are not only dangerous as in attempting to stab you they are also poisonous that could burn your muscles " declared Albus as he healed Solis and threw another fireball at a vine that was coming towards them.

Meanwhile Nick was feeling as a burden again as he thought in his mind 'Why did I even came here? I am just a burden on them they are making twice an effort while trying to protect me along with themselves'

"Never again WAHHHHH" screamed Nick as swing his gamocha that was filled with stones at a vine that was creeping closer to him silently.

The vine slithered and turned back as it got crushed by the impact from the swing that Nick made.

"Oh ho looks like someone is on fire today" said Albus while he was fighting numerous amounts of vines that were attacking him in an attempt to encourage the fighting spirit of Nick.

"You can praise me too Albus, I am also putting so much effort" replied Solis with a pouting face.

"I praised both of you but Nick is showing an unseen fighting spirit despite his reckless moves that could injure him, it is commendable" said Albus as he burned another vine shot towards the Nick from his blind spot.

"You got me in the first half not going to lie but what am I supposed to do while you two are fighting while protecting me" replied Nick as he was getting angry over his uselessness.

"You should do what you are doing; I never said it was difficult for me to defeat this thing while trying to protect you.

I can do both simultaneously without much effort and protecting you is more important for me after all I am here to protect you" replied Albus in a nonchalant tone.

Hearing this Nick was not much relieved but keeps doing what he was doing and that was hitting all the vines closer to him with his self made gamocha mace.

The battle keeps going for an hour or so as both Nick and Solis slowly got tired especially Nick as he was less trained then Solis who was a proper adventurer with much stamina than Nick but their efforts were not in vain.

Slowly slowly all the forest of vines got empty as all the vines were either burned cutted down or frozen in ice the view of an extremely large tree could be shown that was larger than all the tress surrounding it and was more purple in color than the rest of them.

"Found you" screamed Albus as he jumped towards the larger tree in an attempt to bite it off but that was in vain as that tree did not budge a bit.

"Damn this is even stronger than you, that you can't even break it. What shall we do now Albus? " asked Nick with a hint of fear on his face.

"Well if it is not going with this one, WE JUST HAVE TO HIT IT HARDER" declared Albus as he started to hit tree harder and harder.

As the tree tilted a bit towards the back, seven vines erupted from soil that were directed toward Solis and Nick.

Albus saw it and immediately switched from punching the tree to attacking to the vines that were moving at a fast speed towards his companions.

As his fireball touched the vines it didn't affect it at all seeing this Albus immediately left his spot and ran towards Nick and Solis just as vines were about to stab them.

Albus immediately screamed at Solis "Solis grab one of the vine and hold it there".

Immediately after hearing Albus warning Solis saw a larger purple grayish colored vine that was even darker than it looked was coming towards her she grab onto it and started pulling to back as she ran backwards while holding the vine and after 10 meters it stopped elongating making her able to hold it at that point.

With all of his efforts Albus managed to grab 6 vines and last one was hold on to its place by Solis making tree stuck in that position too as these vines were as long as they could elongate and was stuck by the people holding them.

Nick became free soon as all other vines became dead like again and as he saw that Albus was holding 2 vines from each his hands and even two from his mouth nick was jealous soon his eyes met with Solis who screamed from her position "NICK GO TOWARDS THE TREE AND SEEK FOR A ROUND OBJECT THERE MIGHT BE A DUNGEON CORE NEAR THE TREE AND BREAK IT.


Nick affirmed and ran toward the tree seeing this Albus panicked and trying to speak something but his mouth was filled as he was pulling the vines he could not speak anything.



Nick interrupted 'NO ALBUS I WILL DO IT IT IS NECESSARY, I DO NOT WANT TO TALK TO YOU ANYMORE RIGHT NOW' and ran away towards the tree.

As he reached the tree he find difficult to breathe and he persisted and climbed the tree and while searching he find a purple crystal with a very dim glow around it and the vines around it were beating like a heart, closer to it was making him difficult to breathe even more but he carried on.

Nick grabbed that crystal and it buzzed his hand so angrily nick rotate his gamocha as fast as possible and hit the Purple crystal after every shot the glow was dimming happily Nick put more effort in it.

Slowly cracks started to form on it and after a few more hits it got chipped, Nick left his gamocha from his hand and immediately and tried to pull out the crystal again.

"NICK STOP, GET AWAY FROM IT" screamed Albus as he let go of the vines he was holding and jumped towards Nick.

But it was a bit late as Nick has already held the crystal in his hand and he started to feel the negative emotions and hear voices such as.







Hearing it all made Nick sick and he vomited as he was getting severe headache just as he was about to faint Albus immediately came over and hold him saving him from falling.

Albus said "Didn't I told you to not go there, I will handle it now sleep as I destroy this treant" with a fit of rage in his voice.

"Wa- wait do not destroy it, let me exp-" was the final words Nick uttered as he fainted.

Albus saw Nick and Trent interchangeably as he made a decision.