
From The Start I am The Young Lord Of A Duchy

In a world shattered by "The Beginning," humanity awakens in a mysterious dimension where every individual must choose between becoming a hero or a demon lord, driven by desires for glory, power, or beauty. Among them is Arush, who possesses a unique gift—a cheat that reveals the true potential of each path laid out before him. Driven by a quest for mastery and meaning, Arush's journey transforms him from a hesitant participant into a pivotal figure whose choices reshape the very fabric of the dimension. With allies who share his vision and enemies who seek to exploit his power, Arush must navigate treacherous landscapes, forge alliances, and confront the shadows of his own past. The boundaries between heroism and villainy blur as Arush embraces a path defined by leadership, balance, and the pursuit of a greater purpose. As he strives to unravel the mysteries of his chosen title, he discovers that true greatness lies not in the titles one claims, but in the impact one leaves upon the world and the legacy one leaves behind. .

Shafayat_Ejaj · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

In the annals of human history, there existed a moment known as "The Beginning," an event shrouded in mystery and awe. It was a day when the world as mankind knew it ceased to be, and a new reality unfolded before their eyes—a realm where dreams and nightmares coalesced into tangible paths of destiny. 

Among the countless souls thrust into this enigmatic dimension was a young man named Arush. Like all others, he awoke to find himself standing amidst a sea of mysterious boxes, each radiating with an aura that whispered of possibilities both grand and perilous. It was here, in this pivotal moment, that every individual was tasked with choosing their fate: to walk the path of a hero, bathed in adoration and valor, or to embrace the mantle of a demon lord, wielding power and dominion over all. 

Arush stood undecided, his gaze flickering across the array of boxes before him. Each box held the potential to shape his existence—granting him fame, power, beauty, or any other desire his heart yearned for. But unlike his peers, Arush harbored a secret. A clandestine gift, separate from the predefined systems that guided others, bestowed upon him a unique advantage. This cheat, an anomaly in the fabric of this new reality, allowed him to discern the true essence and potential of each box. 

As moments stretched into eternity, with the weight of destiny pressing upon his shoulders, Arush's eyes fell upon a box unlike any other. It seemed ordinary at first glance, unassuming amidst its more ostentatious neighbors. Yet, to Arush's augmented senses, it emitted a faint, mysterious aura—a shimmering veil of question marks that danced around the box, revealing nothing but the enigmatic title "Monarch." 

Intrigued by the ambiguity that surrounded it, drawn by a curiosity that surpassed mere desire, Arush reached out. His hand trembled as it made contact with the cool surface of the box, sealing his fate with a decision that defied conventional wisdom. In that singular moment, he chose the box that bore the cryptic name "Monarch," unaware of the destiny it would weave for him and the role he would come to play in shaping the course of this unfamiliar realm. 

Little did Arush know that his choice would set into motion events far beyond his imagining, thrusting him into a journey where every step would test his resolve, challenge his understanding of power and glory, and ultimately define him as a figure whose name would resonate throughout the ages—a Monarch, whose legacy would endure long after the echoes of "The Beginning" had faded into myth and legend. 

Before Arush and the others could descend into their chosen paths, they were confronted with a colossal hologram. Divided into four parts, each segment depicted a continent of staggering diversity and scope. Within these continents lay innumerable regions, each teeming with potential—lands ripe for conquest, cities brimming with opportunity, and landscapes waiting to be shaped by those who dared to dream. 

For most, the hologram displayed vital information: the strategic significance of each region, the potential for empire-building, the natural resources that could be harnessed, and the challenges that awaited. It was a map of destinies, a tableau of ambitions that could fuel the aspirations of heroes and demon lords alike. 

But for Arush, the rules were different. His cheat—the gift that set him apart from the rest—permitted him to see beyond the surface details offered by the hologram. Instead of conventional metrics, his vision was guided by the perspective of the Monarch—a figure obscured in legend, whispered about in hushed tones across the dimension. 

Through this unique lens, Arush perceived the world not merely as a canvas of conquests or realms of influence, but as a tapestry woven with threads of fate and possibility. He saw beyond the superficial allure of power and fame, glimpsing paths that resonated with a deeper resonance—a resonance that spoke to his inherent talents, his untapped potential, and the legacy he could carve for himself. 

As he gazed upon the hologram, guided by the Monarch's insight, Arush's eyes settled upon a specific part of a continent. It was not the most obvious choice, nor the one that promised immediate glory or dominion. Instead, it held a quiet promise—a promise of challenges that would hone his abilities, of opportunities that would test his resolve, and of a destiny that beckoned him toward greatness in ways that transcended the ordinary aspirations of heroes or demon lords. 

With a clarity that belied his youth, Arush made his decision. He selected the part of the continent that resonated with the Monarch's perspective—a choice that would set him apart from his peers, marking the beginning of a journey where the boundaries between heroism and villainy would blur, and where the true measure of his legacy would unfold amidst the shifting sands of ambition and destiny. 

Unbeknownst to Arush, his selection would not only alter his own fate but would also ripple through the fabric of the dimension itself, setting in motion a chain of events that would challenge the very foundations of this new world and reveal the true significance of the enigmatic title he had chosen to embrace—the path of the Monarch. 

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