
From Spark to Flame

There is a world in the future far beyond our comprehension, far beyond our deepest desires and worst expectations. This world is filled with men and women unlike you and I, people with unique gifts- or curses. However, there is one similarity between this world and ours. There is light, and there is dark. There is evil, and there is good. And good fights evil. The Rebellion Has Begun. Maria Elan is the leader of this rebellion. Strong and capable, but when a tragedy rocks her world, she is forced to turn to her two companions to aid her in her quest. Will she fall for the dashing and gentlemanly soldier, or the mysterious, powerful traveler?

LissyLou11 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
4 Chs

Chapter 4

This is the worst idea ever, Ethan thought glumly, but I can't seem to help myself.

His original plan was to make her hate him. He knew that if she didn't like him anymore, she would stay away from him, and away from Rowan, but he couldn't do it. There was just something about her. Something sweet, and intriguing. He wanted to know her. He settled himself, and began.

"There was a rebel attack on the royal treasury. They actually got past us and stole a lot of money, which they gave to the people, Robin Hood style. I was running after a rebel, and the rebel went around the corner that went to a dead end. He was cornered. I pinned him, and yanked off his mask. That's when I realized that the rebel wasn't a guy. She was a young woman. I had been raised too well to kill a woman, so I handed her my gun, and told her to shoot me in the leg, quick, before anyone saw us. She did as I told her, and thanked me on her way past. Someone saw me let her go and told a superior. At first they didn't believe him, but he had a video, and they couldn't just let this go. It was my first offense, so all they did was demote me, and put me under Rowan's supervision. I used to be a captain, but now I am just a soldier."

He waited anxiously for her to turn her back and walk away from him. Technically speaking, what he did was treason. He helped the enemy, let them walk away unharmed. He was a traitor.

He just hoped that if she did walk away, she wouldn't seek him out or come to the station again. At least, that's what he told himself. What he was really thinking was much more selfish.

She came around the booth, sat next to him, put her arms around him, and laid her head on his chest. "You were very brave, letting that girl go. I bet she was very thankful, and that her family was very grateful to have her home safe."

Ethan couldn't believe it. Instead of disgusting her, he had impressed her, and made her like him even more. He knew he was on the edge of something, something big, but all he wanted to do was freeze time, and stay in this moment forever.

While Mia was on her little date, Ash was trying his hardest not to go and tear the head off of that soldier, not drag her home right that minute, not think about everything that could go wrong on that date, and, most importantly, not let his brother do any of these, either.

Ajax was distraught. "I'm worried. What if he hurts her? Or what if he makes her cry? Or what if-"

"Ajax! I know you are worried about her. I get it, okay? But we have to trust her judgement. She'll be fine."

He hoped.

Suddenly, they started to hear a commotion outside. Seconds later Lawton, a little kid that Mia had picked up a couple years ago, rushed in. "Ash! We have a….situation of sorts."

"What do you mean 'of sorts'?" Ash said suspiciously. Lawton may be a bit on the hyper side, but he still was a pretty straight-cut kid. He always had words to say, and didn't really have a filter from his thoughts to his mouth, which got him in trouble on occasion. But now, he seemed at a loss for words. He was completely boggled by something, and Ash wasn't sure if he wanted to know what it was. "Go ahead, Lawton. What is it?"

"It's the strangest thing, Ash. It's a guy, he's asking for the camp leader, and the weirdest thing is-"

"Lawton, name?" Ash said half-calmly. He was trying really, really hard not to shake the boy. The last thing he needed was another threat to his little sister. He knew it was selfish, but sometimes he wished he could say "screw this" and take Mia away, far away, from here, from the Palace and its soldiers, as well as all of the other leering boys out there.

"You know perfectly well that my name is Lawton- Oh, you mean the guy's name!" Both brothers put their heads in their hands and silently pleaded for patience. Lawton, completely oblivious, continued. "No one thought to ask. But there is something you should know-"

"I had better check this guy out. Ajax, stay here and watch the tent. I'll be back soon." said Ash. He walked out of the command tent without waiting for an answer and went to where everyone in the camp was huddled trying to get a good look at the newcomer. As Ash walked closer, he calmed down a little. There was no guarantee that whoever this man was, he was a threat. Ash vowed to be charm itself, showing himself as confident and calm. The crowd parted around him, showing him the visitor.

The guy was handsome, maybe a year or two older than Mia. He had the high cheekbones and proud face of a prince, and was calm and patient with the little kids that came up and talked to him,. He smiled and laughed and joked with the adults. He was confident and calm. He was charm itself.

But that wasn't why Ash cursed.


We were just about to finish dessert when my phone rang. I started. Only select people had this number, and I gave specific instructions to only call when there was an emergency. As in, 'someone was dying' kind of emergency. Something big must have happened. I stayed cool, telling Ethan that it was important and I had to take it, then walked to the corner for some privacy.

"What is it? What's wrong? This had better be important, Ash, because this isn't really the best time for a speech on the importance of remembering about a teenage boy's low intelligence and one track mind." I said.

"As much as I want to, I will restrain myself. We have a….situation of sorts." Ash said. That was strange. Ash usually wasn't one to mince words; He was a leader, and leaders don't have the luxury of being speechless.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked, worried.

"Oh yes, right as rain," Ash said bitterly. I was just getting more and more confused, and I told him so. Ash cursed.

If he was this upset, I had to come to camp right away to avoid World War XII. I turned and walked back to Ethan.

"That was my brother, Mason. I'm really sorry Ethan, but I have to go. Family situation." I lied apologetically.

"It's okay. I'll walk you home." Ethan said.

"Okay." I said. I have a house in town just in case something like this happens, to me or to anyone else. I'm good like that. We walked to the house, a pretty victorian with light green paneling and sky blue trim. He walked me to the door and turned to look at me.

"I guess this is goodbye for now. I had a good time tonight." He said. I opened my mouth to say that I did too, but he smiled, kissed my cheek, and walked off the porch. As for me, I stood there, mouth open like an idiot, staring after him until he was out of sight.

I was so in trouble.


He was so in trouble. He really shouldn't have done that. Now she was all he could think about. Everything about Ashley was perfect. She was brave, and smart, and beautiful. And he was completely smitten. This really hadn't gone as planned. Ethan was supposed to drive her away, not bring her closer. He had to keep her away from Rowan! But he just couldn't seem to help himself. He wandered through town as these thoughts spun through his head.

Soon, he stood at the foot of his father's grave. He had found some roses on the way, and placed them on the tombstone. He wasn't exactly sure why he was here, but, nevertheless, he started talking.

"Hi Dad. I've been good, just like I promised. I might even get a promotion soon. I hope it comes with a pay raise. I met a girl. She is kind, and smart, and beautiful, and she didn't mind what I did. She saw it as admirable, even. She's a couple inches shorter than me, and has black hair. She's a Spark, too. A Medic, I think. I never can keep track of the colors. But I'm worried for her. She caught Rowan's eye, and I don't think that he's forgotten about her yet. What if he gets a hold of her? He'll break her, just like all the others. It's because of the drink, you see. It impairs his judgement. He's a great officer when he's off of it. The problem is, he's practically always on it. If I could just find a way to-" Ethan stopped. He had just gotten an idea. He smiled.

"Thanks, Dad," he said. "I knew you could help."

Then he walked away.