
From Spark to Flame

There is a world in the future far beyond our comprehension, far beyond our deepest desires and worst expectations. This world is filled with men and women unlike you and I, people with unique gifts- or curses. However, there is one similarity between this world and ours. There is light, and there is dark. There is evil, and there is good. And good fights evil. The Rebellion Has Begun. Maria Elan is the leader of this rebellion. Strong and capable, but when a tragedy rocks her world, she is forced to turn to her two companions to aid her in her quest. Will she fall for the dashing and gentlemanly soldier, or the mysterious, powerful traveler?

LissyLou11 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
4 Chs

Chapter 2

"Ajax is back?"

"Yeah," Ashton smiled, "And he wants to talk to you. His report is for you and you only."

I couldn't believe it. My brother was finally home. I was practically bursting at the seams.

"Well, I'll have to talk to the camp, share my good news, but that can always wait. Plus, he's here now, so he'll have to hear, too, right?" I said, grinning widely. Then I composed myself. I couldn't be seen giggling like a schoolgirl. "Where is he?"

"He's in the control tent, waiting for you. Don't be long, okay?" He said.

"Okay." I replied, giving him a peck on the cheek. He smiled and blushed, embarrassed. I laughed at his pink cheeks, teasing him all the way to the control tent. I paused outside, nervous, and a little scared. And then, after composing myself yet again, of course I tripped on my way in.

"Still my bumbling little rabbit, I see. I had hoped that you hadn't outgrown it. I've missed teasing you about it." Said a voice hidden in shadow. It was different than I remembered, though I should've expected that. But it was strange. Like honey over vinegar. Sweetness over bitterness.

"Jax?" I asked hesitantly. Was this really my same brother that left years ago?

"Hello, Mia" He said softly, stepping into the light. "Have you missed me?"


As soon as Ethan walked back into the station, he got a right hook directly in the eye. He stumbled back, but didn't cry out. He was used to such harsh treatment by now, especially from Rowan.

"You worthless little piece of-" Rowan started.

"Ah, ah, ah, Rowan. No foul language in the stations. Palace rule." Ethan remarked sarcastically, which caused another flow of very creative and colorful language coming his way; every word was slurred by Rowan's chosen poison.

He was getting worse.

Ethan knew that he ought to tell the Palace about the officer's drinking problem, but they probably wouldn't do anything, and he valued his limbs right where they were. On his body.

He touched the wound gently and realized that Rowan's ring had broken the skin. He was bleeding. He winced internally. How was he going to explain that to Ashley?

"I don't care one lick about your proper little Palace rules-es. I own 'dis station, and you can't do nothing 'bout it but try ta cover and duck when I'm mad at ya." Rowan said, panting.

"Understood, sir. I'm sorry that I let the girl go, but I really don't think that she was connected to the Rebellion." Ethan replied.

"I don't care whether she was with the rebels or not. I don't care about what the Rebellion does at all! We are Palace soldiers, boy! It's about respect. And, we have to at least look like we are doing something!"

You are doing something, Ethan thought, sullen. You're drinking.

Rowan continued, oblivious to Ethan's traitorous thoughts. "We caught a thief. It's the best thing we have done in days. A public execution would've crushed the rebellious spirit of the people even further! She was what we needed to keep the peace. My image is being tarnished the longer this goes on, and I need a promotion. Now we have to wait for another idiot to try and steal from the Palace."

Ethan gritted his teeth. Was that all Rowan thought about? His image? Funny, because his drinking didn't help that image at all. Just the thought of Ashley swinging from the gallows made him want to be sick. It took all of his self control not to give this vile man what he deserved.

"Understood, sir. I apologize."

Rowan grunted. "Good. Now get out of here. I don't want to look at you."

"Yes, sir." Ethan said as he stood and walked away, mumbling, "and same to you, you prick."


A wild grin threatened to split open my face, and I saw the same happening to him. He opened his arms, a silent invitation. I rushed into them, joy surging through me. My big brother was home.

A few years ago, Jax went out on a surveillance mission, and disappeared. No one had heard from him since. I knew I should ask where he had been, but at the moment, I didn't care. I had missed him desperately; everyone had presumed him dead, but Ash and I had held onto hope. Our wishes had finally come true.

"Yes, yes, I have missed you," I said, laughing. I stepped back, looking at him. "You've grown. You're not a stick bug anymore." I said, referring to his childhood nickname. And he wasn't a stick bug. All that potential for muscle had followed through, and he had become taller, towering over me. He had finally shed his final layer of baby fat, showing off his face, which was pretty then, but was now extremely attractive. He was long and lean, like a fox. Hopefully the rebel girls wouldn't be too much of a nuisance.

"So have you, little rabbit. You've turned from prey to hunter." He said. His eyes roamed over me, taking in every detail. I smiled, practically giddy about seeing him. Jax had always been my favorite brother.

"You've changed color. I always knew you were a Spark. Though that is the first time I've seen silver before" He said, studying my metallic hair and eyes.

Color changing hair and eyes are the mark of a Spark. Each category has their own color, and in the categories there are classifications based on the strength of your power. Alpha is the strongest, Delta is medium, and Omegas are the weakest. The lighter the color of their hair, the weaker they are. The color of Earth Shakers' eyes and hair are green, Water Shifters are blue, Medics are purple, Air Twisters are white, Fire Flies are red, Hell Raisers are black, so on and so forth. Jax hasn't seen silver before because I'm the only one. I call myself a Flame, because my powers are those of many Sparks.

Usually you only get a partial change, but for whatever reason, my plain brown hair and eyes had decided to rebel, kind of like me.

Then I realized something. "Jax, you haven't changed color. You aren't a Spark?"

"No," he said, smiling sadly, "but I'm okay. I got over it a while ago. You, however, are a Spark, but those are the strangest marks I've ever seen. Tell me your powers."

"Someone needs to learn subtlety." I said, laughing nervously. This was a delicate topic for me. My powers were rumored about, and everyone knows what they are, or so they think. I sighed. There were many rumors, all of them true; but there are a lot of powers that no one even knows about, and I am constantly getting new ones. Some of them scare even me.

"I can do...pretty much anything, honestly. As far as I can tell, I'm every Spark that ever lived, all mashed into one person. All the elements, all the mind tricks. I've got everything."

"I always told you that you'd be special, didn't I?" He said, smiling. I smiled back and was about to respond when I remembered something. My smile faded and I paled. "What is it? What's wrong?" He said, worried.          

"I just remembered that I am going to be late for something. Nothing to worry about." I said, trying and failing spectacularly for a winning smile. He scowled at me, and told me to spit it out. I sighed. "I just remembered that, if I don't move now, I'm going to be late for my dinner date with a palace guard named Ethan, who is kinda fond of me, and bought me all the supplies that I brought into camp today...?" I paused, listening, then laughed. "Come on in and yell at me, Ash. You know you want to."

A scuffle, then a swear. Ash stumbled into the tent, much the way I did when I walked in to see Jax. He was tomato red, but I couldn't tell if it was embarrassment or anger. Most likely both.

"What did you do? Please tell me I heard you wrong. You have a DATE? With a PALACE GUARD? Why the hell would you say yes to that-"

"This is completely irresponsible Maria. How could you let your feelings go before the camp's safety? This is not smart, you need to be a better leader-"

I huffed, irritated. They always did this, assume that I was being stupid and young no matter what my decision was. Secretly, I think they secretly resented that dad left me in charge of the rebellion instead of them. They knew why, of course, and hadn't argued with him, but they still questioned me at every turn. I knew they were trying to help and guide me, but it did get irritating.

Regardless, I had a purpose for this past being a silly girl attracted to a cute guy, if they would bother to let me speak. I stared at them both until they fell silent.

"Well, if you must know, he spent about ten thousand dollars on me, a girl he just met, because of attraction alone!" I was stabbed with a twinge of guilt, almost painful, over using Ethan. I pushed it away. "He can help us."

I chose not to mention my ulterior motive: the gripping curiosity that overtook me earlier in the market.

"Oh, sure, why not?" Jax said sarcastically. "Let's just send you on your date, hope you come back in one piece, possibly send you on more dates with this son of a-"

"Ethan. His name is-" I started, angry and frustrated.

"Oh, no, I'm not finished." Jax interrupted. "Anyway, we just take all these risks, and bank these on the off chance you can get him to betray his country and ruler, with the possibility of becoming a fugitive and not getting his considerably large paycheck, just because of a cute little bout of puppy love?"

That stung. He had been gone for years, and he suddenly was getting all high and mighty, just like he used to do. As if he knew what was best for me, for the camp. I wasn't the scared child he remembered.

But what was worse was that Ash was nodding along with his statement. Jax not trusting my judgement after 5 years, I could handle (kind of); but I thought Ash would know better. I was quickly reaching the end of my composure.

"Well, believe it or not, I know what I'm doing. In case you forgot, I'm the leader of this camp, and I shall protect it any way I deem fit. And I choose to go on this date, so I can collect intel," I said with as much authority as I could muster. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get ready."

I turned away and walked out of the tent, head held high and a lump in my throat.