
From orphan to lord of demons

The story tells the tale of a person who found stability and happiness in their daily life, until things took an unexpected turn. They face fear and sacrifice, and find themselves ready to confront evil and stand against it with all their strength. It is a journey in search of protection, love, and loyalty in a dark and challenging world. "The events revolve around a child living in an orphanage, where they face loneliness and the pain of losing their family. However, an unforeseen destiny unfolds as the child is discovered and adopted by a new family that provides the love and care they need. Yet, it quickly becomes evident that this newfound happiness is not sustainable, as they find themselves facing dark threats that endanger their new family and everything they hold dear." "The confrontation with the forces of evil escalates, and the need for sacrifice and strength to protect their new family increases. The main character discovers their inner power and determination to leap into the fire and face dangers with courage.

Yonaaah · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

The orphanage

Meanwhile, the caregivers gather in the main hall of the orphanage, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the new adoptive parent. Maria, the stern and conservative caregiver at the institution, sits in her chair by the window. She gazes at the children with a disapproving look and says sharply, "Get ready, today a new person will come to choose one of you."

The children look at each other nervously, exchanging distracted glances filled with hope and fear. In the midst of this tense atmosphere, Johan stands confidently among the children. He tries to display his optimism and inner strength despite the challenging situation. He smiles and speaks loudly and clearly, "We will show our best today and take care of each other."

Maria raises her eyebrows skeptically and adds in a frosty voice, "Beware of excessive enthusiasm. Don't forget that this is just a test."

The caregivers begin preparing the social center where the incoming person will be welcomed to choose a child for adoption. They work diligently to arrange the place and decorate it with wildflowers and small candles. Emma, the gentle and supportive caregiver for the children, prepares with love and care for this important day. She approaches Johan with a warm smile and says, "Johan, you are the strong man we can rely on. We will need your good spirit and supportive strength. Help us set up the tables and arrange the chairs."

Johan smiles and agrees, feeling proud that the caregivers trust him and appreciate his role in the community. He and the other children start arranging the tables and decorating them with vibrant flower colors. Amidst the children's noise and their smiles, excitement fills the air.

As everyone gets ready to welcome the person who will come to adopt one of them, conversations begin between the caregivers and the children.

"I hope the incoming person chooses one of the children for adoption, and I hope they are a suitable person capable of taking on this responsibility," Emma says calmly.

"Yes, any of us could have a new chance and a loving family," Johan adds optimistically.

Liliana responds with a frozen voice, "Don't be naive; life isn't that easy. We have to show the best of ourselves."

The kind caregiver tries to steer the conversation towards a more positive atmosphere. "Johan, what are the wishes you hope to fulfill if the incoming person chooses you for adoption?" Emma asks, trying to uplift his spirits.

Johan ponders for a moment and answers with a hopeful voice, "I wish to have loving parents and siblings who share my dreams. I hope we can be a family that supports each other."

Emma smiles gently and says, "I think that's beautiful, Johan. We are here to support you, and we hope you all find the happiness you deserve."

At the orphanage office, the elegant couple, Mark and Linda, sit on chairs with Maria, the strict nanny. Maria seems busy organizing and preparing for their meeting, while Mark and Linda gaze at each other with smiles expressing excitement and love.

Maria: (looking at Mark and Linda curiously) Are you here with a desire to adopt, right?

Linda: Yes, we are Mark and Linda. We are here today to discuss the possibility of adoption.

Mark: (speaking eloquently) Exactly. We have a strong desire to adopt a child, and we hope you can assist us.

Maria: (maintaining her stern expression) Alright, let me understand more. Why do you want to adopt?

Linda: (smiling shyly) Well, it has been a long time since we tried to conceive a child after our seven-year-old daughter. Despite our continuous efforts, it has become extremely difficult, maybe even impossible. So, we decided to have another child through adoption.

Mark: (turning to his wife and adding) We adore children and want to provide love and care to another child. We believe that every child deserves love and a warm home, and we are ready to offer that.

Maria: (softening a bit and starting to comprehend them) I understand your difficulty and your desire to expand your family. Adoption is a significant decision and a great responsibility. Do you have prior knowledge of the adoption process and what it entails?

Linda: Yes, we have done research and familiarized ourselves with the requirements and procedures. We are prepared to fulfill all the requirements.

Mark: Indeed, we have studied the subject carefully, and we are aware of the necessary procedures and the responsibilities associated with the adoption process. We are committed to providing everything needed and cooperating with you to achieve this goal.

Maria: (expressing respect for their preparations) I am glad to hear that. Adoption requires a lot of time, effort, and patience, and you must be prepared to face challenges and meet the child's needs fully.

Linda: We are ready for that. We realize there will be adjustments and adaptations, but we are prepared to provide complete care and love to the child and help them grow and develop in a healthy manner.

Mark: We believe in the importance of building a strong and stable relationship with the child, and we are ready to work in collaboration with you and respect the guidance and advice you provide as caregivers.

Maria: I appreciate the determination you hold in providing a safe and stable environment for the prospective adoptive child. I will give you more information and guidance on the adoption process and the next steps you will need to take.

Linda: We are grateful to you for your support and assistance in this adoption journey. We are excited to offer our love and attention to the child and build a loving and sustainable family.

Mark and Linda smile, and Maria immerses herself in preparing the necessary documents and information for further proceedings.

In the children's bedroom:

Nanny Liliana: (in a loud and sharp voice) Pay attention, orphanage children! The couple coming today intends to adopt one of you, so you must be well-mannered and disciplined. We must not give them any reason to reject us. They are looking for a child who would be suitable for their family.

Nanny Emma: (in a gentle and caring voice) It's an important opportunity for you, my children. If you are polite, well-behaved, and show them your kindness and intelligence, they might choose you to be part of their family. You must showcase your skills and appreciate this chance.

Child Anya: (in a hesitant and nervous voice) But what if they don't like any of us? What if they reject all of us?

Nanny Emma: (in a tender voice) Oh, my dear, don't worry. You are a wonderful and beloved girl. Each one of you has your own beauty and unique talents. You should be confident in yourself and present your best.

Child Reid: (in an excited voice) I'm so excited! I'll show them everything I know about drawing and sports. I can be a perfect son for them!

Nanny Emma: (encouragingly) Absolutely, my dear! You have a great talent for drawing, and you are a talented athlete. You should proudly display these skills. This might be an opportunity to find a family that appreciates your talents and supports you.

Nanny Emma: (notices Johan looking puzzled and lost in his thoughts) Johan, are you okay? You seem distracted and confused in your thoughts.

Johan: (in a hushed and bewildered voice) I... I just feel a bit lost and puzzled. There's a mix of thoughts inside me, between excitement and hesitation.

Nanny Liliana: (in a harsh and dismissive voice) No time for hesitation here, Johan! You're wasting your time and undermining your chances with overthinking and indecisiveness. You must be decisive and show confidence in yourself.

Johan: (hesitantly mutters) But I'm not sure how satisfied the potential family would be with me. They might find me inadequate.

Nanny Emma: (trying to soften the harshness) But Johan, you might have a lot to offer. You need to showcase your skills, talents, and unique expressions to them.

Nanny Liliana: (in a harsh and dismissive voice) Don't be naive, Johan! Your skills and talents won't be enough to convince any family to adopt you. You need to be perfect in everything, from your behavior to your appearance.

Johan: (feeling frustrated) But... I can't be perfect at everything. I just want someone to love me for who I am.

The nanny Liliana: (in a harsh and dismissive voice) Life is not about what you want, Johan. It's about what others want. Remember that and don't waste your time with complaints and hesitation.

In a quiet and secluded corner, Johan stands, a mysterious blend of weakness and strength swirling within him. His distant eyes observe, while his heart pulses with internal contradictions. He fidgets with his fingers, his thoughts aimless and intertwined between the desire to surrender and fight.

Inside him, the mystery ravages his young soul, questioning whether he deserves the battle. He feels anxious about the potential failure and disappointment awaiting him on his journey. Will he be able to overcome the forthcoming obstacles? Will he find the love and stability he longs for?

With each hesitation, his strong desire to fight intensifies. The spark of hope ignites within his heart, propelling him to pursue his dream. He longs to be allowed to prove his strength and his ability to achieve success despite all odds. He knows the road is challenging, but he doesn't want to give up.

And in this moment charged with tension and excitement, the couple enters the room. Longing and genuine desire to adopt a child are evident on their faces. Standing beside them is the nanny Marina, an elderly woman with gray hair, leaning on her cane with steadfastness.

The orphaned children freeze in their places, their hearts pounding in their chests, and their conflicting emotions growing. Johan looks at the couple with anticipation, feeling the mounting tension and the questions swirling in his mind.

The couple exchange a meaningful glance, their emotions expressing readiness and the tenderness that fills their hearts. Then the husband begins with words full of warmth and love: "We're here to find a child whom we can give affection, care, and the beautiful life they deserve. We believe that every child deserves a chance for growth and happiness. And we would like to find the child who fits us and resonates with us on a special level."


Who do you think will be chosen in your view? And what secret lies behind the couple's desire for adoption?


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