
From Office Boy To Alpha Male

As Ortega walked out of the room, he heard an unfamiliar ding sound in his head. Confused, he turned around and then a mechanical female voice said, "Congratulations, Host! You have accomplished a great feat by being the first male ever to be accepted as a member of staff in this company. As a result, the universe has decided to reward you with the Alpha Male System." "I'm the only guy in this entire company... Damn! Guess I better not screw this up." For a hot-blooded fella who yearned to lose his V-card, this was freaking paradise! Well, until... {New Quest: Your reputation isn't bad for your status as an Omega; however, it is unbecoming of a host of the Alpha Male System. Your challenge: Seduce the big four!} {Rewards: Power, Influence, ???} {Punishment: Tarnished reputation, poverty, and permanent system shutdown.} "What the hell did I just get myself into?" Ortega couldn't believe his eyes. The stakes only rose higher the more he accomplished. "I have to seduce four powerful women?!" ________ Meet Ortega, an average young man with a hidden, manipulative side. When he gets a powerful system that helps him chase fame, he becomes determined to dominate. Fired up and ready, Ortega is on a mission to become the ultimate Alpha Male. The world better watch out—he won't stop until he's on top! ________ #ManipulativeMC #TwistedRomance #PowerfulHaremMembers #LittleSmut #OfficeDrama

Cloutchaser · Urbain
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34 Chs

Three Goddesses

"Tell us about yourself."

The request to introduce oneself came not from the woman met at the elevator but from the dark-skinned lady sitting beside her. She introduced herself as Dr. Sylvia. Just like the other two women, she was incredibly beautiful. Her hair was styled in a lush, curly afro and her facial features were almost perfect. Her crystal blue eyes and round, full red lips stood out. Dr Sylvia was dressed in a white office shirt with a matching black bowtie resting elegantly on her chest. She exuded an air of both beauty and professionalism.

"I graduated top of my class and I'm aiming to become a skilled marketing specialist. I've got solid organizational skills, plenty of creativity, and I'm dedicated to making a real impact."

Ortega answered, albeit mechanically. He knew this was the most likely question to be asked so he had rehearsed these exact lines, so much so that it became etched in his memory. He knew his delivery was a bit off but he felt that, at least he gave an honest answer.

His answer was met with a short silence from his interviewers. Mrs. Laura, a stunning blonde with a mature vibe, took the reins and asked a follow-up question, "Why are you interested in this internship?"

Mrs. Laura had long, flowing blonde hair that cascaded down her back like strands of golden silk. Her eyes were a soft, deep green, reflecting wisdom and warmth as they studied Ortega, silently encouraging him to let go of his constraints and relax.

The moment Ortega had walked into the room and laid eyes on Mrs. Laura, he felt a jolt of recognition. Laura Harris, widely known model and influencer, was a figure he had admired for years. Her face was synonymous with elegance and influence, gracing countless magazine covers and commanding a massive social media following. Seeing her in person, in such an authoritative role, had left him momentarily starstruck.

"I'm really excited about landing a marketing internship. I've got big dreams of making it as a successful marketing pro in the business world," Ortega recited, his voice betraying a hint of nerves. He noticed a flicker of disappointment cross Laura's face, though she hid it well, urging him on with a kind smile.

Taking a breath, he continued, trying to channel some of her composed energy. "I'm eager to learn from top firms like yours how they create and execute marketing plans for their products and services."

Laura's reputation as a savvy businesswoman preceded her, and Ortega felt a renewed determination to impress her. This was more than just an interview; it was a chance to learn from one of the best in both the modeling and business worlds.

He was slowly getting into the zone for his interview, but he couldn't deny feeling nervous. Although he wasn't at a loss for words, his jittery voice betrayed his anxiety. However, his exceptional memory helped him recall his answers with ease.

The interviewers could see his potential, so they asked him familiar questions to ease the tension. Dr. Sylvia and Mrs. Laura overlooked his unimpressive appearance, as they were hiring based on skills, not looks. Nonetheless, first impressions count, and appearance remains an important factor in how someone is perceived.

The managing director, Miss Velvet understood this fact completely. Sitting together with her co-interviewers, she watched in silence as Ortega answered the various questions thrown at him. Her purple eyes were scrutinizing as they locked onto his body language. Although he answered questions left and right, she remained unimpressed by his answers. They felt like scripted lines to her. He was getting off easy and she didn't like it one bit, so she decided to raise the stakes a notch.

"Upon entering this room, I recall your look of surprise," Velvet spoke while intertwining her fingers. "Although our company is well-known, we reveal little about our staff members. So, I'm curious to know, what are your opinions on female leadership?"

Ortega was rendered speechless, the interview had taken a drastic turn and the question asked wasn't something he could answer right off the bat. However he did his research well, he knew about such questions. Going by what he discovered, they were meant to determine how one kept their composure when faced with unexpected twists. If he went by the idea of keeping his composure at the expense of a proper answer, then he would be gravely mistaken as the question required one to think deeply first before giving a personal opinion.

Ortega frowned, beads of sweat grazing his forehead. "My thoughts on female leadership... How do I answer?" He pondered, all the while urging himself to take his time and not panic seeing as he was only halfway through the interview. Minutes passed in silence and the interviewers let Ortega be, thinking his time would elapse before he had a chance to answer. On the flip side, however, they were curious as to what he would say if he managed to pull himself together before the bell.

So everyone waited, Ortega's brows furrowed and the clock kept ticking. Eventually, Mrs Laura had to remind him that he had two minutes left.

Velvet leaned back in her chair, watching Ortega calmly. During their first encounter at the elevator, she had the impression that he was someone who came from a poor background. Although it may have seemed like she was aloof and uncaring, she had observed him closely during the time spent in the lift. After he left, she called her subordinates to ask for his details. The reply she received left her unsurprised. Ortega stood out from the rest of the applicants because most of them were there based on recommendations from powerful families and sponsors, but Ortega was one of the rare few who got in based on pure intellect. This was enough reason for Velvet to be present as one of his interviewers.

She respected those who worked hard to earn their position and that was all she wanted from her employees. However, if they couldn't live up to her standards, she fired them immediately. She had no use for people who weren't up to the challenge.

Ortega opened his eyes and released a breath, his shoulders relaxed and his demeanor changed. He opened his mouth and all three women paid rapt attention.

"I strongly believe that every organization should embrace female leadership. Women have a unique talent for inspiring others, and a true leader isn't just someone who leads, but someone who empowers their team to believe in themselves. Therefore, I firmly believe that women are exceptionally well-suited for leadership roles."

After Ortega gave his answer, there was a moment of silence that felt profound and intense. The women present wore expressions of surprise, disbelief, and appreciation on their faces. They couldn't help but compliment him for his effort. In addition, Ortega's response had a natural flow, and his words were more articulate than his previous answers. Overall, the women were impressed by his reply, which left a lasting impact on them.

"You did a great job, Ortega. I'm impressed by your honesty and compassion." To Ortega's surprise, it was Miss Velvet who spoke, "However, I want you to understand that looking professional is important to succeed in this industry. Based on your appearance, someone might think that you are not suitable to work with our prestigious company. But we are not just focused on glamour; our mission is to provide employment opportunities to those who prove themselves worthy of it. You are intelligent, but you still have room for improvement, and this internship was designed to help you with that." She turned to her subordinates and both gave single nods of approval, and then she faced him again.

"As the managing director, I am pleased to offer you the job. Congratulations! Your work will begin in a week, and I would like you to report to the cubicles by then. Is that taken?"

"Yes, thank you! I'm very grateful for this opportunity, and I won't let you down," Ortega said as he stood up and gave a slight bow. A sense of accomplishment enveloped him, and the feeling was sublime. He was determined to showcase his skills to his employers and leave a good impression.

As Ortega walked out of the room, he heard an unfamiliar ding sound in his head. Confused, he turned around and then a mechanical female voice said, "Congratulations, Host! You have accomplished a great feat by being the first male to ever be accepted as a member of staff in this company. As a result, the universe has decided to reward you with the Alpha Male System." Before he could make sense of what was going on, another ding resounded, and this time, a holographic message appeared before his eyes.

{With this system at your fingertips, you're on your way to achieving great things in the business world. It's the perfect tool to help you navigate your journey towards success.}

Ortega rubbed his eyes, feeling overwhelmed and unable to think clearly. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "So, is this real?" he asked, trying to make sense of the situation. "This is like something out of a web novel. But what does it mean by the first male to ever be accepted? And how does this system even work?" As he spoke, he suddenly came to an incredible realization, and his eyes widened in shock.

"I'm the only guy in this entire company... Damn! Guess I better not screw this up," he muttered under his breath, feeling the pressure.