
From My Life


Birky · Politique et sciences sociales
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9 Chs

words hurt

I wonder if it was something someone said to me that changed me. Maybe it was that time they told me i look weird. Maybe it was that time they said " eww your smile is weird, stop it".

The other in the group did tell that person off but they never denied words they spoke. And let me tell you that person did a good job in stopping me from smiling.

From there on i made sure to not smile for too long.

Maybe i was the time i was being played by a group of girls. Daring each other to say things. I took it serious. They didn't. I was made fun of for the rest of the year.

That was all years ago but it stays with me to this day. Nesting in the back of my head waiting for a chance to come out and put me down again.