
From My Life


Birky · Politique et sciences sociales
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9 Chs


At the moment i am suffering like usual but this time for a different reason. And that is that i want a girlfriend really bad. It seems that everyone around me has a significant other, i overhear them talking about how fun and nice it is having someone that they can always trust and count on.

I want that i want to have someone that i can go and talk to whenever i want, someone that i can cry to when i get those dark thoughts, someone that can just listen when i just have to pour out my thoughts.

I would give anything to have someone like that in my life, they would never have to worry about anything since i would do my absolute hardest to make them the happiest person on the planet. Since they literally are what is keeping me going.

But this is real life and not a fantasy. So guess I'll just keep dreaming of that keeping it in the back of my mind to have a little hope that can keep me going.