
His Emotions

" Hope is the heart beat of the soul"


Jack POV

"The meadow was enameled with sodden dew as the Gaillardias rustled gently in the breeze. A narrow pellucid brook flowed calmly adjacently to the Gaillardias while the crusty trout swam swiftly in it. Tall lilac plant swayed flexibly as I ran pass through them, the air felt exuberating as I circled the huge green meadow. This feeling was just liberating and peaceful that I hoped it would be the only thing which would stay with me forever. I was too engrossed in those beauties of the nature that I completely ignored my dad.

My dad looked peaceful sitting on the mat that he laid beneath the large oak tree, Peanut butter sandwich, cookies, cakes and orange juice scattered in front of him, it was an alluring scenario. My dad was totally engrossed in one of his books on organic chemistry that he failed to feel the soft tab on his shoulder. I was envious to the book for grabbing all the attention to itself and not leaving an ounce for me. I quickly snatched away the book from his grip and put out my tongue and ran around the tree playfully.

My dad gave a hearty laugh as he pretended to be tried of chasing me; those were the best days of my youth. He faked being in pain as he pretended to hold his chest and breathe deeply as he rested his head on the soft grass and closed his eyes. I was too young to notice his fake acting that at that time I really thought he was hurt. I ran fast towards him praying that nothing would happen to him, I slowly nudged his shirt but he was motionless until he surprised me by tickling my stomach. I couldn't hold the tickling as I laughed my guts out shouting for him to stop, I begged him between my laughter and admitted my lost until he stopped and held me on his lap. I was really curious to know what made the book so interesting that held his face glued to it for most of the day, he smiled and showed me a page about the reaction and it was that time I became aware of this trick,"

Sam focused on the road so to prevent any accident to happen and as of me I gazed outside wondering about all things that has been happening around lately. I knew Sam wanted to ask him everything especially about those magical things that happened and I respect his curiosity too but I couldn't bring myself to pour everything about the events to him. I was also ignorant about the trick and I thought that dot painting was useless until those dim lights from the lamp enlightened my brain and made me realize everything. The most alluring thing about this trick was the tracing in the painting and I must say it was really opulent. After tons of thoughts and consideration on the painting, it finally led us to this museum.

The museum was indeed spacious and spectacular, everything was luxurious and majestic. And all those gossip about the grand museum was indeed true. Even though we were aware that the museum will be closed for the day and it would be illegal to trespass after working hour, still then we climbed over the high wall and entered through the back door.

Sam instructed me to go towards the right wing and like an obedient child I agreed to his command considering how capable he is judging from the knowledge of being with him for the pass 3 days. I was off to the right wing admiring everything, those painting were just amazing as it transcendently adorned the wall and brought the exhibiting vibe around this place. I scanned every painting on my way and observed them swiftly without wasting much of the time.

I was walking right at the corner of a painting when I saw monumental object right in front of me. I was fascinated and amazed that I found myself admiring its beguiling structure and artistic form that I someone forgot to inform Sam about it. I quickly regained my mind and contacted him through the walkie talkie. The painting was massive as it hung majestically from the wall and the color in the painting perfectly complemented each other that it was a wonder how the painter was able to make it come alive.

The painting was looked pretty large and amazing, but the cream of that painting was the name "Ophelia," clearly written beneath it. This name made me flashback to that day when Mrs. Patterson sheltered me when I was badly bruised. And I could clearly remember that the painting in her house that hung right at the corner of her stair was indeed of Ophelia. Not only that my dad had this painting of Hamlet and embracing Ophelia which could mean something. At one point I thought this girl in the painting could be Ophelia but when I clearly accessed the painting the girl looked more seductive and it contradicted to the pure and calm Ophelia of Hamlet. It was suspicious and mysterious.

A quote stood right beneath the name and this added more mystery to the painting. I recited the quote for the hundred times in mind until I remembered that particular phrases I read in the book Hamlet, " A ministering angel shall my sister be," it was that exact phrase in the play when Laertes said to himself remembering his sister Ophelia, which actually meant that he would serve and love his sister under any circumstances.

I was considering every possible connection that the painting and its quotes could have with the kidnapping but to my disappointment nothing weave together to give me a perfect picture. I tried really hard to flashback to that time when I discovered the mysterious key, I still remember finding the portrait and the key beneath it but there was nothing much skeptical.

I focused again and recreated my dad study room in mind and to my astonishment there was indeed some vague image projected in my mind about this quote and from what I feel, I think I saw it written in a small font and placed securely in that shelf near the portrait. It was indeed amazing how our sub conscious mind could render help when in need. But one thing really didn't patch up with any information I could think of because it felt too unnatural to find the quotes and portrait in my dad's room unless they already knew before and faked my adoption story.

Sam seemed to always remind me how his aunt loved painting and what most astonishing was that her name was Ophelia too so those information really felt like those puzzle which took time to create but once you get the hold of it, it connected automatically. So from what I concluded Ophelia was indeed my mother and after her disappearance I might have been adopted. But one thing was sure that this painting before me was indeed her work.

One might not feel the pain and hurt hidden beneath me and I won't blame anyone for not understanding me. Remembering those thunderous nights when I craved for warm embrace that would protect me from those scary sound and those times when I saw children's walking with their parents in the park, it made me miss my biological parents more. I would cry silently and pray for their return, not only that I would swear to god that if they came back to me I would learn to be a better boy. Without anyone to support you while growing, I was emotionally and physically drained until adoptive parents came for the rescue. Even though I was showered with love and care there was still some void that needed the presence of my biological mother to fill it.

I have battled myself for a long time and persuaded myself to believe that I needed no one to survive and it was until now I find information about her, she caused havoc within me. And mostly importantly my adoptive dad had more to say something on this story but to my unfortunate they were no more. To add more salt to my wound my mom was already dead and this painting was the only proof of her existence. Sam softly patted on my shoulder and I was really grateful for the mere kind action.

I held the miniature painting and slowly placed in the right hand of the girl and the painting started to drift slowly to reveal a safe behind it. The safe was small and it was finger print password protected. We thought we escaped an obstacle yet we were faced with another. It was quite worrying to be exact because we felt that we were nearing to our goal but we were once again to square one. I was not sure what happened to me but something inside urged me to place my finger on that safe and to our surprise the safe opened.

I was stupefied for a while trying to gauged everything in front me. For all my life I lived believing that they have forgotten me and will never come back for me. I have learnt to move one and forget them but it was my lack of trust and foolishness which underestimated their love for me. They still remembered me and not only that I was the key to everything they were trying to hide. My parents really loved me and I was a coward for not trusting them. Even though Sam gave me that will letter, that stated I might be the potential heir of his empire but I doubted there love for me and I was too wrong misjudge them for they loved me dearly.

This realization hit me too hard that I found myself bathing in tears, I just couldn't stop it. I thought they hated me for leaving me there all alone in that lone orphanage and I believed their promise to come back was just a mere façade but it was not. Their love was genuine and it was warming everything inside me. They had always been looking after me and it was just me blaming them without any hesitance. I cried aloud when Sam stopped me and I knew I had someone alive and important to protect.

I had made mistakes and this mistake has cost me all my happiness during my prime age. I knew my parents wanted best of me that they gave everything to me and I really had to do something to prove their trust. I calmed myself and took out the small diary from the safe and exited the museum with a content expression.

This ends the mezzo volume and next will be the beginning of ending.

Rintatocreators' thoughts