
Crisis on Earth X part2 (+18)

Naruto, Iris, Kara, Barry, Sara, and Oliver were standing in front of the cell of Prometheus as he began to take off his mask, while Felicity walked up

"Oh, my God." Felicity said as Oliver looked at Prometheus in shock

"Oh, my God what? Who is that?" Iris asked

"That's Tommy Merlyn." Sara said

"He died over 4 years ago." Felicity added

"Oliver, who's Tommy Merlyn?" Barry asked

"Thea's other brother and my best friend." Oliver said after a moment before he stepped forward, "We're gonna need a moment alone."

Everyone nodded and walked off to the cortex where everyone else was waiting, "He's a crony." Rory said

"Anachronism." Sara corrected

"That's what I said." Rory retorted

"Lately we've been dealing with anachronisms. It's people and things displaced throughout time." Sara explained

"Ok, but why would Nazis from 1945 want to crash my wedding?" Iris asked

"Crab legs. They were delicious." Rory said

"Well, Iris has a point, though. If they're out of time, they would've targeted the military or law enforcement." Alex said

"Tommy was plucked from 5 years ago and put in the Prometheus wardrobe. That doesn't make any sense." Felicity added

"It does if we're not dealing with an anachronism." Caitlin said beside Naruto

"Visitors from another earth." Naruto said getting nods from Barry's team

"Whoa. There are more than one?" Jax asked

"Infinite." Naruto said

"Wait, I thought there were 52." Kara said

"On any cosmic map there are 52 that have been visited, but I've been making a map of the multiverse to keep my mind busy." Naruto said

"Facinating as this is, I'm hard pressed to think of one where Nazis are ascendant." Stein spoke up

"I can. A placed called Earth-X." Harry said

A video of the Nazis at work began to play, "It doesn't have a designation because it's a place so awful, so horrific, no sane person would ever travel there." Harry said

"It's basically our earth-same history, same timeline- with one crucial and critical difference." Harry said as Stein, and Felicity looked the most put out by what they were hearing with good reason

"So let me hypothesize." Stein frowned, "The Nazis developed the atomic bomb before the United States did, and they were more than happy to use it."

"Yes, the Nazis won the war, and New York, London, Paris, Moscow-all obliterated. The SS set up outposts not only all throughout Europe but also all throughout the Americas, and Hitler continued his brutal reign aided by prime ministers and presidents sympathetic to him until his death in 1994." Harry said

"Now they're not happy ruling just one earth. God. This is making me physically ill." Felicity said walking off

"Yeah, the line starts behind me." Jax agreed

"W-we have to find them. I mean, do you think they're using the breach to hop between worlds?" Kara asked

"That or they're operating from a staging area somewhere in Central City or close by." Alex said

"Well, good thing we have a metric ton of smart people in this building and Rory." Naruto said causing Rory to look at him

"Let's get to work on finding our new friends from Earth-X." Barry said

Everyone got to work on finding the Nazis but came up with nothing before they got word that the Nazis reappeared, and Naruto, Kara, Barry and Oliver sped off

Naruto, Kara, and Barry arrived at Dayton Optical System and had to wait for Oliver, walking over to Kara, Naruto asked, "Hey so we are good right?"

"Wha-yeah perfectly good." Kara nodded

"You sure?' Naruto asked getting a nod from Kara who smiled

"I'm sure," Kara began before they all looked up when Oliver arrived on his motorcycle before he got off

"Just a quick reminder, super speed... I don't have it." Oliver said

"Noted/Right." Naruto and Kara said as Barry just nodded

"So what do we know about this place? Why are the Earth-Xers targeting it?" Barry asked

"Because they had something we need." Nate said walking forward with his mask on along with Reverse Flash, Overgirl, and Dark Archer and Reverse Flash carrying a glass casing with a large red object in it that he placed on the ground

"Whatever you stole." Oliver began

"We're gonna want it back." Naruto finished for him

"Your confidence is predictable. You've faced some of the greatest evils known to man, and you've defeated them, but if you think so highly of yourselves that you can defeat any threat that comes your way," Nate said before everyone watched in shock as the Earth-Xers revealed thier faces, "How do you feel about us?" Nate asked smirking at Naruto

"This is sick." Oliver said

"Do you mean looking at your reflection and seeing only weakness? I agree." Dark Archer replied

"Thawne?" Barry asked

"Direct from Earth-1. Do you like my face?" Eobard said

"It's the face you were wearing when I became the Flash." Barry said

"I thought I'd put it on again. You know, for old time's sake. Plus, handsome." Eobard laughed

"I watched you die." Barry said

"Or did you? It's time travel, Barry. So very confusing. I always seem to be saying that to you, don't I?" Eobard asked

"What the hell are you doing?" Naruto asked causing the others to glance at him as he looked dead at his counterpart speaking in what sounded to them japanese but not at the same time

"Doing what we were always taught to do." Nate smirked

"Tommy killed himself." Oliver said to Dark Archer

"I heard your Tommy died years ago. That's what this earth does. It makes people soft." Dark Archer replied

"We've been watching you. We've been watching all of you and how you've squandered the potential of 3 worlds. On our earth, we've developed a meritocracy. We've accomplished greatness."

"You're perverse." Kara said

"No, Kara, you're the perversion. The most powerful being on the planet rendered weak by saccharine Americana? My pod was blessed to crash in the Fatherland."

"Then go back there." Barry said

"This is not your earth. Leave." Oliver demanded

"I don't answer to the likes of you." Nate smirked, "My allegiance is to the Fatherland and to my wife."

Overgirl smiled as she looked to Nate causing Naruto and Kara to look at each other

"We are here to Naruto to do what you and I were taught to do by those bastards in Konohagakure. After all it is our duty as The Yogen no Ko-tachi."

Oliver, Barry, and Kara looked at Naruto confused, "And how is invading this Earth with a deranged fanboy," Eobard gritted his teeth, as Overgirl and Nate smiled, "an angst filled archer," Dark Archer glared, "and a woman who spits in the face of her kryptonian family," Overgirl glared at Naruto, "Going to help you achieve peace?"

"Simple we are going to kill you and your friends, then everyone in positions of power will be dealt with and the humans will soon fall in line."

"I've heard enough." Naruto said lightning exploding around his body as if he was reeving an engine

"Good, cause I'm done talking for now. By the way, you can call me Godspeed." Nate said as his mask reappeared before he and Naruto sped for each other, Barry, and Eobard soon joined the fight as white/gold lightning clashed with black lightning while, dark yellow lightning chased after red lightning

Oliver drew his bow and aimed am arrow at Overgirl who raised an eyebrow, "And what do you think that's going to do?" she asked amused, "Bullets bounce off of me."

"Oh, this arrow won't." Oliver whispered before he fired the arrow that covering broke apart revealing somehow, someway that Oliver had gotten his hands on kryptonite as the arrow pierced her arm

Immediately Godspeed appeared before Oliver and went to backhand him away when in a crack of lightning Naruto appeared and kicked him away

Godspeed went rolling and flipped back to his feet as his mask vanished showing his lip was busted, "Nice." Nate said as his Sharingan manifested and formed a familiar pattern

"How dare you weild those eyes, with what they took from us." Naruto growled

"I thought it was justice. He took something precious from me, so I took something precious from him. What did you do with yours? Forgive him?"

"I killed him the first chance I got." Naruto said causing Nate to laugh

"Good, maybe your not completly worthless, because there is a version of us that befriended that bastard, and later cut his hair like him. I took great pleasure in destroying that world." Nate smiled

Overgirl ripped the arrow from her arm and flew up to throw it at Oliver as if she were sitting him but Kara stepped forward and used her super breath to push Overgirl back into the Dayton Optical sign

Nate saw this and sped forward ducking under Naruto's swing before Naruto's eyes widened when he felt 98 punches connect to his torso and face sending him flying back into a wall, as Nate knelt beside Overgirl as Reverse Flash appeared

"Get the prism out of here now." Nate ordered and Reverse Flash did so as he grabbed Dark Archer, and Overgirl standing up as Naruto got to his feet,

"I'm pissed." Overgirl and Naruto said at the same time

"Well, take it out on that." Nate said to a building under construction a few blocks away and she immediately used her heat vision to start it's collapse

"It's gonna fall." Kara said before she flew off as Naruto sped away

"All right. Get me over there." Oliver told Barry before Barry sped with Oliver to the building

Naruto and Barry saved the workers as Kara held up a metal frame

"Barry, focus your powers to your muscles." Naruto said

"Wha-why?' Barry asked

"Itll speed up the growth of your muscles and give you a form of super strength."

"What how?" Barry asked

"I haven't looked into the science behind just do it." Naruto said speeding forward to grab a steel frame so Oliver using his arrow with the appropriate wiring could tie them up tightly till Kara used her heat vision and after a moment the building was steady

"The site's cleared." Naruto said at the bottom looking up at the site

"And stabilized." Kara said landing beside him

"Nice work." Barry smirked

"Let's not celebrate just yet. We gave those doppelgangers the window they needed to escape." Oliver said

"Escape with what?" Kara asked

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto was looking out a window as everyone listened to Harry, "Dayton Optical Systems calls it the Prism. What on earth do they need a sub-light generator for?"

"It's basically a spectral emitter that uses quantum entanglement." Felicity said

"You could also use it to create a stable fusion reaction." Wells added

"Ok, which all means what?" Iris asked only for her and Oliver to look confuse as no one answered, "No. Guys, really, I would like to know what you're talking about."

"Well, basically, the device they stole can be converted to a neutron bomb." Naruto said

"I take it back." Iris sighed

"The bottom line is that we have to catch these parallel-earth goose-steppers." Feliciy said before Barry walked up with the kryptonite arrow

"This might help." Barry said

"Is that a kryptonite arrow?" Alex asked taking the arrow as Kara frowned


"I know I shouldn't have to ask this question, but I have to ask this question. Oliver you didn't shoot Kara, did you?" Felicity asked as everyone looked at Oliver who looked uncomfortable

"S-Sort of." Oliver said

"The other Archer and flying woman are Oliver and Kara of Earth-X." Barry said

"When you said that Earth-X was horrible, you might have undersold it." Caitlin said

"Wait a minute. How-how could there be another Kara?" Alex asked

"Well, there are infinite Kara's, just like there's infinite Kryptons and infinite Earths." Harry said

"And the Thawne from our earth is working with them." Barry said

"And they are being lead by Nate no what did he call you Naruto." Oliver said as everyone looked to Naruto who sighed before he turned to everyone

"Why did he call you that?" Barry asked

"Thats a very long and weird story." Naruto said

"We need to know." Oliver said

Naruto sighed, "In my first life my name was Naruto Uzumaki."

"Wait first life?" Felicity asked

"Yeah. On an Earth, Thawn succeeded in killing Barry as a child it had had cosmic level consequences." Naruto said

"Wait, no offense but why would killing Barry affect the world on an Cosmic level?' Sara asked

"Barry is the engine that keeps the Speed Force running through the multiverse." Naruto said

"Wait I am?" Barry asked causing Narito to raise an eyebrow

"You haven't seen the original form of the multiverse?" Naruto asked

"Original form?" Sara asked

"Wow, okay well Nora, and Henry Allen were originally set to live their entire lives and die together of natural causes. Barry would become the Flash in his 30s, Oliver would become Green Arrow after being shipwrecked in an accident that killed his parents, leaving him with Queen Consolidated. Kara's ship would be stuck in space for 2 decades before her cousin found her and took here to learn about her powers and Earth culture on the farm he was raised on. As far as I know there wasn't a Harrison Wells, Sara Lance, Felicity Smoak or an Alex Danvers. Iris was Barry's wife, and her nephew Wally was Barry's successor eventually surpassing Barry when he was in the speed force before he came back and he and Iris had kids of their own."

Everyone looked shocked at what they just heard, "So we're the abberation." Sara whispered

"Yeah, anyway was in a fight with my ancestor and our space time techniques clashed and resulted in a black hole ripping my planet to shreds before I was reincarnated at Nathan Allen because the Speed Force thought I had the best chance to fill Barry's shoes." Naruto said before he walked to the computer and his hands zipped across the keyboard and everyone watched the monitors as Naruto brought up a map with infinite dots on it

"Every red dot on this map is a planet. This is the multiverse we are in now, every red dot is connected to this Earth." Naruto said before he tapped a button and blue dots appeared underneath the map all having a line between them never touching the red dots, "The blue dots are planets connected to my Earth."

"So your from another multiverse altogether." Harry said observing the map

"Yes, and my multiverse has 431,000 planets connected to it. Earths like Kara's exist in both." Naruto said

"What is the Yogen no Ko-tachi? I remember hearing that when Inwas in the speed force." Barry said

"The Yogen no Ko-tachi, The Child of Prophecy destined to bring peace or destruction to the world. A wonderful status for the gods." Naruto frowned

"Gods? Y-you've met Gods?" Iris asked

"Longer story." Naruto said with a sigh as he sat down, "My counterpart is in posession of some very dangerous eyes, so when his eyes are red and black do not look him in the eyes for to long."

"We need to find them." Oliver said as everyone composed themselves

"Ok, if that arrow has not-so-Supergirl's blood on it, we c-" Felicity began

"We could track it using quantum analysis." Caitlin finished

"We could but, I think I might have a quicker way." Alex said taking the arrow and analyzing the blood, "These red blood cells are suffused with shortwave radiation."

"Solar radiation?" Caitlin asked

"Yeah, incredibly high amounts. Like nothing I've ever seen." Alex nodded

"Can you track it?" Barry asked Felicity

"Well, I once caught a deranged serial killer off his face cream, so." Felicity said getting nods all around

"Heh! Let's just do it and fast." Naruto said walking off


Nate was looking down at a pocket watch that held pictures of Minato and Kushina, along with a photo of Nora, and Henry Allen


Young Nate was with Henry and Nora watching as generals argued with them about something before he flinched when gunshots rang out as Henry, and Nora collapsed

"Mommy, daddy!" Nate yelled running forward but he was picked up and tossed into the back of a car that began to drive away

End Flashback

Nate opened his eyes after he reminisced when he was taking and drafted into the Reich as he listened to Eobard who was working on the prism, "Will it work?" Overgirl asked

"It will with a few adjustments and a significant power source." Eobard said

"Oliver is on his way to handle that as we speak."

"And your husband?" Eobard asked

"What about my husband?" Overgirl asked

"Your husband has a choice to make."

"Me or the Reich?" Overgirl asked

'That's right. Because we have 2 goals, and my worry is if we can't accomplish them both, he's gonna choose you over a second earth flying under our banner." Eobard said before a sword of lightning extended and ran him through pinning Eobard to the wall

"Our banner?" Nate asked walking forward as Eobard groaned feeling him body go numb

"S-sorry I outspoke." Eobard said

"Yes you did. You are here to save my wife's life, and after you do that, we are going to take this world as our own. You are not one of us, so don't make the mistake of thinking you are. If you can't hold your end of the bargain, your dead."

"I can hold my end." Eobard said

"Than stop worrying about my relationships and do your job." Nate stated

"Yes Furher." Eobard said before he was released and gasped

"Get to work, and unless it's important information we need to know keep your mouth shut. Your voice annoys me." Nate said walking off

Eobard glared after Nate, he would've tried to kill him but Nate was much faster than him and his other abilities made him all the more dangerous

Nate stopped up at the rooftop when Overgirl walked up to him, "Are you alright, my love?" Overgirl asked

"I'm fine, sooner Thawn has the prism ready, we move forward with our plan and conquer this Earth and every other Earth we set our sights on, bringing about peace on a multiversal scale."

"And Thawn?" Overgirl asked

"He would've outlived his usefulness, and every one to carrying the name Thawn will pay for the crime he committed of killing Nora Allen. We will wipe his bloodline from the multiverse completely." Nate said before he sighed, and turned to his wife, "Enough of the fan boy, are you feeling alright?"

"I can hold off long enough." Overgirl said taking Nate's face in her hands, and the two kissed passionately and pulled away looking each other in the eye before Nate gripped Overgirl's ass cheeks and lifted her up causing the Earth-X kryptonian to wrap her legs around her husband


The scientist all sighed as they sat in the med lab trying to track Overgirl, as Mick sat on the bed drinking a beer "Maybe tracking her off of face cream would've been easier." Caitlin sighed

"Supergirl-X's blood is filled with solar radiation more than it should be but if I could try to get that to act as a kind of beacon." Wells theorized as Mick walked over to stand behind Caitlin

"Hey, ahem. How do you do it?" Mick asked

"Do what, Rory?" Caitlin asked

"Bring the other you out of you." Mick said

"You don't want to know." Caitlin replied

"Sure I do." Mick pressed causing Caitlin to sigh

"It happens when I am scared or angry."

"Oh. So if I were to, um, boo!" Rory yelled slamming a hand on the desk causing everyone to look at him before in a flash of lightning he was grabbed and dropped in the kitchen while Naruto walked back onto the room just as Harry slapped his desk

"Boom." Harry said getting their attention, "Whatever's going on with Kara-X's blood, it's intensifying."

"Worse for her is better for us." Felicity said

"Better for us for tracking her at least." Harry nodded

Unknown House

A couple laid dead in the living room, as upstairs in their bedroom, Overgirl lifted herself up from the bed and positioned her dripping womanhood over Nate's cock, before she slowly lowered herself grinding her pussy directly against the head of his penis causing her to let out a moan from the heat she was now feeling against her tender lower body. She slowly lowered herself more and more down on his unyielding dick.

Overgirl moaned as she kept going lower and lower until she finally she was able to get all of him inside her when he bottomed out in her. She never felt so full as she did right now and could even feel him touching against her cervix. She moaned as she stroked her stomach right where she can feel him slightly penetrating through her stomach

Overgirl moaned as Nate smirked as she kissed him while slowly she rose until only the head of his thick dick was still in her before she then dropped down and pierce herself on him

Overgirl couldn't help but gasp and try to catch her breath as an intense wave of pleasure and fullness flooded her senses, and slowly she began to get into a rhythm before she was vigorously bouncing on Nate's dick

"O-h Nate. Fuck!" Overgirl moaned out to Nate as she leaned over and rocked her lower half on his hard dick making it flood her insides with pleasure and the feeling of something hot and long striking against her core

Nate took this as a sign to get a let a bit loose as he gripped her plump ass cheeks as best as he could as he then leaned up and started to pump into her himself while sucking on her tits with extra vigor. He made her go much faster with more force as he felt his girth start to stroke against her cervix with each powerful thrust. He smirked as he saw her have a mix of pleasure as they glowed blue for a moment but the constant moaning and the way her pussy was soaking his dick in her juices kept him going

"Nate! Don't stop, Fuck I am so full, faster!" Overgirl said as she let out a loud moan before she tensed and trembled "I-I think I just came! " Overgirl said as she gripped Nate's shoulders as blood slid down his back from her nails piercing his skin

Overgirl continued to ride her man's dick but she moaned laughing when he sped her to a dresser and turned her around so she was leaning her hands against it as they looked at themselves in the mirror

Before with a pleased sigh Nate bottomed out in her in one thrust. He then started to pound into her like he was trying to break her as he took control of the pace. Overgirl was breathless as she screamed in pleasure before she felt him slap her ass cheeks before he grabbed onto her blonde hair causing her to arch her back

Nate used her hair to pull Overgirl's weight back on his dick only to be met with the force of his thrust as he could feel her try to tighten on his dick to keep him inside of her but he kept thrusting more and more loving the sight as he watched her ass jiggled each time his pelvis crash into her as he felt his balls getting soaked as Overgirl leaked onto him

"I bet that bitch can't please like I can." Overgirl said as while she may be the strongest person on Earth-X her husband was a close second and was able to outlast her in stamina so he found other partners to satisfy himself, Kara didn't care much but she did kill a few who had gotten pregnant with his child like Moira, and Thea Queen, along with Sara, and Laurel Lance and Eliza Danvers to name a few

"None comes before my wife." Nate growled as he began to super speed in his thrust as his vibrating hands groped Overgirl's tits as she began moaning loudly from the relentless pounding before Nate leaned onto her back, kissing her lustfully as he gripped her breast tightly as he sped up even further his body a blur as Overgirl's legs were lifted and her feet were placed on the dresser as Nate continued to fuck her relentlessly

Overgirl was reached her breaking point as the stimulation of every part of her lower regions and the caught up with her before she moaned at the top of her lungs as she came harder than she ever had before all over Nate's throbbing dick that hadn't stopped pumping inside her through her whole orgasm, as her juices skirted on the mirror

Overgirl went limp when she came down from her orgasm and smiled tiredly thinking it was over, only to laugh when Nate sat her on the dresser while lifting up her legs over his shoulders as he leaned forward over her, and kissed her hungrily before he began thrusting again

Uzumaki Labs

Barry, and Iris were in the lab looking at footage of Eobard, "I can't believe he's back. I don't know if I'll ever be rid of him." Barry said

"I know. And I know how much you're hurting." Iris said

"I just keep looking for closure, but every time I see him, all I see is-,"

"Mom dying." Naruto said in the doorway causing the couple to look at him, "You have to stop doing that."

"How?' Barry asked

"He took away one of the most important people in our lives, he wanted to brake you. Your not broken, he failed. You have Iris, Joe, Wally, Caitlin, and all your other friends and family. Focus on that, he can't lord this over you, the more you let him control your emotions the slower you run. You protect what's precious to you, you have plenty where as he has none." Naruto said

"Hey Joe told me what happened. You okay?' Barry asked

"Not really, I don't think I'll ever be okay with losing Joe, but I'm trying to keep moving forward so that I can keep making him proud." Naruto said smiling slightly, "Sorry about the wedding, but I can say without a shadow of a doubt this is the the perfect way to procrastinate looking into dead husk appearing around the city.'

Iris, and Barry's eyes widened at what Naruto said and looked at each other as Naruto looked to the door as Oliver walked in, "We're getting close on a location."

"Cool, I'll go get ready.' Naruto said walking off


Firestorm, Alex, Sara, Kara, Oliver, and Barry were all was ready to go walking toward the exit, "Really?" Naruto asked in front of them, "Whats with the slow motion?"

"We were just," Barry began as everyone glanced at each other

"Montaging." Naruto snickered shaking his head, "Lets go kick our asses."

Naruto clapped his hands and took off with Barry following followed by Kara, and Firestorm while Alex, Oliver, and Sara took a motorcycle

Unknown Building

Kara, and Firestorm flew around as Naruto and Barry sped about before they came to a stop on the rooftop Oliver, Sara, and Alex were on, "Supergirl and Firestorm are sweeping the perimeter."

"It's done." Barry said

"It's wall-to-wall Nazis in there." Naruto said

"Alex and I will take up breach positions on the northwest corner, if that's ok with you." Sara stated

"S.T.A.R. Labs thinks they converted the sub-light generator the Prism that they stole into some kind of superweapon." Alex said

"Speaking of super, theirs is our biggest threat." Barry added

"Agreed. Let's take her out first." Naruto said cracking his knuckles


Oliver walked down the corridor and turned into a room only to run into Nazis, "Halt!" a nazi yelled before Barry sped in and took out the 20 nazis

"Couldn't have left one for us?" Naruto asked walking in

"I'm saving your Nazi selves for y'all." Barry said

"There's no sign of the Prism." Alex said walking up with Sara

"Well, it's got to be here somewhere." Naruto replied

"We got incoming." Sara said causing everyone to look around as 100s of Nazi's came into the room

Naruto turned around and launched a shockwave punch at a group of Nazi's knocking them back before he was tackled and sped out of the room and tossed through a wall

Rolling up to his feet, Naruto sped forward meeting Nate halfway as the two punched each other in the face stunning the two as they slid away from each other

Naruto shot forward but Nate caught his fist and punched Naruto in the jaw slamming him into the ground causing his body to bounce before he made to send a jab but Naruto in mid backflip appeared behind Nate and kicked him in the back of the head sending him stumbling as Naruto turned into a reverse roundhouse before he spun in midair and with his left leg kicked Nate in the face sending him flying back

Naruto sped forward and with a lariat ran Nate back to the room where the others were fighting and threw him into a wall and was about to punch Nate but was kicked in the chin sending him flying up to the ceilings

Crashing through 3 roofs as he headed for the last one, Naruto flipped and placed his feet to the ceiling and with a double axe handle knocked the pursuing Nate back and appeared behind Nate kicking him in the back before reappearing in front of Nate and kicked him in the chin sending him flying up out of the building into the sky

Naruto reappeared and kicked Nate back toward the building and grabbed Nate's leg yanking back up before he began to punch Nate at high speeds before he cocked back his fist and punched Nate in the face sending him crashing down to the ground the force causing a crater to form as everyone stumbled

Nate stood up with a stumble before he wiped the dirt off his shoulders as Naruto landed and sped for him, and he did a super speed side step to dodge Naruto's punch before he chopped Naruto's knee causing him to fall to said knee before Nate delivered a backhand to his head sending him rolling away

Naruto rebounded and sped forward throwing a left hook but Nate dodged it, along with the right jab, and used his own knee to block Naruto's knee strike, and when Naruto tried to sweep his leg from under him, Nate punched Naruto in the back sending him to the ground causing a crater to form around Naruto before he picked up Naruto's leg and launched him across the room into his own men sending Naruto to be embedded into the wall, before in a snap Naruto was gone and Nate found the back of his head being kicked

When Naruto's foot touched the ground he vanished and reappeared before Nate's airborne body and punched him in the gut sending Nate the opposite direction before Naruto reappeared there as well and punched kicked Nate in the chin, sending Nate flying up back through the ceiling before he reappeared beside Nate and made to punch him in the face but his hook was blocked and he was elbowed in the neck causing his body to lock up as he was sent crashing to the ground beside his team

Naruto coughed blood when Nate landed on him feet first pushing him deep into the crater and fell unconscious

Moments Later

Everyone awoke to find themselves chained totether, "Is everyone all right?" Oliver asked

"We're gonna have to work on your definition of "all right," Oliver." Sara said

"Yo, Grey, you good?" Jax asked

"It seems my retirement was somewhat tardy." Stein said

Naruto cracked his neck as he allowed his mask to recede as he and everyone stood up

"Well, here we are." Thawne said walking up clapping slowly, focused on Barry, "This is fun for me, not so much for you. All the times you've killed me, and now here all I have to do is kill you once."

"Enough, Eobard. Enough." Overgirl said beside Nate

"Hey, you might want to listen to her. We know that if you wanted to kill us, you wouldn't have put these dog collars on us first." Alex said

"Now I know what it feels like to hate myself." Kara said looking at Overgirl

"Well done." Nate said as Dark Archer walked in

"It wasn't a problem." Dark Archer nodded before Overgirl suddenly collapsed

"Hey." Nate said by her side in a blink

"The pain, the pain. I don't know how much longer I can bear it." Overgirl panted

"I see." Naruto said getting their attention, "Your girl is being poisoned by solar radiation. You needed the red prism because the fan boy can modify it so that it can mimic the radiation of a red sun, and you hope to play operation with her and Kara so she can live."

"She's the perfect donar." Nate said standing up with Overgirl

"S.T.A.R. Labs is secure." Dark Archer reported

"If you hurt my friends," Barry began

"I did hurt your friends. I really enjoyed hurting your friends." Dark Archer smirked

"Are they alive?" Oliver asked

"They better be, his orders weren't to kill anyone." Nate said walking up to Naruto, "We need your Kara's cooperation. Well, we don't need it. It would be preferable. But for the time being, you are more valuable as leverage."

"How could you do this?" Naruto asked

"Is it that hard to imagine?" Nate asked, "From the first minute we drew breath the world has done nothing but take from us, Obito facilitated in the murder of our first parents. Everyone they trusted to look after us in their steed abandoned us and blamed us for their deaths. Hiruzen played the roll of a grandfather to make sure his weapon was obedient, even letting his villages hunt us down on our birthday to take their pound of flesh before he shows up as the hero, to keep his facade going."

Naruto frowned as Nate's chakra began to blanket the area showing everyone his childhood from Minato and Kushina's sacrifice to the Fox hunts, to when he put his plan into action at the fourth shinobi war when he turned on everyone for his own vision of peace

"The world took from me, so I live for me. We never go back on our word and we protect those that our precious to us. That's is our nindo. Our ninja way." Nate smirked before he spread his arms out, "This is our way of life Naruto. I'm not ready to lose my wife yet. So if I have to burn the universe to the ground I'll happily do so."

"You stay the hell away from my sister." Alex said

"Mmm. Such loyalty. My sister tried to kill me." Overgirl shrugged

"Yes, and we are all about loyalty here." Nate said looking to Naruto, "Aren't we. We say we are going to do something and we do it. Like I told the generals who killed Nora, and Henry Allen to groom me to be the next Furher that I would kill them, and I did that. So I'm going to ask you this once, and once only Naruto Uzumaki, Nathaniel Allen which ever name you prefer. Join me."


"You are the perfect countepart to join me, and trust me there are many. The gods continue to make our lives there entertainment, I've seen so many versions of myself. A version where I'm Oliver's brother but he dies on the Queens Gambit so I fill in for him in Starling City."

Naruto and Oliver looked at each other hearing this

"I've seen Nathan Queen, Nathan Kent, Nathan Salvatore, Nathan McCall, Nathan Mikaelson, Son Naruto. All my counteparts but you and I are the only ones that share the same name, and I have been impressed with what I've seen. You killed your Reverse Flash, did the same to Zoom but you lost your Joe in the process, and from what I've seen this next one is going to be very emotional. Right Barry?"

Barry glared at Nate who smirked at him before he looked back to Naruto, "This is a one time only offer."

"And if I said no?' Naruto asked

"Your Caitlin is what 7 months pregnant?" Nate asked and immediatly lunged forward

"I swear to god, I will,"

"Easy Naruto, I'm not a baby killer. No I will the kid, and force you to watch as I kill everyone one you've ever met on your Earth and kill you after before I go on to raise your child technically my child." Nate said leaning forward so that he was face to face with Naruto, "Say yes, and I'll spare everyone here and on your Earth. I put that on my ninja way."

"Blow it out your ass." Naruto replied causing Nate to laugh before Naruto suddenly yelled along with everyone else as a lightning blade was stabbed through his lung causing him to fall to his knees after Nate yanked his bloodied hand out

"No!/Nate!/Bastard!" everyone yelled lunging for Nate who sighed

"Shut up! He will heal. We Naruto's are a resilient lot, Uzumaki genes are strong. Nighty night." Nate smiled before he held a remote and pressed a button causing everyone to began to spasm as their collars electrocuted them

Unknown Location

Everyone awoke with a groan to see they were still handcuffed in a camp with people wearing jumpsuits, and Nazis watching them before they saw Naruto on the ground and crawled over to him whose lung wound was steaming as it healed quickly before he gasped as he was revived, "Oh I'm going to kill that bastard.' Naruto said as everyone smiled in relief before they helped Naruto to his feet

"Kara. Where's Kara?" Alex asked looking around franticly, "They're gonna kill her."

"It's ok. We're gonna get her back." Naruto said

"We need to figure out where we are first." Oliver stated

"Yeah, about that." Jax said causing everyone to take in their surroundings

"This is somewhat disconcerting." Stein stated

"I don't think this is our Earth." Jax said

"We're on Earth-X." Naruto sighed