
From Earth to a Hellish World

Set alone upon an island with nothing but a system to help you progress, dinosaurs of collosal proportion threatening to tear you to shreds at every turn, and countless humans who may betray you at any time for but a single scrap of food; would you survive? The One True Creator has left his energy behind, mana: the power to create and destroy. The power to become a god. If you became a god, what would you aspire to do with your power?

Cosmictear · Fantaisie
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86 Chs

*System Evolution*

As I stood in the shower, I opened my system search window.


{Input: How do I make you evolve?}

{Response: I can evolve to human form or any other form that you desire. You just need to imbue mana imprinted with your desires into the inventory window. WARNING! If you evolve my form, you will not be able to access your inventory or see your stats for a whole day while I am forming in your soulscape.}


I dismissed the window and then began to form strings of mana and I imbued them with my idea of the woman I wanted my system to be. 'I want her to have black hair like midnight. I want her to have muscles and have a personality that is incredibly focused on working out and becoming stronger. I want her to never nag me. I want her to have a nice ass and decent tits, but nothing crazy.'