
From Depression to Challenging Existence Itself - Part 1

The world itself may at times seem to be against you. Should you brace yourself and accept your fate, or shall you work up the courage to conquer your fate and mend it to your will? Nathaniel Perez a teenager feels like life is against him, but he can't accept that fate and runs away from home. Unfortunately, he wasn't prepared for the consequences of his actions and realizes how pointless everything he has done so far was, but thanks to his curiosity getting the better of him, he has a chance encounter that gives him the strength he needs to move on and be the conquerer of his fate. But not everything is as it seems. There are many things occuring behind the scenes, and many things that have already transpired. And one of those past actions is tied to his true identity as a π°|\. *Please take note the story may progress pretty slowly and updates may not be consistent.

Nalzaar · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

White Tower Executive - Angelica Evans

The girl fires and shoots Agent Ramona in the head, taking his life away right in front of my eyes. His blood splatters all over me and fear takes over me once again. I try backing off, but my legs don't listen to me and I end up tripping, falling on my back. The girl takes a look at me and all I see in her eyes are pain and pity. That very look in her eyes suddenly calms me down after panicking just a second ago.

"Why is a kid like you here? Will you at least tell me that before I kill you?"

"The same can be said about you, you barely look any older than me."

"Be quiet, I rather not be here, but this is the only way I can live. Both of my parents died and I was forced to carry the legacy of my father. If I could leave, I would..."

I notice the girl looks extremely sad and I could tell that she has been through a lot, probably more than any of my friends ever have. I could probably escape from her right here now that she's in her feelings, but I can't help but feel bad for her.

"You can say I'm also forced to be here, although for different reasons than you."


"What's your name?"

The girl just stares blankly at me without saying a word. Well, I would also be surprised if a person I came to kill just started getting chummy with me. Honestly, how is a girl like her part of this world, although I'm one to talk.

"I'm Angelica Evans..."

She looks at me for a second, possibly to make sure I won't try to pull anything while she does something. Noticing that, I put my hands in the air to reassure her. She then reaches into the pocket of her coat and pulls out some sort of black button. I focus my eyes on it and look at some sort of white tower design on it. And then it hits me, she's a...

"I'm White Tower executive, Angelica Evans, successor of the legendary Roy Evans."

I knew it. Katsumi told me how White Tower members have buttons they wear on their outfits. Regular members have white buttons with a black tower, executives on the other hand have black buttons with a white tower, and then the leader of White Tower has a golden button with a white tower with black outlines.

Surprisingly this girl, Angelica, is not only an executive, but also the successor of Roy Evans who was once renowned as the best sniper. I did hear once that he had a daughter that was kept under the protection of White Tower, but not much was ever heard about her after his death two years ago.

Then it came to me, the reason why she says she was forced to live her life like this. Her father was once the strongest of the four White Tower executives and with his death she was probably forced into following his footsteps. I can't help feeling bad for her but, I can't just stand down and let her kill me.

I quickly put my hands down and grab my gun. She fires at me but I roll over. I notice the expression in her face get serious and she then proceeds to start firing more shots. Although this time she shoots with more precision. I still manage to dodge all the bullets but, I feel them touch the hairs on my face. It's honestly such a scary thing, but I have to deal with it.

This is my first time in a fight where my life is on the line. Even though I'm a secret agent, I haven't killed anyone before. Actually, being a secret agent isn't really about killing. Our role is to maintain peace, killing is only ever done when truly necessary.

As I continue to drift in my thoughts, I'm still dodging, and I start heading towards Angelica's direction. If I can get close enough, I can probably beat her in close combat. I start running towards her and she suddenly drops her gun. She pulls out a combat knife which she then swings towards me. Caught off guard, I use my hand to block it, but it ends up cutting through some of my flesh.


The pain from the attack is too much. I never felt this much pain before, even that one time. The pain gets worse all of a sudden when I start feeling the pain that I've been ignoring since my fight with Agent Ramona.


I end up falling on one knee and Angelica walks up to me. She pulls out another pistol that she had strapped on her leg and points it to my forehead.

I can't believe my first mission is already going so bad. Katsumi did tell me that there was a new White Tower Executive, but why the fuck did I end up encountering her just like that. Life seriously sucks. Life is seriously a bitch. The few times it does end up favoring you, it always demands compensation in return by making your life go back downhill.

Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it…


"What's, what's wrong with you?!"

Angelica takes a step back frightened from my laughter, but I don't move. I think I might have lost it as all of a sudden I continue laughing.

"Hahaha, hahahahahaha, haHAhaHa."

At this point I don't even care what happens to me. Angelica tries to shoot me, but she's too scared now. She tries to muster all her courage and points the gun at me and places her finger right on the trigger. Just as she is about to fire, one of Commander Williams's men lands on the same car I landed on earlier. I guess he also realized how hopeless the situation was up there and jumped off too. Angelica quickly turns around and fires at him, but he shields himself with some bag. Upon closer look, I realize it's the bag I had my katanas in, which I probably dropped in the midst of the chaos earlier.

"Hey kid! I got all your gear with me! I heard you're strong, so take it and save yourself! The rest of us have already died and I don't have much longer! So at least save yourself! If you can survive you can probably become an official member."

On second thought, he probably jumped off in a last ditch effort. He's all bloody, and that jump probably made his injuries much worse. Even if we managed to get rid of all the enemies here, he probably wouldn't make it out alive. I don't know why he's suddenly being nice to me, but I feel like it would be rude if I just let myself die here after all he's done.

"Haaa, fine, I guess I'll try to survive. It's honestly a pain, but I guess I still have a lot to live for don't I?"

Angelica quickly turns around and starts firing at me, but I just run and dodge as quickly as I can and start making my way to the car.

I take cover behind the car and ask the dying man to hand me my bag. Me hands me the bag and tells me his last words.

"Thanks kid, and by the way, I'm sorry for the way we treated you before, we were just mad they you were better than us. Can I ask something of you?"


"Can you make sure my dog tag makes it to my family? I don't mind if you don't remember me, but I hope at least my family does."

"I'll make sure it gets there, but can you at least tell me your name?"

He's already on his last few breaths and he knows it. I... I can't help but admire how he isn't afraid of death. Just a while ago I was scared out of my mind and was willing to give up without anyone knowing, but his last thought is to be remembered. I will honor that last wish of his, I didn't really get to know any of these men on a personal level, but I will fight to make sure you all aren't forgotten.

"My name is--"

Right as he was about to tell me his name, one of the armed men from earlier shoots him. I had honestly forgotten about them, but they probably had already made their way down to make sure that they left no loose ends. But fuck, they couldn't even let a man say his last words. He was clearly not going to make it, but they still killed him easily without a second thought.

Fucking bastards! I was just trying to at least get to know his name in order to honor him myself, but you killed him before that. Yeah, I could probably check his dog tag, but I wanted to hear it from him. I went on a mission with nine other men but, I only learned one of their names. Fuck you guys. Fuck all of you!

As I dwelled in my thoughts, two of the armed men approached where I was. And right as they were about to shoot, I pulled one of my Katanas and cut them down.

It was the first time I have ever killed anyone, well I guess also my second...

"HahahaHAHaHA, isn't that so?"


So who was the man known as Roy Evans? Everyone keeps talking about him, but you readers don't really know anything about him. Also, damn, Nathaniel finally lost it. Anyways, I'll post a story arc revolving around Roy's story some day in the future. It'll be called "Memories of a Fallen Soul." The title will be based on a short story I wrote for a class assignment.

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