
From Depression to Challenging Existence Itself - Part 1

The world itself may at times seem to be against you. Should you brace yourself and accept your fate, or shall you work up the courage to conquer your fate and mend it to your will? Nathaniel Perez a teenager feels like life is against him, but he can't accept that fate and runs away from home. Unfortunately, he wasn't prepared for the consequences of his actions and realizes how pointless everything he has done so far was, but thanks to his curiosity getting the better of him, he has a chance encounter that gives him the strength he needs to move on and be the conquerer of his fate. But not everything is as it seems. There are many things occuring behind the scenes, and many things that have already transpired. And one of those past actions is tied to his true identity as a π°|\. *Please take note the story may progress pretty slowly and updates may not be consistent.

Nalzaar · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Michael's Past Part 2

"Like I was saying earlier, I felt so ashamed of myself for leaving and that very feeling was what completely turned my life around. Like you, I started to pursue power. Power became all I strove for. While I remained in Japan I practiced the sword and also honed my martial arts. I did so for 8 years. And throughout all that time though, I sent money to Akemi she can stay in the house and support herself. She did complain about that at first feeling guilty, but she didn't refuse after I asked her to wait for me. After those 8 years I finally believed I had gotten strong enough to be by her side but, I knew my parents were still going to get in our way. I decided to go kill them so they couldn't do anything anymore. I went back to America and killed them and all their bodyguards. I then inherited their money and I started my power hungry streak. I realized the power I held in my hands. Calderon Bray the leader of White Tower came to me and we joined hands. But I kept that a secret. I went back to Japan, to Akemi where we lived a happy not so normal life. She got pregnant with Anabelle while I would be working with Calderon. He had the crazy goal of taking over the world and I helped fund it. Eventually after spending enough time with him and seeing his success I started to get more power hungry and I decided that I would take over the world instead of Calderon. I don't know what got over me, but I really went crazy back then, I--"

"Wait, wait, wait! So you want me to help you take over the world as your personal agent?!"

Michael looks at me and sighs.

"Stop overthinking things kid. No I'm not going to have you help me take over the world, I'm already over that. Besides, I lost the woman I love the most by chasing that impossible goal. Just listen to my story and stay quiet! Got that?"


He still seems shady. It seems like he's trying to please me or something. The Michael I know is always violent and doesn't like wasting time. He seems to be telling the truth, at least for the most part, but I still can't trust him.

"So as I was saying, I started to want to take over the world. I betrayed Calderon and fought him. I could've have beaten him, but Roy got in my way. It was all due to that reason he became an executive. No one knew Roy's strength at the time. He had went missing for a few years and barely had a year back in White Tower. Well anyways, I lost but I still managed to escape them. But White Tower started going after me and targeted Akemi. The Sonobe Clan couldn't let Akemi get hurt even if she was disowned and took us in. There I met the twins who ended up being Akemi's nephews. Over 2 years prior, Akemi's sister was sent on a mission to investigate the Yamakage Clan in where she was captured and raped. The members of the Yamakage Clan are brutal and disregard the feelings of even their own members. Well, the Sonobe Clan asked me to rescue her if I wanted to stay there with Akemi. It seems they were tracking all I had been doing over the years since I first met Akemi and figured out I was good at fighting. I did rescue her sister, but I found her with 2 kids. The Sonobe Clan took the kids in but they were treated harshly. I on the other hand took the opportunity of having the Sonobe Clan's help in order to start building my forces to fight with Calderon. They helped me with my goals and also kept Akemi in the dark while she took care of Anabelle after she had been born. We started fighting with other forces and took over their regions. We kept everything we were doing to a minimum because we didn't want any armies or major forces to find out and get involved. Unfortunately we did catch someone's attention. That someone was Tatsuya Fujii who at the time seemed to be younger than you, a true genius when it came to fighting. 2 years after I started collaborating with the Sonobe Clan, Tatsuya invaded their village alongside 4 men with white Oni masks. Those four are known as the Whirling Blades and are his personal force. They killed many of the Sonobe's forces but ultimately we drove them off. I got into a duel with Tatsuya who I only managed to drive off and not defeat. Honestly, if I fought him again today I would lose. He has most likely gotten much stronger over the years and my age is already catching up to me. Well, due to that fight, Akemi figured out all I had been doing over the years. The reason she was previously kicked out of her clan was because she wasn't okay with killing. She was willing to kill, but only if it was to protect her loved ones. I on the other hand killed for my goal of taking over the world. She tried leaving with Anabelle, away from me and the Sonobe Clan. I caught her in the act and tried to get her to understand me, but she wasn't willing. In the end I let her leave, but forced her to leave Anabelle with me. She left and was never to be seen again. I felt so hurt from that and quit fighting and ended my pursuit of world conquest. I finally realized how stupid that goal was impossible after Tatsuya's attack. Not only did he hold his own against me at a young age, I also split my family apart. The Sonobe Clan weakened after the fight, was forced to make an alliance with the International Secret Corps who had figured out what we've doing. I was sent back to America where I was imprisoned for multiple charges. The International Secret Corps gave me an offer while I was in prison. If I joined them and helped them out I would be pardoned for my crimes. I accepted their offer for two reasons. One, so I could take care of my daughter, and two, so I could atone for what I've done and hopefully Akemi could see that I'm a different man now. And basically that's my whole story."

Damn, that's a lot, but what exactly does any of this have to do with becoming his personal agent?

"Okay, but what are you trying to say? How does any of this have anything to do with me becoming your personal agent?!"

"I want to put an end to all those evil people I've mentioned in my story. Tatsuya, Calderon, and the Yamakages. Even other forces I never had a chance to interact with. I want to show Akemi I'm a changed man and I'm going to do that by getting rid of all those evil bastards. But unfortunately I'm too old now and long past my prime. That's where you come in. You're young and you're a genius. If anyone could do what I can't, it's you."

"So you want me to deal with all these people in your place? Haaah, I'll do it, but I still don't trust you. I feel like there's more to this than you're letting on."

"I don't care if you trust me or not, all I care about is you dealing with them. As long as you help me with that, I can let you use any of my weapons. Anyways, you and I'll will both benefit."



I honestly don't trust that man. I'm getting the feeling there is much more to this than he lets on. Also, he told me how he lost the woman he loves to power. I might end up falling in the same path as him and what would I do if I lost Anabelle due to that. No, that's fine, that just means I'm not worthy of her. But I will be one day...


That kid really bought my story. A good lie is one that has both, truth and lies. If I use the kid right, I can regain my power. Even if he can't defeat Tatsuya, he can probably injure him. Once he does I can just finish him off and all those who threaten my control will be gone.

I'll probably have him deal with Calderon first. Calderon has already suffered a lot of losses. If I attack him now before he has the chance to recover, it should be easy. I believe he should only have 2 bases left. The only problem is we don't know where they're at. He's a big fanatic of Japan, so he should most likely have one there. Especially after all the territory that was left behind 13 years ago after I lost it all. Then there is the White Tower members who were caught in Canada, so he might have one there. He might have more bases, but they shouldn't be a problem.

Then after he's dealt with, I should get Nathaniel to deal with the Yamakages. I would've wiped them out myself, but that poison of theirs. Then there's you Tatsuya...


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