
From Depression to Challenging Existence Itself - Part 1

The world itself may at times seem to be against you. Should you brace yourself and accept your fate, or shall you work up the courage to conquer your fate and mend it to your will? Nathaniel Perez a teenager feels like life is against him, but he can't accept that fate and runs away from home. Unfortunately, he wasn't prepared for the consequences of his actions and realizes how pointless everything he has done so far was, but thanks to his curiosity getting the better of him, he has a chance encounter that gives him the strength he needs to move on and be the conquerer of his fate. But not everything is as it seems. There are many things occuring behind the scenes, and many things that have already transpired. And one of those past actions is tied to his true identity as a π°|\. *Please take note the story may progress pretty slowly and updates may not be consistent.

Nalzaar · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Back on Business

Earth, December 1, 2022

It's the first morning of the worst month of the year. I hate December with a passion, but at least one good thing is happening today. I'm finally going back to California after being stuck over here in Canada for over a week.

Yesterday I got discharged from the hospital and spent the rest of the day catching up on anime after two years of laying off. What sucks is that most of these new ones just don't hit the same as the older ones.

I also got a visit from the man in charge of the ISC's Canadian branch. He wanted me to transfer here and stay permanently, but I have things to do back home. Anyways, the Canadian branch is lacking. It turns out the branch Michael is in charge of is actually the strongest. Most other branches just stick to the area they're based on, but Michael's branch sends their agents all over the globe. But like said most. There's another branch that's almost as strong as ours that's located in France and focuses on the Atlantic Ocean. I don't know their leader's name though. Most leaders keep quiet about their real names. Michael on the other hand just doesn't care and believes that even if people used that information they wouldn't be able to touch him.

I get up from bed and head to the shower. Once I'm done showering I get dressed and do my hair. It feels so nice being off duty and following my own schedule but it just sucks being alone.

I go head down to get some breakfast and find an agent waiting for me.

"What do you need?"

"A private jet has arrived from the Pacific Branch to pick you up. They want you to try to finish getting ready by 9. They said they don't want to leave any later than 10."

"Got it, I'll try to finish quick."

"Okay, let me go excuse myself then."

The agent just heads off and I head to get myself some breakfast. I probably would have just called room service, but I'm getting back to my lazy self. It took me so much work to get to where I am now, but it doesn't take much effort to lose it all.

I go eat breakfast and then head back to my room to go brush my teeth. Once I finish I grab my gear and start heading off.

I find an agent waiting for me outside in front of a casual looking gray SUV. The agent takes a quick look at his watch and starts walking towards me.

"Agent Perez, if you want we can stay here a little longer. It's still barely 8:39 am."

"It's fine, I'm already getting bored and the sooner I get home the better."

"Alright sir, then let's start heading out."

The agent opens the passenger door for me and I take a seat. He closes the door and then goes ahead and takes the seat behind me. The driver than starts driving off.


It's currently 9:07 am and we just arrived at the airport in Gatineau. We start heading inside and find two other agents waiting for me.

"Agent Perez, this is far as I go. Good luck in your missions going forward."

"Yes, thank you and good luck to you too."

The agent bows his head and leaves. This guy probably heard about my fight with Angelica. He seemed to be trying to be respectful when interacting with me. Well, he seemed like a pretty cool guy.

I start heading towards the two agents and they both bow their heads.

"Welcome Agent Perez, we have been awaiting your arrival."

Both of them seem to be trying to be respectful, but it seems this is on orders. They have a more robotic tone compared to the agent from earlier and honestly it's understandable. They probably have been agents for a long time and now they have to show respect to some 15 year old kid who barely became an official agent. Well, sucks to be them because I plan to get stronger, much stronger.

"Then let's get going. It's time for me to get back on business."

Yeah, California and me have some shitty history, but it's time to change that. I have changed a lot, I'm no longer that weak boy who had to hold everything in. And maybe, maybe I'll pay my family a visit sometime.

"Yes, sir."


It's currently 4:30 pm PST and I'm already on my way to the ISC. I arrived around 10 minutes ago and found another goddamn driver waiting for us. Like I'm not mad about it, I'm just wondering why the ISC has so many drivers. The drivers are just agents who don't really participate in fighting. Some of them know how to fight, but they aren't really a challenge. They were only scouted for their driving skills.

Well anyways, I'm just staring out the window right now because I'm bored as fuck. Free~ me~, just free~ me~; I'm bored.


Well that hell is finally over. We're finally pulling up to the parking lot where I find Anabelle waiting for me. I probably would now start complaining about so many people waiting for me, but you know... it's Anabelle.

Once the driver finally parks I just quickly get off and make my way to Anabelle who has a serious look on her face.

"I heard you were seriously injured, why didn't you say anything?!" 'I was seriously worried about you, don't you get that?'

What?! I'm hearing her thoughts the same way I heard Angelica's. Something is definitely going on with me, but what is it? Well... forget it.

"Ummm, did you forget I don't have a phone?"

"Oh right... wait, then how did you get in contact with my dad?" 'That's suspicious. How were you able to get in contact with my dad and not with me?'

"Oh,. yeah, ummm, I borrowed someone's phone and got in contact with Secretary Blake. She gave me her number in case of emergencies. And well, you never gave me your number."

"..." 'I guess he has a point.'

Well now that I'm done with this hurdle I guess I'll go get some lunch beca--

"Oh yeah! I'll ask my dad if he can allow you to get a phone. I know he didn't let you get one before because you were suspicious, but now you're an official member so he should finally let you." 'Then I can give you my number and then we can talk at anytime. Maybe before we go to bed or when you're on a mission--'

While Anabelle is stuck in her I thoughts I just start to chuckle. It's just kind of funny how innocent she is.

"What's so funny?!" 'Is there something on my face?! Or is it something else?!'

I think I might actually enjoy this ability. But I have to save that for later.

"Don't worry about it. Anyways, I have to go to talk to your father, so I'll talk to you later."

"Well, okay..." 'He just came back and he already wants to go talk to my dad. He wants to do something again, especially after he got hurt! What an idiot!'

You're right Anabelle, but this is the path I chose. I will become stronger and show all those who control the lives of others what true strength is. I will become stronger.

Oh right, I was going to confess to Anabelle, but I just don't feel worthy of her yet. I'll tell her when the time is right.

I start heading inside and go straight to Michael's office. Once I arrive there I knock at the door at wait for permission to enter.

"Come in"

I open the door and Michael looks up at me.

"What do you need kid, or should I say Agent Perez?"

"Well I was wondering when I'll get my new outfit and equipment sir."

All agents get outfits customized that are compatible with their fighting style. And now that I'm an agent I should be getting one myself. Also, I need new weapons and stuff after that battle from before.

"Ahh, that. I already have everything ready except for your outfit and the katana. I'll need your measurements so I can order your outfit. But send it through Secretary Blake, I don't have time to deal with such trivial matters. As for the katana, don't worry too much. I already got into contact with a well-known swordsmith from Japan. As a matter of fact, he's actually the one who made the katanas you were using."

"So I'll have to wait until they arrive?"

"Well it depends. Do you want a custom one or not?"

I started to think about it. I custom one would be nice but at the same time I just really need it for fighting.

"Well... I guess. Maybe an all black one will do."

Fuck it. There's nothing wrong with trying to look a little cool. The only problem is it just doesn't match with the other katana I still have.

"Okay, I'll order you two of them, but I'll need the other katana back."

"Huh?! Oh, yeah, sure."

Michael seems to have guessed my thoughts on the matter. But now it's time for what I actually came for.

"Well if that's all you have to say then get lost already, if not make it quick."

"Well, I have one more thing I want to ask sir."

"What is it?"

"When will I have my next mission?"

"Don't worry, you'll have one soon. But for now, you'll have to wait for your orders to arrive."


Well that sucks. I guess all I can do is train for the meantime.


"Unless what sir?"

"Unless I let you borrow some of the weapons I personally own. But I have a condition. What do you say?"

I'm pretty sure that condition has something to do with the suspicioness surrounding him, but...

"What's the condition?"

"Become my personal agent?"


Hmmm... what is all this about? Anyways, like it ? Add to library!

Nalzaarcreators' thoughts