
From CEO to Concubine

Yan Zheyun was born and bred to be a winner. His parents were on the Forbes’ List, he was the valedictorian of his graduating class at the top university in the country, and the icing on the cake was being voted ‘school grass’ four years in a row by his peers. And now, at just twenty-five, Yan Zheyun was the proud chairman and CEO of his very own tech company. But what should have been the happiest day of his life turned into the worst when he heard a strange robotic voice while crossing the road for coffee, just because he couldn’t wait for his secretary to return from the photocopying room. [BUG REPORT #193842347: OTHERWORLD SOUL DETECTED. INITIATING DEPORTATION SEQUENCE.] And then he died. In a very boring, very run-of-the-mill car accident. …except maybe he didn’t. The first thing Yan Zheyun thought after he opened his eyes and found himself in a bedroom that looked like the set of one of those inner palace dramas was: Wow, coffee wasn’t worth it. The second thing he thought after he realised he was now in a historical BL novel and had transmigrated into the body of a tragic beauty who was (about to be) used and abused by his multiple lovers was: I must have opened my eyes with the wrong technique, let me try again…nope, still here. Well. F**k. From CEO to lowly slave, Yan Zheyun couldn’t believe his luck. Stuck in a foreign world and surrounded by crazy tops (respectively A.K.A ‘The Childhood Friend’, ‘The General’s Son’, ‘The Crown Prince’, ‘Some Other Prince’, ‘That Creepy Duke’ etc.), Yan Zheyun realised that his one day’s experience as CEO had not prepared him adequately for this new life of misery. But he wasn’t the sort to give up without a fight so…Yan Zheyun resolutely made up his mind to stay away from the terrifying romantic plot line, try and write himself a new political plot line, and while at it, hug some big thighs, curry some favour with the powerful. And in a dynastic monarchy, whose thighs would be a better choice for hugging than the emperor himself? Liu Yao: …This Sovereign permits you to hug other parts too. Pairing: - This-Sovereign-Looks-Stern-But-Is-Secretly-Kind!Emperor Top VS I-Look-Like-A-Rabbit-But-I’m-Secretly-A-Fox!Slave Bottom - NOT harem, entire story is 1v1 Warnings: - This novel deals with some heavy subject matter that arises as a result of slavery and a caste system. I have added trigger warnings where relevant but just a heads up, the scumbags are called scumbags for a reason! Updates: 21:00 GMT+8 Illustrated By: HAZHE

Queeniecat · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
224 Chs

'Sisters' and 'Brothers'

The chill of first snow lingered in the morning air but the chorus of melodic laughter that echoed from the main chamber of Changchun Palace was warm. The outdoor pit beneath the palace floors blazed with merry fires and as a centrepiece of the room, charcoal burned in a large enamel censer. It was gold-gilt and painted a rich turquoise shade, with motifs of mandarin ducks swimming amidst swirling clouds.

Changchun Palace. The Palace of Eternal Spring. This was the residence of Noble Consort Li Fang, the interim wielder of the phoenix seal and the most splendid woman in the harem. She sat at the head seat in the room, presiding over the other concubines present like she was the empress. In truth, she fulfilled this role in everything but the actual title.

In front of her were two neat rows of chairs, in which the male and female concubines sat, on her left and right respectively. Just like in the emperor's court, right was preferred over left here as well, with women taking precedence over the men in the harem. In the closest position to her on the right was Noble Consort Dou Minying. Although they were of the same rank in the inner palace, Li Fang was of the highest status because the phoenix seal granted her the power to oversee the affairs of the harem.

But it wasn't enough. So what if she was already revered by all as empress? What did she care that all these other concubines would arrive at her palace every morning just to pay her respects? Jiaofang Hall, which was the empress' abode, was still empty.

And it was rightfully hers. If it weren't for that incident, it would have been hers. Every morning, when the inner palace entourage appeared on the doorstep of Changchun Palace to 'hold court' with her, she was reminded painfully of the fact that these favours bestowed upon her were illegitimate. One day, should the emperor select an empress that wasn't her, she would lose everything overnight.

She wouldn't allow this to happen.

Dou Minying brushed gentle fingers over the soft fur on her winter robes. As a noble consort, her attire was the most lavish in the room after Li Fang's but where Li Fang preferred bright, vibrant colours that demonstrated her opulence, Dou Minying enjoyed subtle hues of pale blues and greens. Privately, Li Fang found her choice ridiculous. Dou Minying already held such a prestigious position in court and yet chose to dress as subtly as the fresh-faced newcomers. Did she think she was still as young as the new beauties who would be arriving with the coming of spring? The light colours washed her out and made her refined looks wan in comparison to Li Fang's vibrancy.

Not that Li Fang was complaining. It just meant one less competitor, so far be it from her to advise Dou Minying on her sartorial decisions.

"Noble Consort Li Niangniang," a youthful voice chirped up from the far end of the room, referring to Li fang with the polite term of address reserved for those of imperial concubine rank and higher (1). The speaker was Zhang Qian, who stood close behind Dou Minying. This showed that although she was not yet of imperial concubine rank, she was of a relatively high position already. She was a young beauty, whose father was the Minister of Personnel, an influential member of the emperor's court. It was no secret that her mother had pampered her excessively and she often spoke out of turn. Li Fang would make sure to reprimand her, just enough to exude an air of authority, but not so much that she disheartened the girl from causing a commotion. That wouldn't do. If the harem were too peaceful, how would she ever show the emperor that she was so much more worthy by comparison?

"What is it, Lady of Bright Deportment Zhang?" Li Fang asked, keeping her tone level. She had a suspicion she knew what the foolish girl was about to bring up but didn't see any need to stop her. This was the sort of debate she liked to encourage amongst the harems, subtly pitting them against one another before stepping in to keep order when the time was ripe.

"In response to Niangniang, this little sister heard about the newcomer yesterday night." Zhang Qian directed a cold, mocking smile across the room at the men seated on the left. In contrast to the crowd on the right of the room, the three males were a pitiful few. Each of them had been gifted into the harem by their misguided fathers and the emperor had chucked them into the Zheshan Palace and then promptly forgotten about them. If it hadn't been for the mass promotion the emperor had been pressured into doing before the last selection of beauties, they might still be rotting in there.

But now, Zheshan Palace had a new occupant. Rumour had it, the emperor had chosen him specifically, had even been shameless enough to snatch him from the fourth prince.

Naturally, this was a worrying development for everyone in the harem who was still hoping for their chance to gain imperial favour. One would think that a mere boy pet shouldn't be anything for women to feel threatened by because no matter how much favour the emperor bestowed upon him, he would be unable to produce an heir.

But jealousy was an irrational emotion. And when it came to this young emperor, the members of the harem, especially the veterans who had been with the emperor since he was a crown prince in the Eastern Palace, knew just how dangerous a 'special boy' could be.

Furtive conversation broke out. Some spoke cautiously, others with barely disguised envy.

Li Fang took a sip of her tea to hide the upwards curl of her crimson lips. She'd noted the signs of danger too but in contrast to some of these 'little sisters' and 'little brothers' of hers, she wasn't as worried. Her informants had told her that the emperor had spent the night in Qianqing Palace alone, without any ambitious dancers to warm his bed. She couldn't say why the emperor had decided to bring this boy slave into his harem but she didn't think he was worth fretting too much over.

At least, competing with him wasn't going to be as challenging as competing with a dead man.

A face from the depths of her memories flashed unbidden across her mind, the ice in its gaze colder than the northwest wind. She hid a wince when she accidentally clenched her fists too tightly, cloisonne nail guards biting in the soft flesh of her palms.

"That's enough," she said calmly, once the younger concubines became too excitable. She shot Zhang Qian a look of reproach but there was little heat in it, was almost indulgent, in fact. "Little Sister, you're already a Lady of Bright Deportment, where are your manners?"

Zhang Qian pouted, unrepentant. "But this little sister hasn't said anything wrong," she argued childishly. "This cheap dancer had the guts to seduce His Majesty when none of us was present and now he's so arrogant that he doesn't even think to come and pay respects to Noble Consort Li Niangniang the morning after!"

In the third seat on the right, an elegantly dressed woman lifted her gauzy handkerchief to her lips and giggled. This was Imperial Concubine Hui Shuxian, who had just reached the rank necessary to be referred to as Niangniang too. "Lady Zhang," she said with an amused quirk to her mouth. "Why are you allowing yourself to get so worked up? It was just one paltry dancing slave, who lost favour even before getting it." She reached out for a delicate pastry on one of the plates on the side table.

"Didn't Lady Zhang hear?" the young man in the furthest seat on the left spoke up. He was Lord of Handsome Fairness Chen Qi and he too had an unconcerned smile on his lips, the corner of it curling up just where his alluring beauty mark was. "The poor newcomer didn't even manage to keep the emperor's attention on him for one night, he has yet to serve His Majesty. He was sent straight to Zheshan Palace, chances are, he's going to remain there until death."

Hui Shuxian raised her pastry towards him like she was toasting him with a wine cup. There was a lighthearted twinkle in her eyes as she joked, "I'm counting on your blessings."

The room tittered. A concubine stuck in Zheshan Palace or its equivalent, Chuxiu Palace only had one foot in the door. Until the emperor summoned them or granted them a new residence, they couldn't even truly be considered as part of the harem. If the emperor wanted to dismiss them now, he could do so without providing recompense to their families.

Two seats ahead of Chen Qi, Yao Siya slouched in his chair, gaze vacant and bored like he was far removed from the discussion at hand. He was the highest-ranking male concubine in the harem and the only one to attain consort level. There were rumours that it was because he resembled an old 'friend' of the emperor's in some way or another but no one was foolish enough to voice that thought aloud, not even Zhang Qian.

When he spoke, it was always with a slight drawl, like he wiled away his days in a perpetual state of mild intoxication. He wasn't from a particularly spectacular background, which was why no one could fathom out how he climbed to the position of Gracious Consort, which was one of four desirable positions just below the rank of Noble Consort. Especially since, like everyone else, the emperor didn't spend any time in his palace either.

"Careful, Little Brother Chen," Yao Siya said now, surprising everyone with his sudden input. "The new selection of beauties is taking place in a couple of weeks, who knows whether the emperor will carry out another mass promotion on a whim? And if this new little brother of ours is great enough a beauty to attract His Majesty's attention, who is to say you wouldn't be moving down a couple of seats to the left by the start of spring?"

Chen Qi's face flushed. "You—!" he started before Yao Siya quelled him with one simple, long look.

Here, even a difference of one rank was absolute, let alone the gap between Yao Siya and him.

"All right, all of you," Li Fang stepped in. "Let's not talk about this anymore." She gave them a warning glance. "If His Majesty catches wind that we've been discussing our new little brother so uncharitably, we will all have to face the consequences."

"I don't think His Majesty will care," Zhang Qian muttered. "When has he ever cared about anything besides that person—"

"Zhang Qian!" Li Fang snapped, cold sweat prickling the back of her neck. The flare of her temper now was no longer an act and was fuelled by panic. She could allow them to squabble amongst themselves, forging alliances and making enemies with each other, but she could not let this comment slip by.

'That person', as much as he grated on her nerves, was a taboo topic. She might dare to think dark thoughts about him in the privacy of her mind but she wasn't ready to lose her head yet.

"Lady of Bright Deportment Zhang spoke out of turn and did not behave in a manner befitting of her station," Li Fang announced. Zhang Qian snapped out of her reckless stupor, blood draining from her face as she realised what she'd carelessly said in front of everyone.

"Niangniang," she cried. "This little sister knows she made a mistake." She dropped to her knees, eyes wide and piteous. "Please forgive this little sister on account of it being her first mistake!"

"Your first mistake?" Li Fang said, shaking her head. "If you don't control that tongue of yours, Zhang Qian, you may one day get all of us into trouble." Never mind that Li Fang had been the one to encourage her impetuousness under the guise of a doting older sister. "Little Sister, it's not that Big Sister doesn't want to protect you, but you need to learn your lesson. I am doing this for your sake. Your allowance for the next three months shall be confiscated and you will remain confined to your palace until you complete a hundred copies of the scriptures. Do you accept this punishment?"

Zhang Qian bowed her head low. "This little sister accepts," she said, grateful that it was nothing more serious than that. She knew she was spoilt and had already put her foot in her mouth so many times ever since entering the harem. If it weren't for Noble Consort Li's guidance, she might already have committed an irredeemable fault. "Thank you for your clemency, Niangniang."

Yao Siya let out a little huff of laughter. It was so quiet that no one could detect the hint of mockery in it.

"Well, Niangniang," he said, barely remembering to cover an insouciant yawn. "If there is nothing important, this little brother shall take his leave." He didn't want for her to respond before rising to his feet and giving a cursory salute. Even though it was already winter, he wore his cloak loosely about his shoulders. As he sauntered out, it half-slipped off as he stretched, revealing a slender nape underneath. Li Fang's eyes narrowed as she watched his every move. He was a wild card in the harem, someone she guarded against but had limited control over. For some reason, he was one of the precious few whom the emperor ever paid attention to, inviting him to the lotus pavilion to play chess one afternoon per month.

Li Fang lowered her gaze. She already had so many formidable opponents in the inner palace. Would this unexpected newcomer prove to be yet another one?

Perhaps she had to reconsider his worth after all. It wouldn't do to underestimate anyone.

Why did everyone covet the man and title that was hers?

"This noble consort is tired," she said with a dismissive wave. She rubbed at her temples to alleviate the onset of a headache. "We shall convene again tomorrow. Leave me be now."

(1) For those interested (or confused), I have attached a glossary of concubine titles used in this novel in order of hierarchy. <3 


You can bring a cow to the river but you can’t make it drink.

Liu Yao: You can bring this sovereign to the harem but you can’t make this sovereign—

Thanks so much for reading! This chapter introduces one of Liu Yao’s biggest headaches. Can you guess which ones are going to be Yan Zheyun’s allies and which ones his enemies? :>

Special thanks to: KatS2020, pratikshapawar2541, Luxxx76465130, Professor_slaroM, SmolBabyBun, Frooza_pops, and peaches_april for the power stones/comments <3 this story is fuelled by your encouragement, I swear!

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