
45. Chapter Forty-Five

“Home sweet home.” Nicole gave Waverly a sleepy smile as she unlocked her apartment door, pushing it open and allowing both Joel and Waverly enter first so that she could bring their bags in.

After three days on the road, three days driving almost non stop (they made a stop the night before, for a couple of hours of sleep and a much needed shower), of taking turns driving every few hours, of stopping what felt like every hour for Joel to use the bathroom, Nicole was happy to finally be back in Purgatory, to finally be back home .

The trip back was just as fun as the trip there, maybe even more so. They had been silly, singing at the top of their lungs to whatever song poured out the mustang’s speakers at a volume that was just short of hurting their ears.

They made out like teenagers whenever they stopped for gas, Waverly sitting on the trunk of the car and Nicole in between her legs with her fingers woven in pretty brunette hair. Nicole gave Waverly piggyback rides down the aisles of the gas stations as they loaded up on junk food, bad coffee and water for both them and Joel.

When they stopped to let Joel run off some energy, they ran around with him, rolled in the grass with him and threw the ball for him.

They got to be silly, goofy, and young .

Sometimes Nicole forgot how young her and Waverly actually were. They both had been through so much at such young ages. They had to grow up fast, they had to learn how cruel people and the world was at such young ages.

It was nice to be able to be young and goofy and so damn in love before they had to go back to Purgatory, before they had to start fighting actual freakin’ demons, before life got so crazy, so busy that they wouldn’t have the time to just be together.

The most important, the most cherished thing from their trip back was the way Waverly laughed, high and carefree and so full of life and happiness. It had been sweet music to Nicole’s ears and she hoped to hear it again soon, for the rest of her life.

“Can you go see if Trent picked up any dog food for Joel?” Nicole asked, opening up her safe before bending down and pulling the Glock from her ankle holster and securing it inside the safe.

“Sure love.” Waverly leaned up on her tippy toes and kissed her cheek before heading down the small hall towards the kitchen, Joel following after her happily, his fluffy white and black tail wagging.

Nicole shook her head with a smile at the two. She couldn’t wait for Trent to see how gone for Waverly Joel was.

When both Waverly and Joel were out of sight, Nicole knelt down in front of her Captain America backpack and unzipped the front pocket, pulling out the small velvet box she hid in there after her grandpa gave it to her.

Nicole stood, looking over her shoulder for Waverly before she opened the box and ran her index finger over the ring.

Part of her still couldn’t believe that she had it. She thought it went to Hayley after their grandma passed. Nicole got her grandma’s jade and turquoise ring, the one she fidgets with when nervous, and she just figured that Hayley got the rest of her grandma’s jewelry.

“Trent got dog food and he left you a note.”

Waverly’s voice carried down the hall, startling Nicole and causing her to fumble with the box in her hand before shoving it in the safe and shutting the door quickly as Waverly approached her.

“You okay?” Waverly asked, eyebrow raised and a amused smile on her face as she held out the note to Nicole.

Nicole nodded and took the fold yellow piece of paper, trying to get her rapidly beating heart under control and silently praying Waverly hadn’t seen the ring.

She didn't know when she was going to propose to Waverly and she didn’t want Waverly to know that she had a ring until she figured it out, until she was sure Waverly was ready for marriage, ready to marry her.

Sure, Nicole would marry Waverly in an instant and yeah, they’ve talked about marriage briefly and it was something they both wanted but, they were still so young. Both in age and in their relationship.

And even though Nicole knew that Waverly was it for her, was everything she wanted in this life, she didn’t want to rush them into marriage. She didn’t want to put unnecessary pressure on their relationship.

Nicole unfolded Trent’s note, taking in his neat handwriting and avoiding the question, the curiosity burning in Waverly’s hazel eyes.


Nicky, meet Chrissy and I at the diner for dinner at 6. I picked up everything Joel needs and I also washed your sheets and blanket, plus Waverly’s extra blankets.

See you tonight, Nicky.


P.S. I missed you, you’re not allowed to leave again.


“You know, he’s really sweet, he’s a good man,” Waverly said, eyes shifting from Trent’s note to Nicole. “You helped raise him right.”

Nicole shrugged and placed Trent’s note on the small table by the door. She didn’t disagree that Trent was sweet, that he was a good man because he was.

He was one of the few good men Nicole knew, that Nicole truly trusted. Sure, sometimes his big mouth got him into trouble but, he really did have a heart of gold and he did turn out to be the man their grandparents raised him to be.

Nicole just wasn’t sure how much of a hand she had in the man he turned out to be.

“Trust me, Nicky.” Waverly wrapped her arms around Nicole’s neck and leaned up on her tippy toes. Nicole bent her head and brushed their noses together. “Trent wouldn't be the man he is if it wasn't for you.”

Gentle fingers ran through Nicole's hair, scratching lightly at her scalp as Waverly kissed her softly.

“Since we have the apartment to ourselves,” Waverly said, trailing her fingers down along Nicole’s collarbone exposed by her tank top, looking up at Nicole through her pretty eyelashes with an almost shy look on her face. “Do you wanna take a bath? With me?”

Waverly was nervous Nicole realized. For as brazen as Waverly had been in Nicole's hometown after their first time, Waverly straddling her in all her naked glory, waking Nicole up for sleepy morning sex, she was nervous now and Nicole found it incredibly endearing.

Nicole reached behind her blindly for the door, fingers sliding down the smooth grain of wood to the cold metal deadbolt. With a simple flick of her wrist, Nicole locked the apartment door.

She may be about to lose herself in Waverly Earp but, she was fully aware of the dangers, the demons lurking beyond her apartment door.

In one quick and thankfully smooth movement, Nicole lifted Waverly up, grinning at the adorable sound of surprise Waverly made. Tan legs wrapped around her hips, thin but still strong and muscular arms wound around her neck as she walked them down the hallway and towards the bathroom.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Waverly laughed, light and so full of life and Nicole’s heart fluttered at the sound.

It was just a laugh, Nicole knew that. It was just a laugh that she’s heard time and time again but dammit if it wasn’t the most beautiful thing to Nicole’s ears, the most beautiful sound.

Waverly kissed her jaw, soft and sweet at first then her sharp teeth scraped the underside of Nicole’s jaw, nipping at the smooth skin there and causing Nicole to almost trip over her own feet as she moaned quietly.

“Careful.” Waverly's warm breath wash over her ear before teeth nibbled her earlobe, her tongue soothing over the spot right after. Nicole’s grip on Waverly’s ass tightened when Waverly repeated the action this time a little harder.

Nicole drew in a deep breath through her nose and focused on getting them to the bathroom without tripping and injuring both of them.

Heat stirred in Nicole’s lower belly as she sat Waverly down on the bathroom counter, fumbling for the light switch and knocking over the varies bottles spread out along the counter as Waverly latched onto her pulse point, sucking a mark into the pale skin there, one that Nicole knew would be hard to hide.

Nicole pulled away from Waverly as she found the light switch, bathing the room in a harsh yellowish light that seemed to bounced off the stark white walls.

She had thought about painting the room when she first moved in but the owner of the apartment, a cranky old man Nicole only ever sees when rent is due, had quickly nixed the idea before it had a chance to fully form.

She couldn’t wait to get out of this apartment, to have more space, to be able to decorate her home the way she wanted. Maybe she could talk Trent into finding and moving into a house with her.

Fingers trailed along her jaw bringing her attention back to Waverly. “Where’d you go?”

Nicole shook her head with a soft smile. “Nowhere, I’m right here. Let me get the bath ready.”

She kissed Waverly’s forehead then both of her cheeks, the tip of her nose then finally her lips. It was supposed to be a sweet and quick kiss but Waverly had other ideas apparently.

Waverly grasped the back of her neck, firm but not hard and drew her in for another kiss. This one rougher than the last but no less enjoyable.

Waverly’s free hand moved under her tank top, up Nicole’s back as her tongue pushed its way in Nicole’s mouth, moaning into their kiss when their tongues touch briefly.

Heat rushed between Nicole’s legs, wetness flooded her underwear when Waverly’s nails dragged down her back and she nipped at Nicole’s bottom lip before sucking on it.

Nicole groaned into her mouth, gripping Waverly’s hips and bringing her to the edge of the counter and kissing Waverly with a hunger, a need she’s only ever felt with Waverly, for Waverly before.

It amazed Nicole how easily Waverly was able to turn her on, how easily Waverly was able to leave her soaking wet and wanting, needing Waverly’s touch.

All it took was a few rough kisses and light touches and hazel eyes dark with lust for Nicole’s skin to burn with her own lust, for Nicole to want to drop to her knees in front of Waverly, peel those incredibly tight jeans off her and take Waverly there on the counter, fingers buried in the wet heat between Waverly’s legs and lips wrapped around her hard throbbing clit.

She doesn’t though, no matter how much she wanted to sink to her knees and taste Waverly, feel Waverly come in her mouth, she knew by the way Waverly kissed her that she wasn’t in control here, Waverly was and well, if Waverly wanted her on her knees that’s where she’d be.

Waverly’s hand abandoned its grip on her neck and slid down her sides to grasp the hem of her tank top. She pulled away from the kiss to remove Nicole’s top and toss it somewhere in the bathroom before she kissing along Nicole’s pale neck, flushed with her arousal and slowly fading hickeys.

Nicole’s head fell back and her fingers tangled in long brunette hair as Waverly palmed one of her breast through her black lace bra and she sucked a mark into the top of Nicole’s other breast.

Waverly's free hand trailed up her back again, this time with the intention of unhooking her bra and letting it fall away from her chest, the straps sliding down pale arms.

Waverly pulled away long enough to pull the garment off completely, dropping it to the floor at Nicole’s feet before leaning back in and wrapping her lips around a hard nipple.

“W-waverly,” Nicole moaned, breath coming out in shallow pants, long fingers wrapping themselves in silky hair and keeping Waverly against her chest.

Every flick of Waverly's firm tongue, every graze of sharp teeth on her sensitive nipple sent a jolt to Nicole's clit.

Waverly’s hands are already dropping down to Nicole’s silver belt buckle as she switched to Nicole’s other breast and Nicole knew this time wasn’t going to be like the others.

It wasn’t going to be slow, where every ounce of their feelings, their love was poured into every touch, every kiss.

No, Waverly’s touches aren’t slow, they’re almost frantic and filled with hunger and lust. They’re slightly rough in a way that drove Nicole crazy but underneath it all, Nicole could still feel Waverly’s love in every nip of her teeth, every flick of her tongue against a painfully hard nipple.

Waverly was unbuckling her belt, tugging it from her belt loops roughly and dropping it at her feet before Nicole fully realized what was happening.

Dark hazel eyes looked up at her through thick lashes, pink lips still wrapped around her nipple, nimble fingers playing with the button on her jeans, waiting for Nicole’s permission, her consent.

Nicole nodded her head yes, clenching around nothing as Waverly’s teeth grazed her nipple and she undid her jeans, shoving them and her boxers as far down her thighs as she could from this angle.

Waverly made a strangled noise in the back of her throat as her fingers slid through Nicole’s folds. “God, you’re so wet.”

Her knees threatened to give out when Waverly tapped her clit once, twice before her finger slid lower.

She planted her hands on either side of Waverly, griping to counter until her knuckles turned white, trying to stay upright as a single finger slid through slick folds.

Waverly teased her clit with slow, painfully slow, light touches that set spikes of pleasure up her spine but wasn’t nearly enough to give her the release she needed.

Her hips bucked into Waverly’s hand, trying to find some sort of relief from the ache, the throbbing in her center and she whimpered when Waverly withdrew her finger.

Her whimper turned into a groan when Waverly brought her finger up, coated in a thin, glishening layer of her juices and sucked it into her mouth with a moan.

Nicole let go of the counter, winding her fingers in Waverly’s hair and tugging lightly until Waverly’s head was tilted up, their lips close enough to brush.

“Don’t tease,” Nicole growled then wet her lips and took a deep breath, loosening her grip on Waverly’s hair. “Please.”

No matter how much she wanted to come, how much she wanted to find the release her body craved, she wouldn’t force Waverly, wouldn’t allow the fog of arousal in her mind demand Waverly to do anything.

“What do you want, baby?” Waverly all but purred, her hand sliding down her torso, through the trimmed red curls and stopping just before Nicole’s straining, throbbing clit.

“Fuck me, please.”

The words are barely out of Nicole’s mouth before Waverly surged forward kissing her hard and her fingers are dipping down into the wet heat between Nicole’s thighs.

Nicole let out a low, needy moan into Waverly’s mouth as one then two fingers enter her painfully slow.

She knew it wouldn’t take long before Waverly made her come, not when she could taste herself on Waverly’s tongue, not when Waverly’s thumb found her clit, drawing almost frantic circles against it, not when Waverly thrusted into her faster, fingers curling upward with every stroke, finding the spot that made Nicole’s hips arch into every thrust and her legs shake with the effort of keeping herself upright

With anyone else Nicole would probably be embarrassed with how close she already was, with how she was already clenching around Waverly’s fingers, with how she was already a moaning incoherent mess.

But this was Waverly whom she could just as easily turn into a incoherent mess within a matter of minutes, whom she loved, whom she had never once felt embarrassed with.

Waverly’s pace sped up, curling her fingers at the perfect angle, teeth sinking into Nicole’s bottom lip before her tongue smoothed over the spot.

“Waves,” Nicole moaned, head tilting back, mouth parting slightly as another series of moans were pulled from her.

“I know,” Waverly said, sounding just as breathless as Nicole felt, her kiss swollen lips brushing against Nicole’s neck. “I can feel how close you are.”

Nicole tightened her grip on the counter, trying to hold off her orgasm for as long as possible but of course, Waverly had other ideas.

“Come for me, baby,” Waverly whispered, doubling her efforts. Her fingers thrusting into Nicole faster, her thumb rubbing firmer circles against Nicole’s clit, teeth latching onto Nicole’s pulse point.

It was all too much for Nicole. She felt her lower abdomen tighten, felt herself clench around Waverly’s fingers, trying to draw them deeper. Her arms shook with the attempt to keep herself upright as Waverly’s name left her parted lips in a strangled moan, her hips jerking against Waverly’s hand.

Pleasure rippled through her, starting at her core and ending at the tips of her toes as a new wave of wetness coated Waverly’s hand. Her knees buckled but Waverly kept her upright with an arm around her waist, allowing her to lean her trembling body against her.

“I’ve got you, baby,” Waverly said, voice low and husky in a way that has Nicole’s walls clenching around her fingers again.

Nicole pressed her forehead against Waverly’s, panting heavily as Waverly rubbed her back and eased out of her slowly, drawing another moan from her.

“You’re beautiful when you're coming around my fingers.” Waverly kissed her gently. “Ready for that bath?”

Nicole shook her head and stepped back from Waverly, shoving her jeans and boxer the rest of the way off.

“Later,” she mumbled, grasping the hem of Waverly's shirt and pulling it over her head.

She fully intended to take a bath with Waverly but right now, she was going to carry Waverly into her bedroom, lay her down on the queen size bed and make love to her until the only thing Waverly would be able to say is her name.

“This is nice,” Waverly hummed, leaning back against Nicole’s front and playing with the tips of Nicole’s bubbled covered fingers that rest on her abdomen.

The bathtub was practically overflowing with warm vanilla sugar scented bubbles thanks to Waverly and her nearly dumping half the bottle into the tub. Not that Nicole minded, not when Waverly was flush against her and the hot water melted away the stiffness and aches from three days spent in a car.

“Mhmm,” Nicole agreed, kissing Waverly’s shoulder before leaning her head back against the tile wall and tightening her arms around Waverly, bringing her impossibly closer. “We should do this more often.”

Nicole wanted a thousand more quiet moments like this with Waverly. A thousand more lazy days spent lost in one another. A thousand more bubble baths.

Waverly nodded, tilting her head up just enough to press a lingering kiss to the underside of Nicole’s jaw. “I wanna tell Chrissy and Trent about us, if that’s okay with you? After being so out in the open in your hometown, I don’t wanna go back to hiding, to pretending that every part of me doesn’t love every part of you.”

Nicole kissed the top of Waverly’s head, smiling against her hair. There were moments where Nicole fell even more in love with Waverly and this was one of those moments.

She knew Waverly loved her but there was something about hearing that Waverly loved every part of her that spent her heart hammering away in her chest, that filled her with this warmth that briefly chased away every insecurity, every doubt she’s ever had about Waverly not loving all of her.

“Trent knows. I told him before we left but he already knew, said he figured it out that night in hospital.”

“Chrissy knows I love you, she just doesn't know we're dating,” Waverly whispered, wrapping Nicole’s arm tighter around her and lacing their fingers together, resting them just above Waverly's belly button.

Nicole nuzzled against the side of Waverly’s head, breathing in the scent of almond and shea butter mixed with a hint of sweat from their activities no more than fifteen minutes ago.

“She's the one who convinced me to tell you that I love you. I was scared to because everyone I love dies or leaves and I thought if I told you, if you knew that I was, that I am so goddamn in love with that something bad would happen to you,” Waverly sighed and Nicole pressed a kiss behind her ear.

She knew about Waverly’s fear, knew it went hand in hand with her abandonment issues. She always knew that promising Waverly that she wouldn’t leave meant next to nothing when so many others broke that same promise.

She remembered the night she pulled Waverly over for speeding, the day after her date with Amy. she remembered promising Waverly that she wasn’t going anywhere and she remembered Waverly telling her everyone leaves even when they promised to stay. And she remembered her answer to that.

“I’m not going to promise that I’m not going anywhere, that I’ll always be by your side,” Nicole told her, kissing the shell of Waverly’s ear this time. “I’ll just prove it to you every day.”

“I know.” Waverly turned in her arms, sloshing water and bubbles over the side of the tub and traced a single finger along her jawline, staring into her eyes. “Because you already do.”

Waverly kissed her in that soft and slow way that always sent Nicole’s heart beating rapidly in her chest, in that soft and slow way that always led to more than just making out.

“I love you,” Waverly whispered, her hand sliding down Nicole’s torso and brushing over an already hardening nipple.

“I love you too,” Nicole said, kissing Waverly hard and arching up into her hand.

They made it to the diner at a quarter to six and Nicole cracked a joke about it being one of the few times she hasn't been late to something since she moved to Purgatory.

They almost didn’t make it out of the apartment at all, too caught up in one another, in drawing moan after moan from each other.

Waverly had never felt this insatiable hunger, this insatiable need to touch someone, to make them come over and over, not until Nicole.

She just couldn’t get enough of the feel of Nicole’s soft, pale skin. She couldn’t get enough of the beautiful, sinful sounds that she drew from Nicole. She couldn’t get enough of watching Nicole come with her head tipped back, kiss swollen lips parted, back arched and brown eyes nearly black with lust staring into hers.

As soon as they stepped into the diner Waverly was hit with the smell of greasy fries, of bacon and freshly ground coffee with a hint of the lemon cleaner they use on the tile floors.

There’s a dull roar in the unusually packed diner, created from people talking all at once, silverware scraping against plates, pots and pans being banged around in the kitchen as the cooks rush to fill orders.

Though the diner was packed, nearly every table taken up, Hetty pointed them to an empty booth in the back, accompanied with a wide grin to Nicole and a slightly strained one to Waverly.

They’re stopped on their way to the booth by Nicole’s neighbor Mrs. Johnson, who grinned when Nicole bent down and kissed her cheek in greeting.

Mrs. Johnson patted Nicole’s cheek with obvious affection. “It’s good to see you smiling again, dear. It’s good to see you healed.”

There was something in her tone that told Waverly that she wasn’t talking about Nicole’s physical injuries and she wondered if Mrs. Johnson knew how broken Nicole had been.

“That brother of yours is a good man, helped me carry in my groceries the other day,” the older woman said with a smile, turning her attention to Waverly. “And you, my walks are quite boring without you, Waverly.”

At least once a week Waverly would try to join Mrs. Johnson on her daily walks down main street and tell her about the different, non-supernatural things she learned about Purgatory and Wyatt Earp.

It used to be one of the highlights of Waverly’s week but now, it was something she more often than not didn’t have time for.

“Tomorrow?” Waverly asked with a hopeful smile. It would be nice to do something as simple as walking down main street with one of her favorite citizens of Purgatory.

If possible, Mrs. Johnson’s smile widen. “Of course, dear. Now, go on you two. Don’t let me keep you from your dinner.”

With another smile and small wave, they made their way further into the diner towards the booth Hetty pointed out.

Waverly's heart ached when she realized it's the booth her and Uncle Curtis used to have breakfast at every week.

Things has been so crazy, so busy since he passed that sometimes Waverly forgot that he was gone, that she'd never have breakfast with him again, never see him in his chair at Shorty’s again, keeping an eye on her, stepping in when drunks got too handsy.

Her heart ached at the thought that he never got to know the Nicole she loved, that he never got to see Wynonna return. Her heart ached at the fact that Wynonna would never get to see how much Uncle Curtis loved her, never get to know how much he believed in her.

A hand at the small of her back drew Waverly from her thoughts and she looked up to find Nicole staring at her with a soft smile and concern filled brown eyes.

“We can sit somewhere else,” Nicole said, voice soft and low for only her to hear. “I know what this booth means. We don’t have to sit here.”

She loved that Nicole was able to sense her change in moods. She loved that Nicole knew her well enough to know what exactly gave her pause, what stopped her in her tracks, what caused her change in mood.

She loved that Nicole knew her, that Nicole saw her.

Waverly shook her head and slid into Uncle Curtis’ side of the booth, the olive green pleather seat worn and cracked. “I’m okay.”

Nicole took a seat across from her, placing her hand face up on the middle of the table, allowing Waverly to decide if she wanted to take it or not and her eyes, God her big brown eyes still swimming with concern and love.

Not for the first time and certainly not for the last, Waverly realized just how in love she was with the woman sitting across from her.

Nicole smiled softly at her, just a hint of the dimple on her left cheek appearing and Waverly wanted nothing more than to lean across the table a kiss her, kiss the slight indentation in her cheek.

Before their trip, before she told Wynonna and Gus about them, she wouldn’t have had the courage to actually kiss Nicole in public but now? Everything felt different. She no longer cared who knew about the two of them, she no longer cared what they thought and she was no longer going to hide her feelings, her relationship with Nicole.

She leaned across the table and cupped Nicole’s cheek gently. Her thumb brushing along that adorable dimple, watching with a soft smile of her own as Nicole’s eyes slid closed and she nuzzled into the touch.

Waverly could feel eyes on them but she ignored them and the nerves they produced , focusing solely on the woman in front of her.

“I love you.”

The words are no more than a whispered, said just loud enough for Nicole and Nicole alone to hear.

The words brought a wide, dimpled grin to Nicole’s face as she nuzzled further into Waverly’s palm before her eyes fluttered open slowly and she looked at Waverly like she was absolutely everything .

And Waverly felt like she was everything when Nicole looked at her like that, when Nicole gave her that soft, love struck smile reserved for her.

“I love you too, Waverly.”

Waverly closed the distance between them and connected their lips in a gentle kiss.

Nicole’s fingers wrapped around her wrist, her thumb rubbing soothing circles into the tan skin there as her lips moved slow and almost lazy against Waverly’s.

“You two are adorable,” Trent’s voice carried from somewhere behind them. “But you’re also my sister so it’s kinda gross, so maybe stop? Please.”

Nicole huffed in annoyance against Waverly’s lips before pulling away slowly and pressing her forehead against Waverly’s, grinning.

Unable to help herself, Waverly kissed Nicole again before pulling away and sitting back down in the booth, watching Nicole grin at her brother before the smile instantly fell from her face.

Waverly’s own smile fell when she looked over at Trent and saw the purple and blue bruise around his left eyes.

“What the hell happened to you?” Nicole asked, standing from the booth and holding Trent’s face in her hands. “Who did this?”

“I’m fine,” Trent rolled his eyes, pushing Nicole’s hands from his face.

“He got in a fight with Wynonna,” Chrissy said, slipping pass the siblings and sliding into the seat next to Waverly and giving her a one arm hug.

A hug that Waverly didn’t return, her mind stuck on Wynonna and Trent fighting.

“Wynonna? As in my sister Wynonna?”

“Yup,” Trent said popping the p .